Chapter 17: The Final confrontation
Joe had been researching Malcolm Thawne for hours on end while Barry and Kara spent time recovering together. He went far enough back to learn that the Thawne’s had lived all across the country before the larger family split into two with Eddie’s family remaining in Keystone City while the other half of the family settled in Fallville; Iowa. Through his search he discovered that the Thawne’s were enhanced but not meta-human in the same sense as Barry. They possessed the ability to access a power called the Blue Flame. But that wasn’t the most crucial news Joe needed to know. He came across Dr. Gilmore’s personal files and learned of what had really happened that night. Because of his actions the Doctor moved to Iowa after falsifying the birth report. With that knowledge, he made the call to Fallville’s police department.
While Joe was learning about Gilmore’s death, Malcolm was walking into C.C.P.D. and garnering confused looks from the officers on duty. Most of them had confused looks in their eyes as his facial features heavily resembled those of Barry and he was even called Barry once or twice. Ignoring the police, he walked directly into Captain Singh’s office and promptly sat at the Captain’s desk, kicking his feet up the exact same way he had done to his brother’s desk. Singh had been circulating the sketch of the man Joe had described and even put out an A.P.B. before returning to his office to find his chair occupied.
“Excuse me…I think you’re in the wrong office. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Yes Captain Singh, although I think there’s something I can help you with as well. I know you’re not exactly fond of the Flash doing the job you think belongs to your officers.”
“The Flash does a lot of good. Perhaps at one time I wasn’t thrilled about a vigilante running around Central City, but he proved me wrong. So again, is there something I can help you with?”
“Yeah, you can bring the Flash to me and I won’t hurt any of your men. You see I know the truth about the man behind the scarlet speedster. I want revenge on him for taking the life that should be mine away from me. How would you like to know who the Flash really is?”
“You’re offering me something you can’t possibly hope to deliver. So why don’t you tell me who you are before I have my men throw you out of here.”
Malcolm had kept his face hidden as he began speaking to Singh but could instantly tell he wasn’t getting anywhere. Begrudgingly he lowered his feet from the desk and stood up, revealing his face. Singh immediately pulled his gun and called for backup from the nearest officer.
“You’re the man who attacked Allen in his own office. Hands on your head, and don’t try anything stupid.”
“Yes, I did attack Barry, but I don’t think you realize the secret he’s been keeping from you all these years. What would you say if I told you that Barry Allen is and always has been the Flash?”
“I’d say you’re out of your mind. Allen is…nope, don’t believe you.”
Joe was just finishing up his call when he heard Captain Singh conversing with a familiar voice. He was just about to step into David’s office but sent the alert to Barry’s phone, letting him know that his attacker had resurfaced. Barry and Kara were running a race in the speed lab as her super speed had returned when the signal came through.
“What is it Barry?”
“It’s Joe…Thawne just showed up at C.C.P.D. He’s in with Captain Singh as well as threatening to reveal my identity, Kara.”
“Then let’s go. We can’t let him…”
“Kara, are you sure you’re ready for this? If you’re not at full strength…”
“We don’t exactly have a choice here, Barry. Wally’s not here and you’ll need all the help you can get if Thawne tries to steal your speed again. Besides, having Supergirl there with the Flash couldn’t hurt. Remember what you told me last year when Clark was hurt, Barry and Kara or the Flash and Supergirl, we’re a team.”
The couple quickly suited up and Barry quickly took notice that Kara’s uniform had been repaired from the last time he saw it. In seconds they were at C.C.P.D. where Joe, Captain Singh and another officer were in a stand-off with Cobalt Blue, the villain is wearing his uniform but he was without his mask.
“About time you showed up Flash. I was beginning to think that after our last confrontation you were afraid to fight me again.”
“I’m not afraid of you Thawne. Barry Allen told me all about you. I’m not going to let you hurt your twin brother ever again.”
Thawne smirked as he knew Barry was doing everything he could to protect his identity as he could easily reveal the truth. Barry expected him to start the fight, but his adversary shifted his attention to Kara standing beside him.
“Supergirl…I don’t believe we've been formally introduced yet. I’m Malcolm Thawne and I just have to ask…how exactly did the Flash con you into being his sidekick? You know you could do so much better.”
“I’m not his sidekick, Thawne. The Flash and I are partners. But I don’t expect you to understand that.”
“Feisty…I like that. No matter, I told the Flash that I’m going to take everything from him…and that includes you. You see this little talisman I wear helps me harness the Blue Flame…and I can use it to steal everything I desire.”
“We’ll see about that. You had your chance last time Thawne…but I’m still here, still have my speed, my friends, and my family.”
“Not for long; Flash.”
Barry knew that if he started using his super speed again, Thawne would just use his powers to steal it again. He had to take a different tactic and hoped it would work.
