Chapter 25:Home again
After the threat of Darkseid and his minions was ended, Karen picked up her unconscious cousin and flew him to the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic. Barry watched her fly away before Wildcat placed a hand on his shoulder, garnering the young hero’s attention.
“Kid, I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong about you. When you first spoke up at H.Q.; I thought you were a spy for Darkseid. I’ve never been more glad to have been wrong.”
“Uh…thanks…I think.”
“You should be honored Flash. That’s the closest Wildcat’s ever going to come to giving someone a compliment. We haven’t actually been introduced yet, I’m Huntress.”
Barry quickly shook her hand as the rest of the team began formally introducing themselves. He was in awe that they were all so accepting of him and praising his actions in the fight. Dr. Fate and the Spectre slightly intimidated him, and he had immediate questions for the Green Lantern since he’d just met two other heroes who go by the same name on his Earth. Stargirl, though, was not impressed.
“So he runs fast? That’s not such a big deal. Max here runs fast too.”
“That I do, Stargirl, but the Flash is on a whole other level compared to me. Anyway, I think it’s time we head back to J.S.A. headquarters.”
Wildcat nodded in agreement as the team filed into the jet. Barry was last to follow as he took a quick look back over his shoulder to search for Karen, but she was gone. He just hoped that she found a way to help her Superman get free of Darkseid’s control.
At the Fortress, Kal was strapped down to a table with the synthetic light of a red sun engulfing his body. Despite being on Apokolips these past five years, Kryptonian physiology was still vulnerable to the environment of their home planet. Meanwhile Karen was consulting with Kelex and the hologram of her Uncle Jor-L on ways to reverse the mind control.
“There has to be some way to undo this Uncle Jor. Kal is the most powerful hero on Earth. Granny Goodness and Darkseid may have warped his mind for five years, but I refuse to believe that we can’t get him back.”
“I believe there may be a way, Kara Zor-L. It will be risky and could cause more harm than good, though.”
“Then we have to take that risk; Kelex. Leaving Kal like this will undoubtedly cause more suffering. He may even try to return to Darkseid.”
Kelex could hear the terror in Power Girl’s voice and he didn’t want Superman to remain like this any more than she did. As the droid accessed the Fortress’ most encrypted files, the hologram of Jor-L once again began to speak.
“Kryptonian minds are some of the most enhanced and powerful in the known universe. Millennia ago, the greatest scientists tamed our violent world. But threats were still at large in the cosmos. One such threat came to Krypton just before the Golden Age. His name was Starro the Conqueror.”
As Jor-L paused, Kelex activated a new holographic image, this one a representation of Starro. Karen was immediately confused as to how a creature that seemed to be as harmless as an earthen starfish could control minds, let alone attempt to conquer Krypton. The question was on her mind as Jor-L spoke again.
“Starro is more than what can be seen here. The actual species was known as Star Conqueror. They act as parasites, attaching to a host through the back of the neck or the face leading to complete control over the being’s central nervous system. Starro himself was once a humanoid boy of the Hatorei named Cobi.”
“Kelex, this just seems to be a history lesson. I don’t see any possible way for us to free Kal with knowledge about Starro.”
“Perhaps you are correct Kara. I will continue searching all known Kryptonian databases for anything that may be of use.”
Kelex deactivated the hologram of Jor-L as Karen began to pace around the table Kal was secured too. She was worried as soon as she heard her cousin begin to speak, but he remained unconscious. Leaning in closer, his words were slowly beginning to make sense when one specific word stood out among all the others.
The word crystal immediately set off a realization for Karen. Her transport to Earth had a crystal containing all Kryptonian knowledge up until the planetary destruction and though limited, knowledge of the planet she would be landing on. She could only hope that Kal’s own transport contained a similar crystal.
“Kelex, where is Kal’s transport?”
“Here in the Fortress, Kara. He brought it here after the death of his adoptive father to protect the farm he grew up on. Why?”
