Chapter 9: Smallville
Barry was nervous about setting foot on the Kent family farm. Central City has been his home since the day he was born. Without the noise and daily grind of city life, he feels ill at ease. The open farmland and expansive acreage feel overwhelming and he still has to meet Clark’s adoptive parents who by extension are Kara’s Aunt and Uncle. While he can imagine Kara spent a lot of time here with Clark despite living in Midvale with the Danvers, he can guess she’ll fit right in; he knows that he’ll be so out of place. Only when they’re out of the rental car and Kara wraps her arm around his waist does he begin to relax.
“Barry…what’s wrong?”
“I feel like a fish out of water…I’ve lived in the city my whole life and being in these surroundings is just…”
“I know how you feel. Clark grew up on this farm and when you come from a certain way of life like you and I did, a change of environment can be somewhat of a shellshock. I was nervous the first time I came to the Kent Farm as well.”
“You were?”
“Yeah…it was only a brief stay before Clark took me to the Danvers. My first experience with my heat vision happened here. I nearly barbecued a cow.”
Kara’s smile and admission brings a chuckle out of Barry as she looks over at him. He’s still nervous about meeting Jon and Martha, but knowing that she had a similar reaction to the Kent Farm helps him regain his composure. They start walking forward again when the sound of a dog barking hits their ears and the animal comes bounding across the land to jump on Kara and lick her face. The dog’s exuberance knocked her off her feet and into the grass.
“Shelby…I missed you too, buddy. Have you been taking good care of Uncle Jon and Aunt Martha?”
Barry couldn’t help but smile as he watched Kara lovingly scratch behind Shelby’s ears causing the dog to bark again and wriggle his body from head to tail at the attention he was getting. For Barry this was a very domestic sight and had him hoping that when he and Kara get a house of their own, they look into adopting a dog.
“Of course he is Kara. You know Clark wouldn’t just take in a stray if he wasn’t absolutely sure the dog would be a good companion.”
Barry had reached down to pet Shelby when a woman’s voice spoke up from downfield of where they were. Shelby bounded off to walk by her side as she came forward. Upon first glance, the woman was nothing like he had expected. As a C.S.I. he could tell that she had an inner strength and confidence that matched his Mother’s. She was casually dressed in a pair of jeans, work boots and a Smallville Crows sweatshirt. Life on the farm had clearly been good to her as her hair was still a vibrant red, only starting to gray at the temples.
“Aunt Martha…it’s been too long…”
“I know…but I’m sure Supergirl has been quite busy defending the world and I know Kara Danvers has been with her career at Cat Co. Not to mention getting married recently. Hi…you must be Barry Allen…I’m Martha Kent.”
Martha stuck her hand out and Barry immediately took the handshake in greeting. He was still nervous but the woman in front of him had a kind smile on her face and was nothing but welcoming.
“Yes…Mrs. Kent…I have to say that…uh…well…”
“Barry, relax. This has to be your first time away from the city. I’m sure Kara has told you about her first visit…and I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone…I was just as nervous about moving to this farm as you are at visiting it.”
“You aren’t from Smallville?”
“No…I grew up in Metropolis. My father was a lawyer in the city. I never thought that this would be my life until after I met Jonathan in a finance class at Met. U. Anyway, let’s not stand outside here talking, let’s go in the house. Jonathan is excited to see you Kara.”
“I imagine. I’ve missed you two. How’s he doing since the heart attack?”
“It’s been a struggle; we really hated missing your wedding. But come on…you’ve only got one day here right?”
“Right…Barry’s adoptive father booked us a hotel in Hawaii. Let us just get our suitcases…”
“Go on Kara…I’ll get them.”
“Thanks Barry…so Aunt Martha…”
Barry turned back to the car and grabbed the suitcases out of the trunk while Kara and Martha walked back towards the house. Soon they were far enough away that he couldn’t hear their voices except for the occasional laugh that echoed across the fields. As he closed the trunk he felt Shelby sniffing at his legs.
“Hey Shelby…curious about the newcomer?”
Barry kneeled down, extending his right hand out to scratch behind the dog’s ears as he had seen Kara do. His hand was met with an inquisitive sniff before the appendage became the recipient of a slobbery kiss. Barry slowly stood up as Shelby bounded back off towards the farm house. With a quick wipe of his hand on his jeans he grabbed both suitcases and chuckled to himself.
“I guess that means I’m welcome here. Still a better introduction than I got when meeting Clark and Lois.”
