Chapter Three
Robin POV
The team, including me, were currently hanging upside down in an abandoned warehouse. Seriously, why do criminals always hide out in abandoned warehouses?
But this wasn't any ordinary criminal. This was the Joker. And that was dangerous.
At the moment, the Joker was pacing in front of said team, a crowbar in one hand and a pistol in the other.
"Whaddya think Harl? What should we do with the Kiddie League?" Mr. Lime-Hair himself. "What did you call me?" He roared.
Oops, did I say that aloud?
Judging by my teammates horrified expressions, I did. Suddenly Harley was tying my ropes and standing me next to Joker.
"That...was... HILARIOUS!!" The Joker wheezed, Harley joining in, and both glaring at me when I didn't laugh as well.
"Hahaha." I said weakly. What were they doing? Usually they try to torture us…
Now all three of us were laughing. Suddenly the Joker shoved the handgun in his hand into mine, and Harley skipped over to behind some boxes, all while laughing.
All laughter stopped when Harley came back with a bomb. The timer read 5:00, and luckily wasn't moving. It wasn't activated yet.
The Joker remarked in a sing song voice, "Dear dear Robin, let's play a game. The rules are simple. You have to shoot one of your teammates, or all of you DIE!!!! Doesn't that sound like fun?"
Then he skipped over to Harley, started the bomb, and they both skipped out. His voice came from inside the building, he must have put a speaker inside. Which means he would have put a camera too. "Try to escape, and the bomb goes off anyway."
I looked at my teammates. How could I possibly kill one of them? They sensed my uncertainty, and yelled for me to kill them instead of someone else.
"Choose me!" Conner shouted. "I'm immune!"
"The bullets are kryptonite." Joker sang. At this point I was ready to smash that speaker. That plan went out the window.
"Shoot me my friend." Kaldur said calmly, however, Batman's training showed me that even he was nervous. "I am the leader, I am responsible for our predicament."
I looked around at them all. He was the best option. If we could get the Atlantean to the water, he might survive. Might. I leveled the gun at Kaldur. Might. He seemed relieved, while the shouts from the others redoubled. Might. The word echoed in my head. Might. I can't take that chance.
I pointed the gun on myself. Now everyone began yelling, realizing what I was going to do.
"I'm sorry." I told the team through my tears. "This is the only choice."
"No it isn't!" M'gann cried. "Kill me instead!"
"No, kill me!" Everyone shouted a variation of that sentence.
I smiled at that. They were always ready to die for one another. So was I.
"There is someone who can take my place." I told the team. "Annoy Batman enough and you'll find her. And tell Bats that I love him. Tell him to tell all of them that I love them."
"No!" Wally yelled, grief in his voice. "Robin!"
"You'll tell them yourself, you hear me!" Artemis yelled, desperately struggling against her bonds.
"Choose me Robin!" Kaldur shouted in an useless attempt to convince me.
"You can't die!" M'gann cried.
"I'll kill the Joker!" Connor swore.
I looked around, memorizing all the faces.
Wally. Artemis. Kaldur. Connor. M'gann.
I smiled sadly. "Goodbye." I whispered, bit I knew they could all hear me.
Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind, and take the gun.
"This is so very heartwarming." Said a voice that all of us recognized. "But no one is dying today." It was the voice from the clip we have all listened to so many times. The voice who responded to B Superman.
Cliffy, cliffy, CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry I made this so sad, but I am soooo in the mood for agnst. Stay tuned. What will happen?
Bye Bookworms!- Wild_Dragon_Girl
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