“Because mine contained a crystal that held all the knowledge of my Father and Krypton’s history as well as information about Earth. Is it possible that Kal’s transport…?”
“Yes. His did also contain just such a crystal. It is how the Fortress was created and myself along with it. If you are suggesting what I think…the crystal could theoretically restore Kal-L to his true self and erase what Darkseid and Granny Goodness did to him.”
With another newfound sense of hope, Karen rushed to where Kelex indicated that Kal’s ship and crystal were. She quickly found the room, but not a sign of the crystal anywhere. Carefully examining the ship, she unknowingly pressed a hidden button which opened the cockpit allowing access. There in the controls was a seemingly innocuous slot. The device that rose up quickly scanned Karen, and a green light flashed, acknowledging her Kryptonian D.N.A.
The systems of Kal’s vessel began to activate and the slot ejected the crystal she was looking for directly into her hands. Not wanting to waste any time, Karen rushed back to the main chamber where Kelex was studying a display. In the image was a device that she couldn’t make heads or tails of.
“Kelex, what is that?”
“Jor-L and your father referred to it as a memory inducer. Theoretically the purpose of the device is to restore the memories of a Kryptonian in the event of a severe traumatic experience.”
“Yes Kara. The device was never tested as Starro’s victims were never subjected to complete memory loss. Under his control they still knew who they were but were unable to fight back against his influence.”
“But will it help Kal?”
“I believe so. It seems that under the torture and subjugation Master Kal-L endured, Darkseid was unable to completely erase the good man he is. I believe this is evidenced by Kal-L speaking of his ship and the crystal in your hands.”
“But this is all still in theory.”
“Yes, however I can recreate the device based on the specifications included in the holographic files Jor-L has left for us.”
“How long will that take?”
“If I begin now; approximately two earth hours. It will be a rudimentary version, but if we are successful, I theorize that Kal-L will be restored.”
“Then get to it. I’ll be here if you need my assistance.”
Kelex methodically began to work while Karen kept an eye on her cousin should he wake up and still be under Darkseid’s thrall. Though there were vestiges of the real Kal-L in his unconscious ramblings, she wasn’t taking any chances. Meanwhile Barry was back at the J.S.A. headquarters getting to know the real people under their heroic personas. All of them seemed intent on the reveals except for Stargirl; she went off to train for the next fight. Her departure did not go unnoticed by Barry.
“I get the feeling that Stargirl doesn’t like me very much.”
“Relax Flash; Stargirl’s the youngest of us. Feels she has a lot to live up to, she is carrying the legacy of two former members of the J.S.A.”
“Former members? What happened to them; Huntress?”
“The first was her step-father’s partner. Sylvester Pemberton. He was the original Star Spangled Kid and her step-father went by Stripesy. Sylvester became Courtney’s mentor when she found his old costume in her step-father’s footlocker. He passed down the mantle to her just before he was killed by Icicle.”
“Why am I not surprised you have an Icicle on this Earth? What happened to the other former J.S.A. member?”
“Starman, he retired to raise his sons and gave Courtney the Cosmic Staff. Subsequently she changed her name to Stargirl to honor the both of them.”
“I’ve been through watching a mentor die. I should probably talk to her; I might be able to help.”
“Give her time Flash. Before you leave, I’m sure she’ll come around.”
“Okay, so what about you, Huntress? How did you become a hero?”
“It’s in my blood. My Mom and Dad didn’t want this life for me, but I took it up anyway after she died protecting my father from the Joker.”
“The Joker? Clown Prince of Crime? You’re kidding right?”
“I wish I was. Dad had become Gotham City’s Police Commissioner and the Joker came after him, insisting that Batman be brought forth and forced to reveal his identity. Dad refused and the clown pulled a gun on him. Mom had been watching from the rooftops and dropped down when Dad refused. She…”
Barry made a motion for Huntress to stop when she paused as he had a feeling where this was going. The heroine reached up and brushed a tear from her eye before taking a deep breath and continuing.
