Chapter 18: Lanterns and Legend
Hal Jordan has been a Green Lantern for a few years now after he was recruited upon the death of Abin Sur. As a former test pilot for Ferris Air, he never could have imagined the places and things he’s seen since that first day he received the ring. He fought Legion, trained with Kilowog and Sinestro, only to have to fight the latter when it was revealed that Sinestro had subjugated his own people and was stripped of his ring. Now Hal is back on Oa after being called to help quell an uprising in Sector 2813. He and Tomar Re worked together to defeat the Dominators, but even they spoke of a greater threat.
“This threat the Dominators spoke of Tomar, do you think there is any truth to it?”
“It is difficult to say, Hal. There are many prophecies of threats around the universe. Some spoke of the Dominators allying themselves with an enemy from the anti-matter universe. Others speak of a cataclysmic crisis that will affect all of reality. Still others…”
Tomar’s train of thought was interrupted as he and Hal were called by the Guardians to learn of the verdict against the Dominators. As they were the two Lanterns responsible for leading the charge and defeating this enemy, they were the only two requested. While Hal had expected this, Tomar was more concerned at what they would potentially learn.
“Green Lanterns of Sector 2813 and 2814, your efforts in defeating the Dominators are to be commended.”
“Thank you Ganthet.”
“But there is an even greater danger in this unforeseen attack, Tomar Re. A threat is coming that once directly affected your sector and will soon affect yours 2814.”
“What kind of threat, Sayd? What exactly are we facing?”
“Tomar Re, do you remember the cataclysm that befell a planet in your sector?”
“I do, Appa Ali Apsa. I did everything I could to prevent the destruction of Krypton; I still believe the Stellarium would have relieved the tectonic pressure in the core. To this day I still mourn my failure.”
“We were saddened to learn of Krypton’s explosion Tomar Re, but as I have often told you, you were not to blame.”
“Ganthet…with all due respect…”
“You were not to blame, Tomar Re. We have long consulted the Book of Oa and Krypton’s destruction was destined to be a fixed point. Whether through outside forces or of their own making, try as we might, we could not have prevented it.”
“Ganthet, you have called us here for a reason. The Dominators spoke of a potential threat in the making. I…”
“So impatient; 2814. In our interrogation of this enemy we have learned what caused the destruction of Krypton before the planet’s time. That threat has been rediscovered and is set to affect another world.”
“What world; Sayd? If there is a chance for me to rectify my mistake, I would appreciate the opportunity.”
Appa Ali Apsa, Ganthet and Sayd each shook their heads in slight disappointment of Tomar’s continued need to blame himself for Krypton’s fate. They know he feels responsible, but for years his guilt has weighed him down. Though they are reluctant to include him, they also realize this may be his chance to forgive himself.
“Krypton’s destruction was caused by more than just an unstable core. The threat that destroyed the planet has been tracked to another sector.”
“What threat and what planet, Sayd?”
“Hal Jordan, the threat we speak of is known throughout the universe as Worldkiller. You’ve no doubt learned of them from the Book of Oa.”
“They were rumors. Their existence couldn’t be verified.”
“But they are real, Hal Jordan. Though they initially were created to defend Krypton, a being by the name of Vril Dox convinced them to switch their allegiance and destroy the planet Krypton. As you are no doubt also aware, Kryptonian life still exists.”
“Earth. My sector, my home. These Worldkillers are going to my home?”
“Indeed, if they are not there already.”
“Then what am I still doing here? I should be back on Earth dealing with this threat.”
“I agree Hal Jordan. But you are still new to the Corps. You performed admirably with Legion and with Sinestro. But rash actions will not defeat the Worldkillers. Remember you have a Sector to maintain as well, not just your home world.”
Hal had no choice but to take a step back with Appa Ali Apsa’s slight recriminations. He had done well in regards to Legion but also disobeyed orders from the Guardians in doing so. But Tomar was well respected and spoke up in defense of his friend.
“With all due respect; Masters. Was it not Hal’s discovery of Sinestro’s overstep that enabled us to free Korugar? For the first time in recent years the planet is once again accepting of the Corps. The Worldkillers are more than just a threat to his Sector and his planet. They are a threat to the universe.”
“We are in agreement on that fact Tomar Re. Still…”
“Ganthet…please…help me save my home.”
The Guardians listened to Hal’s plea and went into a telepathic conference. As a whole they had ignored the rumors of Sinestro’s actions and in their long lives remembered Volthoom and their imprisonment of him. He was the First Lantern. But more importantly, Appa Ali Apsa was keeping his own secret from the rest of his brothers and sisters. He was the first to discover a previously unknown page in the Book of Oa. In the page was a prophecy of a Green Lantern going rogue.
This one was destined to be the greatest of the Corps and he would decimate the others. It was written that the Guardians would not stand by him in his hour of need and the long imprisoned yellow entity would take hold of him. Knowing this, Appa Ali Apsa removed the page and destroyed it with a fraction of his own energy. After his musings, the three announced their choice.
“We have come to a decision Hal Jordan; Tomar Re will accompany you to your home. The Worldkillers must not be allowed to succeed in their mission. They must be brought to Oa where they can be judged for their actions.”
“Thank you Ganthet.”