When Barry got to the porch Kara was hugging her Uncle Jon as Martha came back with four empty glasses and a pitcher of hot tea. It was December and winter was not far off though the weather was still only just beginning to get colder. Barry could only smile at the quiet scene taking place before him until Jonathan broke the hug and quickly appraised the young man. Likewise, Barry was appraising the older man.
Jonathan Kent appeared to be a mountain of a man, his skin weathered and his sandy blonde hair starting to show signs of gray. His blue eyes had an intensity that spoke of all his years on the farm and hardship as well as triumph in regards to the life he had lived. Like Martha he was dressed for work with a darker pair of jeans with slight tears at the knees and a flannel shirt, unbuttoned over a white t-shirt.
“So…you’re Barry Allen. Clark has told us about you. You don’t look like you’re cut out for the farmer’s life.”
Barry wasn’t sure how to react to Jonathan’s appraisal although Kara and Martha both had to hide a snicker. Both women knew that Jonathan was teasing Barry as he waited for the younger man to speak. For a moment, Barry wasn’t able to reply but when he remembered his first meeting with Clark, he knew he had to show confidence, but any confidence he thought he could muster might just be about to fly out the window.
“Well Sir; I grew up in Central City and this is my first time on a farm. But I’m no stranger to hard work. I’m a C.S.I. for Central City P.D. and…”
“And the Flash. We know.”
“Mr. Kent…I…um…well…”
“Don’t worry Barry. Martha and I have been through this with Clark. We know how important your civilian life is outside of the uniform. Honestly, we’re glad Kara found someone she can relate to other than Clark. You’re family now son, and you’ll always have a place here if you ever need it.”
Barry was immediately grateful that Jonathan and Martha were so welcoming of him. The feeling makes him think back to his vows to Kara and how since he became the Flash he’s been expected to shoulder the weight of Central City with little time for himself. But in this moment, he’s found more family than he ever thought possible.
“Thank you Mr. Kent.”
“You’re welcome Barry; now why don’t you and Kara go get settled in to the guest room…she knows where it is…and we’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”
Barry followed Kara with their suitcases and Shelby also following along. While the room was smaller than the bedroom in his apartment, it had a cozy feel and the walk in closet had enough room for both his and her clothing. Nestled up against the wall was the dog bed Shelby instantly crawled into while Kara took a seat on the queen size bed as he set the suitcases in the closet.
“You still look tense Barry. You okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You’re sure? Uncle Jon and Aunt Martha already seem to love you…this isn’t just about being on the farm, is it?”
“You can see through me so well.”
“X-ray vision…”
Barry chuckled at Kara’s joke before sighing and sitting down next to her, then taking her hand in his. He was worried and it had nothing to do with the farm or Jonathan and Martha.
“Is it crazy that I’m still worried about Central City; Kara? Joe and everyone told us we deserve this, that we need this time away.”
“We’ve earned it. But you feel like we’re being selfish. You know that I feel the same. Joe did say we should go, so did my Mother. While Alex knows; J’onn doesn’t. I’m not sure if he’s come back from Mars yet. You’re worried something will happen while we’re gone.”
“I am too. Despite what my Mother says, the Worldkillers are a dangerous threat. I know Clark is doing everything he can to find them if they are here. We just have to trust that our friends and family will be okay.”
Kara quickly patted his knee before lounging back on the bed. The flight wasn’t long from Central to Smallville, but she never had liked being cooped up in an airplane when she could fly on her own. With a few hours to go until they would be called down for dinner, she extended her arms out to Barry as he laid down beside her, and wrapped in each other’s embrace quickly dozed off. Downstairs; Jonathan and Martha were talking as the latter prepared dinner for them and their guests.
“You don’t like him, do you Jonathan?”
“Who else would I be talking about?”
“He seems to be a good kid. I just remember Clark telling us how devastated Kara was when she thought Barry had died in February. I’m not even going to pretend I understand his powers and whatever this Speed Force that he came back from is…”
“There you go again…being the overprotective Dad…he reminds you of Clark.”
“Yeah…yeah he does.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about him Jonathan. Remember that Clark also told us how impressed he was when Barry stood up to him on their first meeting. And he really loves Kara…I don’t think he’d ever intentionally break her heart.”
“I know…and you’re right, I’m worrying for nothing.”
“Of course I am. Since you’ve got to go into town, why don’t you see if he wants to come along? It would give the two of you a better chance to get to know each other.”