“She fought with Joker and the gun went off. The bullet went straight through the left chamber of her heart. Robin had been there as well, and managed to incapacitate the Joker. But the damage was already done. Mom died on the way to the hospital with Dad by her side.”
“I’m…I’m sorry…I had to watch both my parents die at the hands of a crazed supervillain as well. But your Mom died a hero.”
“A hero that she wouldn’t have been if not for Dad. She changed for the better because of him.”
“Huntress; who were your parents?”
Huntress could have avoided the question, but chose to answer the question head on. Reaching up, she pulled her mask back to reveal her face. Barry followed suit as the young woman was about to reveal her identity, a show of respect so he had to do the same.
“My father was Bruce Wayne, also known as the Batman. My mother was Selina Kyle. She was Catwoman, a criminal and thief before she and my Dad fell in love and got married. She was acting as Catwoman when she died. My name is Helena Wayne.”
“Barry Allen. Your Dad was Batman?”
“Yes, after Mom’s death he took the mantle back up. But not long after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Wanting to go out on his own terms, he sacrificed himself in a battle with a criminal he had put away years before. The criminal Bill Jensen had been given mystical powers that he used to kill himself and my Dad.”
Helena walked away after that, leaving Barry alone until the Green Lantern came to stand by his side. Barry had actually wanted to talk to the Lantern first, but Wildcat, Dr. Midnight and Huntress were the first to get to him. Barry was even about to follow Helena but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Don’t worry about Helena, Barry. She’ll be fine. She hasn’t talked about the events that made her become the Huntress to anyone but me. She needed to talk to someone her own age. Like Courtney, she’ll talk to you again before we send you home.”
“Thanks, so do I call you Green Lantern or just Lantern? I actually have some questions for you.”
“My name is Alan Scott. Calling me Alan is fine.”
“Okay Alan. So you’re this Earth’s Green Lantern. Are there any other Green Lanterns on this world?”
“No, I’m the only one. Why do you ask?”
“Because I met two men…well one looked like a bird and fish hybrid but they called themselves Green Lanterns also. Since I can apparently travel between worlds now through a breach, I was wondering if you can too.”
“No…afraid I can’t. And aside from after Max arrived here, none of us had ever heard of the multiverse before.”
“Well, I can tell you that the multiverse is real. But there’s still a lot I have to learn about it. So…”
Before Barry could finish, Karen flew in, landing directly in front of him and Alan. She had promised to stay with Kelex but after remembering how Barry had said his Kara had lost her memories, she knew he needed to be at the Fortress.
“No time Barry, you have to come with me. Kelex thinks he’s found a way to restore my Kal, it’s proceeding right now. Come on!”
Karen grabbed Barry by the hand and darted out of the J.S.A. at super-speed. Barry was amazed that Karen could run so fast, even faster than his Kara. Mid-run he theorized this was because she was older when they stopped and she picked him up in her arms. They were out in an open field, miles from nowhere.
“Okay, you better hold on tight Barry. Because I don’t know if you’ve ever flown with your Kara, but if you have, this won’t be anything like that.”
With a jump, Karen was in the air, flying at her fastest. Barry took the chance of looking down to see the world below them going by in a blur. Focusing back on Karen, he shut his eyes and waited for the ride to be over. After thirty minutes, Barry felt solid ground beneath him, but still refused to open his eyes.
“Okay Speedy, we’re not flying anymore. We’re here so you can open your eyes now.”
“Yeah…let me just…just…”
Karen let out a hysterical laugh at Barry and his attempts to regain his equilibrium. She was amused as he finally cracked one eye open and then the other. His first step immediately threw him off balance and he started to fall. Luckily, she was right there to catch him.
“You never have flown with your Kara, have you?”
“Just on our first date, and that was more of just floating in mid-air.”
“I see, sorry about the ice. I should have warned you about the Fortress being in the Arctic.”
“It’s okay. On my Earth it is in the same location. So why are we here?”
“Right, Kelex found a way to hopefully restore my cousin. I think you may be able to restore your Kara the same way.”
