Chapter 29: Wedding Plans
The next morning Kara was sitting up in bed with her laptop at Barry’s apartment. She had thoroughly enjoyed the party and as Barry was still asleep she began researching wedding venues as well as an apartment for them. On their way home they had discussed the article about the Flash’s return and agreed to keep certain details out to protect their identities. Now she was deep in her search when she came across what could be the perfect location for their wedding.
“Hmm…this may be just the perfect place…”
Barry sat up after hearing her speak and tiredly rubbed his eyes before placing a hand on her back. He had slept a little longer after feeling a slight buzz from all Oliver and Cisco had gotten him to drink. He was curious as to what she had found and wondered just how long she had been awake as he questioned what she was working on.
“What may be the perfect place, Kara?”
“I found this small Bed and Breakfast in Englewood not far from Granite Peak National Park. I was thinking it could be where we have our wedding.”
“I didn’t know there was a B and B there.”
“Looks like it opened just a couple of years ago. A small location, not too far away from the city, what do you think Barry?”
Barry looked over Kara’s shoulder at the website. The exterior of the building was quaint and had an almost rustic feel to it. Located on a small plot of land he could tell it was just the right relaxed atmosphere that they both wanted. Even the photo had a majestic shot of Granite Peak rising up in the background. Kara leaned her head back against his shoulder and he could see her eyes light up and just knew that this was it.
“I like it…let’s meet with the owners and see if we can book it. Now we just have to finish up the guest list…”
“We got most of that completed last night at the party. I think though that there are a few more people we should invite…”
“Who are you thinking?”
“Well Joe is a given, and my mom Eliza. I know Clark is going to bring Lois…but I was hoping for Jay and Jesse as well.”
“I was thinking the same thing. I know Harry will be there with his Jesse…”
“And Ms. Grant insisted on an invitation. She made me promise one after asking me for an article about Supergirl’s last battle.”
“The article you need to write. Why don’t we get to it?”
For the next hour Barry described in detail to Kara everything he could remember about the battle with Cadmus and his time in the Speed Force while leaving out some of the more unbelievable details and focused on what he had experienced. Kara sat and listened entranced as she recorded everything he was saying. When he finished she took another hour to transcribe the article to a word document before saving it to a flash drive for Ms. Grant. Later that afternoon she is sitting in her boss’ office as she prepares to read the article aloud.
“Bolt of Lightning; by Kara Danvers.”
“I think the story will be more than what you expected Ms. Grant.”
“We’ll see.”
Kara could tell by the tone in Cat’s voice that she was skeptical, but she had hope that once her boss read this article she would change her mind.
“My name is Kara Danvers and since becoming a reporter for Cat Co. Media I have been witness to many events that would seem unbelievable to many of our readers. I’ve seen Supergirl fight against a mind control plot against the citizens of National City. I saw her protect all of us from a White Martian invasion. And six months ago I was fortunate enough to get an interview with the Girl of Steel herself as she relived her grief over the death of Central City’s own superhero the Flash as he laid his life down for hers. It was clear to me that as she spoke Supergirl had been close friends with the Flash, maybe even more. It was in that moment that I learned a valuable lesson and realized our heroes are just as human as the rest of us. They have the same wants and desires as you or I. And sometimes behind the capes and under the masks they yearn for what we all sometimes take for granted. A normal life. For those six months Supergirl still protected us all but many of you saw her become colder as a result.”
“I too was grief stricken for her, and with my fiancé in Europe for a C.S.I. symposium I went back to writing the fluff articles I began with. I know that many of Cat Co.’s readers were disappointed in the switch and Ms. Grant was as well. I never thought I would write another story about superheroes until one day just over a month ago now I was witness to what could only be called a miracle. Six months prior the Flash had been given a hero’s funeral and it seemed the nation mourned with Central City.”
“But I digress, the miracle I was witness too occurred during a battle between Live Wire and Supergirl in National City Park. The electricity powered villainess had once again escaped from prison to continue her vendetta against Ms. Grant and Supergirl. Live Wire was relentless, and for a moment it seemed she had an edge. A lightning storm had formed overhead and the effects only seemed to increase Live Wire’s powers. Our hero seemed to be on the verge of defeat, kneeling on the ground injured and in pain.”
“What I witnessed next I know would be immediately discounted as a trick of the light or a hallucination. But I assure you it was neither. As Live Wire seemed to be preparing for the final fatal attack, a yellow bolt of lightning struck the ground in between her and Supergirl. When the blinding light cleared and I could see what had happened, standing there as if he was completely composed of lightning was the Flash. Wherever he had been for the past six months, he came back and I was just as shocked as Supergirl as we both witnessed him using his powers in ways neither of us thought he could.”