Barry and Kara had been asleep for half an hour when a quiet knock sounded at the door of their guest bedroom. With her super hearing Kara heard the knock and shuffled out of the bed and Barry’s arm that had been draped across her waist.
“Uncle Jon?”
“Sorry…didn’t mean to wake you…the flight must have been tiring.”
“And the battle with a sand monster…what’s up?”
“I...; never-mind. Let’s just say I never really did get used to the adventures you and Clark have…”
“Despite how many years it’s been now, right?”
Jonathan chuckled before resuming his train of thought as Barry got up and joined Kara at the door.
“Yeah, no kidding. Anyway…I have to run into town and wanted to see if you’d like to come along Barry. Forecasts are calling for an early snow and there are a few supplies we need.”
“Yeah…I’ll come along. It’s not every day I get to see how Superman grew up.”
Jonathan rolled his eyes as Barry stepped out the door after slipping his shoes back on. Kara just smirked because as she thinks back to hers and Barry’s first meeting, he impressed her by saying that while all his friends wanted to be Superman, he didn’t have the same thought.
“Kara…your Aunt Martha could use your help in the kitchen. We won’t be gone long.”
The drive to town was relatively quiet as Barry took in the sights from the passenger side window of Jonathan’s truck. Storm clouds seemed to be rolling in from the North and Barry couldn’t help but be concerned. Jonathan clearly noticed and turned the radio down to talk to his companion.
“Barry…you okay?”
“Yeah…I just…”
“I can’t help but think about the time I spent inside the Speed Force and what Kara told me when I came back. I don’t remember much of my experiences but I feel like the danger we were in because of Cadmus was just the beginning.”
“Clark mentioned the rebirth of Cadmus. What they did to Kara…and how you saved her. Listen Barry…I’ve seen a lot that defies explanation since Clark’s ship crashed on my farm all those years ago. I think…”
“That I’m worrying for nothing?”
“No. Clark was the exact same way as you are now in his first couple of years as Superman. You’re a hero and sometimes being a hero comes with carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Just don’t forget that the Flash isn’t all of who you are.”
Barry looked over at Jonathan, knowing that this advice was solid. In his head, Barry knew that this is the same kind of advice his father and Joe would give him. But they were both used to saving lives, Joe as a cop and his father as a doctor. Hearing it from Jonathan Kent was no different except for the fact that he had the same struggles Clark did and had to work through them together as father and son.
“Thanks Mr. Kent.”
“Don’t mention it. You’re a good kid Barry. A lot like Clark was at your age, and he still is.”
Later that evening after dinner, Jonathan, Martha, Barry and Kara sat in the farmhouse living room, with the Kent’s getting to know more about Barry and his life. He and Kara had decided to keep mention of the Worldkillers out of the discussion but the potential threat was still in the back of their minds. The next morning the four woke to an early snowfall that blanketed not only the farm, but most of the state, closing the airports and getting their flight cancelled, along with a call from Joe.
“Hey Joe…”
“I take it you’ve seen the weather; Barr?”
“Yeah…early snowfall. Kara and I can’t even get the rental car going. Looks like we’ll be staying in Smallville for our honeymoon.”
“That’s not a bad thing Barry. You’ve got each other. Be thankful.”
“Oh I am. How’s…”
“Don’t worry about everything here. We’re fine but Jesse had to move Wally’s training into the Speed Lab. We’ll see you soon.”
As Barry hung up his phone he walked into the kitchen where Martha was preparing four cups of hot chocolate. She handed him two mugs and he thanked her before putting on his jacket and stepping out to the porch where Kara was sitting and watching Shelby play in the snow.
“Kara…you okay?”
“Yeah…what makes you think I wouldn’t be?”
“You had a nightmare last night. I tried to wake you but I ended up falling out of the bed when you pushed me away.”
“I’m so sorry Barry…I didn’t hurt you; did I?”
“No; I’m okay. Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about. I can barely remember what happened.”
“What do you remember?”
“Darkness…death…like when you were taken into the Speed Force…”
“I see…my death?”
“Not this time. But something is coming Barry…something dangerous.”
“Kara; when it comes, we’ll handle it. Whatever it is.”
Kara could only smile as she took the mug of hot chocolate from Barry as he sat down and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Neither of them could know what was going to happen, but in the coming days Kara’s nightmares were going to get more intense as the looming threat of the Worldkillers got closer.
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