Barry and Karen entered the Fortress to see Kal still under the red sunlight but with an apparatus connected to the bed he was strapped down to. Inside was a green crystal which Barry noticed was engulfing Superman in some sort of energy.
“Karen, tell me that’s not Kryptonite.”
“No. It’s an archive crystal. It contains all the knowledge that my Uncle Jor-L downloaded from the databanks on our home planet. Kelex says that in theory it will undo what Darkseid did to Kal.”
“How long has it been going?”
“An hour so far. We know that under Darkseid’s programming Kal is still in there. He was muttering the words crystal and ship repeatedly.”
“And I can see where you’re going with this. Kara once told me she has an archive crystal just like our Kal. If this works on your Kal, you think we can…”
“Perform the same procedure and restore her memories, yes Barry.”
The trio watched as Kal’s body began responding to the effects of the crystal. His eyes, though closed were shifting beneath his eyelids as if in R.E.M. sleep. His fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly in unison. For another solid hour, Barry and Karen waited with baited breath as Kal’s convulsions became more violent. But he was also speaking and they could hear his words. Words that showed he had fought the reprogramming. Finally after another half hour, Kal’s body stilled and his eyes slowly opened.
Karen was by his side in seconds as she hoped for the best, but still feared the worst. As her cousin’s eyes finally found focus, he looked up at her and spoke.
“It’s me, Kal. I’m right here.”
“W-what happened to me? Feels like I got hit by a freight train.”
“That’s the effects of the Red sunlight. We had to take your powers away. You don’t remember anything?”
“Only fighting Darkseid to save you before we were both transported through a Boom Tube. He didn’t hurt you? I stopped him?”
“You did. But Kal…you may want to prepare yourself for a shock. That was five years ago.”
Kal immediately sat up as his adrenaline spiked. Though he was still under red sunlight, the years on the Kent farm still made him stronger.
“Five…five years? That…it…I…”
“I’ll explain it all later, I promise. But we have a guest, and he’s the reason we were able to save you.”
Kal slowly looked past Karen to the man standing behind her in the red suit with a lightning bolt on his chest. He didn’t know who the man was, but he could sense no malice or danger. Shakily getting to his feet, Kal walked over with Karen supporting him, her arm around his waist.
“You helped save me? Kara says she’ll explain it all later, but I guess I should thank you. Kal-L of Krypton, or if you prefer, Clark…”
“Clark Kent. I know. My name is Barry Allen.”
“Nice to meet you Barry. How do you know my name is Clark Kent?”
“Because there’s a Kal-El on my Earth. And he also goes by Clark Kent. I’m married to his cousin, Kara Zor-El. Or her superhero name, Supergirl.”
“Your Earth…I’m not sure I understand.”
“Your earth and mine are all two of many in what is called the multiverse. We don’t know how many Earth’s there are at this point, but Max might. Point is, that they all occupy the same space in the universe but vibrate at different frequencies so they don’t interact. I found a way to breach between worlds, and now I need to get home.”
“Well, we’ll help you in any way that we can. Kelex?”
“Yes Master Kal-L?”
“Did my Father or Uncle leave anything in their recordings about the multiverse or travelling between dimensions?”
“I am afraid not. While Jor and Zor-L were the brightest minds on Krypton, not they or any other members of the Science Council were aware of a multiverse theory.”
Barry got a little dejected with that news from the robot until Karen reminded him of the other reason he was there.
“Barry, we will find a way to get you home. But don’t forget, you need to help restore your Kara. Kelex, can you download the information and specifications on the memory inducer for Barry? He’ll need it so they can construct the device for his Kara when we get him home.”
“Of course, Kara. It will take only a few minutes. Stand by.”
When those minutes passed, Kelex had copied everything Barry would need to know to have the Kelex of his Earth construct the device if his Kara’s crystal was accessible. Shortly thereafter, he, Kal and Karen departed for the J.S.A. headquarters though this time Barry chose to run, following Superman and Power Girl. The Flash wasn’t quite ready for another flight.