With permission from the Guardians Hal and Tomar departed the Council chamber to make the flight to Earth. Hal was grateful for the assistance in protecting his home while Tomar saw this as a chance to absolve his guilt over Krypton’s destruction. Neither of them were aware that this mission and threat would cost one of them their lives. While they recharged their rings, the Waverider was landing on a rooftop in Star City in the final days of 2017. Rip Hunter had sent out a message to those he hoped to recruit to the Legends.
The first to answer the call was Carter Hall. He had given up his life as Hawkman until an encounter with Clark. Carter had retired after the death of his wife Shiera Sanders-Hall. Her death had started the fallout among the Justice Society as her identity was used to discover the secrets of the rest of them. Checkmate had succeeded in bringing down the J.S.A. by framing them and arresting them. In the hope of protecting the others, he took full blame.
“Who are you? What do you want with me?”
“My name is Captain Rip Hunter, and a Crisis is coming.”
“What kind of Crisis?”
“One that affects the multiverse. Be patient Carter…all will be explained as soon as the others arrive.”
While Carter grew impatient despite Rip’s comment, the next recruit to arrive was Firestorm. Upon landing he split into his two halves, Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson.
“What are we doing here; Gray? Am I always going to have to follow your lead? Why can’t I be in charge for once?”
“Because you’re still new to all of this Jefferson. I’m just trying to protect you…”
“If you two would kindly stop your bickering, you’d learn why you’re here.”
“Let me guess, you’re the one who sent the message. What do you want from us?”
“He hasn’t said yet, other than some sort of crisis is coming. Honestly I think he’s just wasting our time.”
Stein and Jax turned upon hearing the other voice on the roof. Martin was immediately familiar with him but his young partner was confused.
“I assure you Carter, none of this will be a waste of time. The crisis I spoke of threatens all of reality.”
“Yeah; yeah…so you said.”
“Gray…who are these two? What in the hell have you gotten me into?”
“I don’t even know what we’re getting into yet. The Englishman in the trench coat, I have no idea who he is. But the other…Carter Hall…I never thought I’d be meeting you in person. I heard you were dead.”
“I’m not dead…at least not yet. You seem to know a lot about me…but I’m at a loss in regards to who you are.”
“Professor Martin Stein. This is Jefferson Jackson. I’ve read all your works on archaeology. And you have my sympathies about the J.S.A. and your wife.”
“Sympathies won’t bring them back. You’re a Professor of Archaeology?”
“Physics. But all the sciences have inherent knowledge we can learn from and utilize in our understanding of the universe.”
“Or the multiverse; which is why I have called you here.”
“You still haven’t explained what exactly you need us for, Captain Hunter.”
Carter spoke with evident disdain in his voice as his summons is keeping him from reviving the Justice Society in addition to preparing for his inevitable next reincarnation. He knows his time is short and is about to speak once again as the last few arrivals make their presence known.
“Really? We’re meeting on the rooftop of an abandoned building in Star City? Is anyone going to tell us why we’re here?”
Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Captain Cold and Heat Wave were the final four to arrive and Sara’s question was on everyone’s mind as she immediately made her way towards Carter.
“Let me guess, you’re the one who called us all here. What could Hawkman possibly want with all of us?”
“Might want to watch your tone, girl. You’ve no doubt heard of me so show some respect.”
“When you earn it, then I will.”
“Mr. Hall is correct Ms. Lance. You all need to learn to respect each other. But he didn’t call you here, I did.”
“So the stuffy Brit in a trench coat is keeping us from our current job. We don’t belong here Snart.”
“I agree with you, Mick. We’ve got better things to do.”
“You can leave if you wish…but I’ve chosen the six of you to help me protect all of time in the aftermath of a multiversal crisis.”
“You sound just like Barry Allen.”
“I suppose I do, Mr. Palmer. But the crisis I speak of is going to destroy everything when it does inevitably occur. Thousands of worlds will be destroyed and Barry Allen is the only one who can stop it.”
“Then why aren’t you recruiting him. Why us?”
“Because Barry Allen and Kara Danvers-Allen cannot be removed from this time. They both have a part to play. You six are destined to save the universe. I’ve seen Dark Knights broken and Men of Steel fall. In the time I come from, you six are not just heroes, you’re legends.”
“So who are you?”
“My name is Captain Rip Hunter and I’m a Time Master. And you Ms. Lance, all of you are crucial to protecting reality in the aftermath of the forthcoming crisis.”
“You’ve got plenty of people here to help you Captain Hunter. You still haven’t told me why I’m here. As Carter Hall and Hawkman I have other places to be.”
“You’re here because the Legends need a leader, Mr. Hall. I know that your time is short, but this mission will not succeed without you. Shiera is waiting for you.”
Carter fell silent; this Rip Hunter knows more than he’s let on. Shiera had come to Carter in a dream and that was his first realization that he and his wife would soon meet again. His reincarnation was no longer a matter of if; but when.
“Then how do you plan to take us on a trip through time and space, Captain Hunter?”
“With my ship; Mr. Palmer. The Waverider.”
Rip decloaked his vessel to stunned looks from his companions. Carter was the only one of them unsurprised as his memories of his life as Khufu emerged. He had seen a similar ship in Egypt all those years ago. He found the nth metal that makes up his wings on the ship. His thoughts were interrupted by Rip speaking.
“You all have time to decide of course. I’ll give you forty-eight hours. If you’re coming, we meet back here when the time is up.”
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