“Captain Singh, Detective West…pull all your officers back to a safe distance. This could get messy and neither Supergirl nor I want to cause them harm.”
Singh and Joe immediately started evacuating the main floor of C.C.P.D. and stationed themselves outside should Thawne try to escape. When the room was clear Barry started rubbing his hands together, creating enough friction to generate lightning. In the next moment that same energy exploded from his hands and shot out towards Thawne who immediately countered with his own Blue Flame. Both energy sources were clashing against the other but Thawne once again thought he had the upper hand and was stealing the energy.
Kara knew that this was exactly what she and Barry had planned to happen and she waited for the proper moment to use her own powers to stop Thawne. As the energy both Barry and Thawne were expending began to increase, she saw her moment and took it. Focusing her eyes on the talisman she attempted to use her heat vision but at first nothing happened. She was confused and knew that if this didn’t work, Barry might not survive. She tried once more and this time her power responded. With a focused beam of energy she hit the talisman with enough force to shatter it.
The force of the explosion caused Thawne’s Blue Flame enough feedback to engulf him and he screamed in pain before falling to his knees unconscious. As they looked around, Barry and Kara could see the damage the combined powers the three of them had used caused to Captain Singh’s office. Barry was winded but otherwise okay as the police received the all clear and reentered the building. Captain Singh and Joe came back to his office where Thawne was handcuffed and carried to a cell.
“Well Flash, Supergirl, looks like you’ve done what you came here to do. About my office…”
“We did our best to contain the damage Captain; but Thawne’s powers were stronger than the first time I fought him.”
“Forget about it Barry…the damage is minimal considering all we’ve seen here in Central City. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Captain…how long have you known…?”
“Long enough. Relax…you’re not going to be arrested. The benefits of having the Flash around far outweigh the risks. And as for you Supergirl…try and keep your husband here out of trouble.”
“Captain Singh…the Flash isn’t my husband…just a really good friend and partner…”
“Really Ms. Danvers? Or would you prefer Mrs. Allen? You don’t get to be Captain of C.C.P.D. if you miss certain details. And your secrets are safe with me.”
Barry and Kara could only stand there in shock as Captain Singh revealed he had known about their identities and was willing to do everything possible to protect them. They were both thankful to have another ally on the force aside from Joe. Before they could leave, the Captain had one more gift for Barry.
“Allen…you no doubt need some time to recover after what Thawne did to you. Take the week off, you and your wife should get some time alone.”
“Thank you Captain Singh but…”
“No. I insist that you take this time off. Call it a late wedding present. You both deserve it.”
Barry and Kara both looked at each other and shrugged before departing C.C.P.D. She had to get back to National City and Cat Co. to finish her article while Barry needed to get back to Star Labs. Before they split up, she promised she’d be back tonight so they could have that alone time they needed. But the couple was unaware that Brainiac had been searching Earth for more black kryptonite and found some. The Nevada desert indicated a concentrated source and he knew this was where the Worldkillers could build their own fortress.
“Why have you brought us here, Dox? This pathetic spit of land serves no purpose to us.”
“I think it shall serve a far greater purpose than you realize; Reign. This spit of land was struck by a meteor from Krypton. The scorched black earth you see is a black kryptonite like the small sample I possess. If my calculations are correct, if I combine the two…”
Brainiac placed his sample of kryptonite on the ground in the very center of the blackened sand. He and the Worldkillers stood there as the ground began to shake beneath them, giving rise to a fortress composed entirely of the element. Reign and her sisters were slightly impressed as the structure resembled one of the ancient crystal fortresses from Krypton. The last structure to arise was a solitary chamber. Reign immediately guessed its purpose as it would turn the last daughter of Krypton into the Worldkiller she was prophesied to become.
In a distant pocket of space and time, a ship was monitoring these events. The captain of the vessel was researching history of Earth, and the inevitable crisis when the alarms started sounding in the control room. Quickly throwing himself into his seat, he called out to the A.I. that runs the vessel.
“Gideon; you’ve tracked a fluctuation in time?”
“I have, Captain. As per your initial request, I’ve been monitoring all potential futures stemming from the multiversal crisis. But time has been altered, perhaps irrevocably.”
“A desert in Nevada. You know that both Barry Allen and Kara Danvers-Allen have a part to play in the Crisis. If events come to pass as the time fluctuations are indicating, they may not make it to their destinies.”
“Then we must act quickly. I know the Time Masters are aware of the impending Crisis, but they refused to believe me when I warned of this threat.”
“What time frame are we going to visit Captain Hunter?”
“Star City…2017. I pray that we arrive in time.”
“Given that I am a time ship, arriving in time is guaranteed, Captain.”
“Gideon…never-mind. Just set our course.”
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