While Barry and Karen were in the Fortress, Alan and Max were tirelessly working to discover a way to open a breach to get Barry home. Max even tried constructing an interdimensional transport from his initial theory but the prototype failed immediately. In his frustration, he missed Barry running in as Superman and Power Girl landed.
“Kal? You’re back?”
“I am Alan. I’m glad to be back.”
“Did Karen tell you what happened to you?”
“Not yet, and there will be time for that later. Right now we need to figure out how to get Barry home.”
“Max and I have been working on that. So far we haven’t come up with anything concrete.”
“Well there has to be some way. His Earth and his Kara need him.”
“I have another idea since the interdimensional extrapolator was a bust.”
“What idea Max?”
“Barry, you were running at your fastest and focused on your Kara when the portal opened, correct?”
“Yeah, but how…”
“Repeat the process. Run as fast as you can while thinking about your Earth and her and then…”
“I did that when we tried this already Max. It didn’t work then.”
“Not then, no. But if we try again, and this time with Kal and Karen utilizing their speed in addition to ours, I theorize the breach will open.”
“You theorize that Max?”
“It is the best we can do at this point Barry. It appears you were sent here to help Karen save her cousin and I was sent here to help you once you arrived. Maybe this will get me back to my Earth.”
“It’s worth a shot, Barry. What do you have to lose?”
“You’re right, Karen. Let’s do this.”
Before the quartet left, the rest of the J.S.A. came forward to thank Barry and wish him the best. Huntress gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek for listening while Stargirl was the last.
“Barry, I’m sorry for the way I treated you. Helena told me everything. I didn’t know how much you had lost. How do you do it? How do you keep going?”
“One day at a time. Sometimes we lose the people we love, but that doesn’t mean they’re not proud of us. I’m sure Sylvester and Starman are proud of you. Just keep fighting the good fight. Be the hero they believed in, Stargirl.”
“Call me Courtney. Good luck, Barry.”
“Courtney. Thanks.”
Twenty minutes later, Barry, Kal, Karen, and Max were in the open fields where Barry first arrived. The four stood side by side, ready to run the race that would hopefully open the breach to get Barry home. One by one, they started running, first Kal, then Karen. Max was next as the trio combined their speed. They had run a few circles before Barry felt his own power responding as the lighting flashed in his eyes.
Soon the four of them were moving beyond light and sound as the first energy waves began to crackle in the air. Barry and Max could feel the electricity churning as a lightning storm began brewing overhead. Both speedsters knew what was happening. No matter the Earth or dimension, the Speed Force would always respond to Barry.
After two more circles, two separate breaches opened. One on the right which Barry ran for as Max made for the one on the left. Kal and Karen both slowed until they stopped running, leaving their companions making their way through the open portals. Barry and Max shared a glance and a shouted good luck as they separated.
When Max made it to the other side, he found himself disoriented but in familiar surroundings. As he looked around, he realized he was on his Earth and standing in front of him was none other than Jay Garrick.
“You-you’re Max Mercury!”
“I am, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Jay Garrick.”
While Jay and Max were introducing themselves, Barry was on his way through the breach with only Kara on his mind. The portal showed him their past years together from first teaming up to their wedding day. When he came out on the other side, he landed in the snow of the Arctic. Alura and Clark were there to greet him.
“Barry? Where in the hell have you been? Cisco breached himself here as soon as you disappeared!”
“I was on another Earth; Clark. I can’t have been gone that long?”
“You were gone two weeks. We’ve all been worried about you!”
“Two weeks?”
“Yes, hope your trip was worth it because we still have the Worldkillers to deal with.”
“Have they attacked again?”
“No, but it won’t be long before they do. Brainiac broadcast to the entire world about a Doomsday scenario. Hal and Tomar are doing their best to locate our enemies.”
“Then we’ll handle it when they do attack again. My accidental trip was entirely worth it. On that other Earth I found a way to save Kara.”
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