“Many of our readers remember just over a year ago when I wrote an article that was an in depth interview with the Flash. That story had led many of you to greet me on the street and say it reminded you of a young Lois Lane. While I do appreciate the compliments, I must also say that to hear myself being compared to the veteran Daily Planet journalist is both humbling and terrifying. In my opinion, no one can compare to Lois Lane or Cat Grant, both women have been inspirations to me and I hope to one day be worthy of such a compliment.”
Cat paused and looked up at Kara after reading those words, an amused smirk on her face that Kara looked away from to avoid embarrassment. It was only a brief glance as Cat retuned to reading the article.
“Recently I had a chance to sit down and speak with the Flash one on one once again. This was the first interview he had given since returning from what he and other speedsters like him such as Keystone City’s own resident hero, also dubbed the Flash, have come to call the Speed Force. According to both of them the Speed Force is like the afterlife for them. I’m not here to tell you what to believe, I can only tell you what I heard from the hero. He barely remembered his experiences after being as he described it…,” “being violently thrown back to Earth.”
“I’ll admit I was as skeptical as you are, but again it is not my place to judge what happened to the Flash after he valiantly sacrificed his life for others to stop what we now know was Project Cadmus’ plan. All I can tell you is that whatever the Speed Force is, according to Flash, it should be the finish line for speedsters, the place they go when their task is done. He finished out the interview by saying that he believes the reason he was sent back is because he still has business to accomplish and his race is not yet over. So in closing let me say what Supergirl said when she came into the interview after defeating a White Martian that had escaped custody:” “Welcome back Flash, it’s good to see you again.”
Cat slowly looked up once again, her expression betraying none of what she thinks as Kara sat and waited for a verdict. She knew she had promised an article to Ms. Grant that would be spectacular and could only hope she delivered on that promise.
“Kara…I don’t know how you did it, but you did. This article is indeed nothing like what I expected, and again I’ll deny it if you say anything. This was so much better than what I asked for in the ongoing narrative you started with a year ago. You’ve earned this.”
Cat opened the right hand drawer of her desk and pulled out a small laminated card before sliding it across the desktop. Kara slowly reached forward and tentatively picked the card up. Upon flipping it over, she saw her picture and her new title on what she realized was her brand new press badge. The junior had been completely removed to be replaced by one word: Journalist.
“Congratulations Kara, now go on. I’m sure…”
Cat was interrupted by her phone being paged. She was irritated at the interruption as she was about to let Kara share the news with the rest of the staff in the bullpen.
“Ms. Grant…?
“Yes Miss Tessmacher…what do you want?”
“I’m sorry to interrupt Ma’am, but Miss Danvers has a visitor. He uh…, may I…”
“Send him in.”
Kara turned as Cat leveled her gaze outside her door to see a casually dressed lanky brunette walking forward. His confidence in his approach impressed Cat as Kara’s face lit up in a smile. She knew that Barry had continued searching for apartments after she left for the day so she was surprised to see him there. But his own smile told her he had good news.
“Barry…what are you doing here? I thought you’d…”
“Came to surprise my fiancée by taking her to lunch. I also found an apartment I thought you’d like to take a look at.”
“Oh…yeah…Ms. Grant…”
“Not so fast Kara. If this is the guy you’re marrying, don’t you think introductions are in order? I think I should get the opportunity to meet him, make sure he’s good enough for you.”
Barry’s jaw dropped at Cat Grant’s pronouncement as she blatantly sized him up. He had expected Clark, Lois and Eliza to interrogate him, but the same treatment coming from Kara’s boss was not something he expected and he could tell from the expression on Kara’s face that she hadn’t expected it either.
“Ms. Grant…”
“Kara, I’m not going to scare him away. You two have been together for a year now so go on…I believe you had something you needed to discuss with Olsen?”
“Oh yes Ms. Grant, Barry, I’ll be right outside.”
“And Kara…, close the door.”
When Kara was back in the bullpen, Cat’s scrutinizing gaze had yet to let up and Barry felt extremely self-conscious as he stood there. He hadn’t yet taken a seat as he felt that would be impertinent of him and get his first meeting with Cat Grant started off on the wrong foot.
“Mr. Allen, I’m not going to bite, or scream at you. So stop your nervous fidgeting and sit down.”
Walking forward, Barry took one of the chairs directly in front of Cat’s desk but his nervousness did not abate in the slightest. His deer in the headlights look had Cat amused and she took a minute to make one last appraisal of him before speaking.
“So…Barry Allen, Kara has spoken of you in a few of her articles in the past. In her words I have found it extremely transparent how much she cares for you. But six months ago you left her…”
“Yes…for a C.S.I. symposium in Europe…”
“She thought you died and when you sacrificed your life for her; well I don't think I need to tell you that she was beyond devastated…”
“I’m sorry Ms. Grant, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Mr. Allen, I wasn’t born yesterday. I’ve seen the video footage of you fighting to protect Central City. I just want to know, what is it really like being the Flash?”
