"There comes a time that we all are falling. And not just falling through space and time literally like legends. No ! Sometimes we are really so drowned in our problems that it seems that there is no way out. But there is. Trust me ! There is always a way out."
All students were staring at a teen red haired guy weirdly.
"Dude! It is just that there is an ant in our coffee. Not the end of fricking world that you are going all Superhero speech on us, Mike" One said to him.
Mike nervously chuckled.."Of course."
Suddenly before anyone could say anything , there was a loud explosion hitting the walls of school and shattering it like a plastic explosives set to detonate. A guy wearing green armour stands pointing his gun at him.
"Who are you ?" Mike yelled as he was lying on floor.
"Death." He shot his ray at him and there was a explosion.
Catco worldwide media
"Did you see the news, Jon?" Kara asked calling the old Martian immiadietly.
"Yes! But we have got it covered. You are not required yet." He replied and then end the call.
" How are we looking, Alex?" J'onn asked.
"I have already send the extraction team there but all the footage of nearby areas is cleared. It looks like someone doesn't want us tailing him or her ." She replied.
"Hmm! This is no work of amateur. He must have left some marks. He is deliberately drawing our attention here so he or she can focus on somewhere else." He wondered.
"Either way sir, we have got to investigate this?" Alex sighed.
"That is right. You get on with that . I will go and try to catch a lead." He walked away .
Kara's apartment
"Hey not to complain ! But can I go to catco now . This rest is pretty boring." Barry sighed looking at kara as she came through door.
"No! You still haven't recovered fully. We need you back to full power now another psychopath is in city." She sighed.
"What ? Another threat . Looks like you could use a hand..." He tried to stand up but kara quickly held him down.
"Don't you worry about that . Rest! Flash can come later." She smiled at him.
"As long as you are left alone to fighting him , I would." He smiled and then dozed off .
"Such a sweet talker." She giggled and then started working on today's article. Miss grant was kind enough to give him leave but wouldn't accept her excuse to not submit work and that would be horrendous.
Suddenly there was a blue whoosh sound and she lightened up her eyes at intruder.
"Whoa! Relax. I am Cisco, friend of Barry from his Earth. Well prime Earth." He raised his hands.
"Oh! I am sorry. I just thought that you were some villian you know..." She set her eyes to normal again.
"Ha! I don't look like villian certainly. That is for sure. So Barry sent me away cuz he wanted to stay here but I just wanted to give him this." He presented a small device.
"What is it?" Kara asked confused looking at it
"It is a speed aligner. Yeah! I could come up with better name but since Barry has now so fast speed , it will help him maintain his speed according to his state of mind in different situations so he wouldn't crash or get it out if control." He told her .
"Wow! That is brilliant." She exclaimed.
"Yeah! Just didn't feel right to leave him with not even a parting gift." He sighed.
"Aw! It is not like we won't come there." She said.
"Of course! I should get going now." He waved her good-bye going back .
"You have certainly got interesting friends, Barry." Kara said to herself and then got back to her work.
Unknown place
"Hey what are you doing with me?" A boy streched on a steel bed asked.
"Don't worry. It will all be over in a second." Lex Luthor grinned injecting him with a serum as he yelled "no" lur enough to reach anyone but it didn't coz it got bounced back by reinforced steel plated doors.
Do check out this story too. It is updated regularly.
Completed books
Adventures of Max Ryder Volume 1, 2,3
Superflash Collison Course Volume 1,2
Game of Realms Angels Gods and Mortals
Pokemon: The Ultimate Quest
Chilling Adventures of Tricky X
Spice:The East India Company (Pause)
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