“Ms. Grant…I’m not the Flash.”
“Hmm, you choose to deny it. Interesting, not unlike how Kara chooses to deny being Supergirl.”
“Ms. Grant, I can promise you that I’m not the Flash. Just like Kara isn’t Supergirl. We’re just two normal people who love each other and want to be happy.”
“Of course you are. That will be all Mr. Allen.”
Barry got up to leave but was stopped short in his tracks as Cat spoke again just before he opened the door.
“One more thing Mr. Allen…I don’t think you’re the type that would intentionally hurt Kara…but be sure that you don’t do anything to give her any reason to be sad or hurt again.”
“You don’t have to worry about that Ms. Grant…I would rather die before ever causing Kara any pain.”
Cat looked back at her computer as Barry stepped out of her office to find Kara next to a desk talking with who he guessed was James Olsen. As he got closer, he could see a small smile on her face that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She seemed a little uncomfortable with the conversation, so when he reached her side and wrapped an arm around her waist, she instantly relaxed.
“Hey Kara, everything okay?”
“Barry…yes…I should introduce you…this is James Olsen.”
“So you’re the famous Jimmy Olsen…the man who took the first photo of Superman.”
“That’s right.”
Barry extended his hand out for a handshake only to be shut down as Jimmy crossed his arms over his chest. He was trying to be friendly, especially since Kara described Jimmy as a really good friend.
“So Jimmy…”
“I actually prefer James. The only people who get to call me Jimmy are Clark and Lois.”
“Okay…so Kara and I…”
“She already asked me if I would be your wedding photographer. To be honest… Barry… I’m not sure that having your fiancée’s ex photographing the wedding is the best idea.”
“Okay, well at least think it over. I know it would mean a lot to Kara.”
“Listen Barry, I’ll meet you downstairs. I need to have a talk with James for a minute.”
“Sure, you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. Then we can go to lunch and I can see that apartment you think would be perfect for us.”
Kara was responding as sweetly as she could to Barry while glaring daggers at Jimmy. The latter knew she was furious with him as she waited until Barry was in the elevator to speak again, but as she also wanted to avoid making a scene in the bullpen, she only spoke four words.
“The empty office, now.”
Jimmy followed Kara to the other elevator that took them upstairs to the office that the two of them and Winn wanted to use to coordinate her adventures as Supergirl. Since becoming a reporter she really had no need for it anymore and followed him in, slamming the door behind her.
“What the hell was that back there James? Who do you think you are acting that way to Barry?!”
“Kara; listen…”
“No; you listen. You’re supposed to be my friend. We tried to go out on one date and we both knew that it wasn’t going to work out. I thought we’d decided we were better off as friends. If that’s true then the least you could do for me is be supportive. I love Barry, he gets me in ways that no one ever has.”
“No, you mean he gets you in ways that I can’t.”
“That’s a cheap shot James; and you know it. All my life I’ve been told that I only need to be Kara Danvers. That the world has Superman and it doesn’t need me. You even made me feel that way when you used the signal watch Clark gave you to call him to come and rescue me.”
“Kara, you know that wasn’t my intention. I just didn’t want to see you get hurt.”
“And I told you then that I had to learn to stand on my own two feet. I didn’t want to be seen as just Superman’s cousin. If the world was going to take me seriously as Supergirl I had to do this on my own. Clark accepted that, Barry accepts that. He’s there when I need him to be, but he doesn’t always rush in to my rescue.”
“Barry knows, doesn’t he?”
“Of course he does. Do you really think I’d keep my being Supergirl a secret from my fiancé? He’s known since the first moment we met.”
“What? Are you suddenly feeling jealous because I told Barry personally? Is it because Clark told you about me and asked you to come and look after me?”
Jimmy looked down at his feet when Kara accused him of jealousy. In the next moment she knew she had been overly harsh with him by the actions he was taking so her eyes softened as she calmed down.
“James…talk to me.”
“Fine, I am a little jealous. And I am your friend Kara. And being your friend means that I don’t want to ever see you get hurt.”
“James…Barry is not going to hurt me. He loves me. And he was right, having you photograph our wedding would mean a lot to me. So would you at least think about it?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Good, and if you apologize, you might get to meet his foster sister. She’s a reporter for Central City Picture News. You two just might find you have a lot in common.”
“There it is. Why did I know this was going to turn into a setup?”
Kara only smirked as she left the office to go meet Barry for their lunch date, leaving Jimmy to think about what he may have gotten himself into.
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