Chapter 28: Engagement Party
Cisco breached himself and Winn back to Star Labs after the hour and a half that it took to clean Barry’s kitchen. They only had to wash the dishes but both felt bad for interrupting the couple’s continued reunion so they cleaned everything. Back at Star, Alex had already departed for National City but left Caitlin with a message for Winn that she talked with J’onn and he could stay for the engagement party. But with strict orders that after it was over he was needed back at the D.E.O. With that condition in play, Cisco then opened a breach to Star City for himself, Caitlin and Winn. Harry agreed to stay behind at the labs to monitor for potential threats.
Felicity was mapping out space in her apartment for the party when Oliver arrived with Digg, Thea, Laurel and Sara. The five of them could tell that she was stressing over this party and not having enough room for all of the potential guests that would be showing up. Cisco’s breach into her apartment in the next moment only served to add to the headache she was already developing.
“You could have called first to let us know you were coming Cisco!”
“What, you said the party was this afternoon…I thought we should get here early to help.”
“Your help would be appreciated, and I see you brought Caitlin with you. Who’s this other guy?”
“Oh Felicity, this is Winn Schott, he’s Kara’s best friend.”
“So what do you do Winn? How do you know Kara?”
“Oh we worked at Cat Co. Media together before I went to work for the D.E.O. So we still work together, not to brag…but I designed her Supergirl uniform.”
“I see…you’re Kara’s Cisco or Oliver’s me. Looks like our little tech support group is growing Cisco.”
“And that’s a good thing, Felicity. So where are we with the party planning?”
“Stuck…I’m not sure my apartment is going to hold all of these guests. How many people are coming aside from Team Arrow?”
“Well you’ve got the three of us…Kara’s sister can’t seem to make it. And they had a small engagement party already for Barry and Kara on Christmas Day. Iris is potentially coming, and she’s been out of town again, so…and Harry said his daughter Jesse would be coming from Earth-2, her powers have been fluctuating according to her father, she wants to ask Barry for help.”
“Who, Cisco?”
“Oh yeah, you guys never met Jesse Wells. Barry saved her life from Zoom last year.”
“Okay, so that’s five of you, with John, Thea, Laurel, Sara, Oliver, Curtis and me we’ve got twelve potentially and two others; some guy named Dick Grayson and his wife Barbara Gordon-Grayson, don’t think I’ve met them yet.”
“Barbara and Dick know Kara and through her Barry. I got in contact with them, Felicity. Both said they didn’t want to miss the party.”
“Okay Cisco, first off how did you get in contact with them, and how do they know Kara?”
“I borrowed Kara’s phone when she wasn’t looking. And trust me; taking Supergirl’s phone wasn’t an easy task. As for the how they know Kara, her cousin Clark knows Bruce Wayne, who knows Barbara’s father. So…”
“Six degrees of separation; huh? Okay, so presumably fourteen people. Yep, we’re definitely going to have to move the party somewhere else.”
“Felicity, how about Table Salt?”
“Ridiculously expensive. Nice restaurant but far too short a notice to book it for today, John.”
“Well what about Verdant?”
“The club; Thea? Isn’t it still under renovation?”
“That’s pretty much complete now, Felicity. It’s actually only waiting on a walk through from the new owner.”
“And the new owner is…?”
“Me…I decided to do some good with the money Merlyn left me. And I’ve got a small part of the staff working on the grand opening today that’s scheduled for next week. This would be a chance to give them a little practice with a smaller group beforehand.”
With a location and a guest list, the group had a solid plan in place for the engagement party. Felicity chose to start the party at seven p.m. which left them the whole afternoon to get Verdant ready. The problem they now had was what to do for the party. This led to a division that turned this party from an engagement into more of a combined bachelor and bachelorette party. While they now just had to decide how to get the couple there. Back in Central City, Barry and Kara were making wedding plans; starting with the date.
“So what do you think; Barry? A summer wedding?”
“I don’t know, a lot of weddings happen in June. Our relationship didn’t exactly begin conventionally, I mean we did meet while I was investigating a crime scene and we both discovered we were superheroes after you helped me with King Shark…”
“So a less conventional wedding, actually sounds good. What month did you have in mind?”
“I was thinking a December wedding. Just before Christmas and the New Year.”
“Why then?”
“Well think about it, everything we’ve been through this year, we’ve fought Cadmus twice…”
“I thought you were dead after that first battle…”
“Right, I spent six months in the Speed Force living six years with you and it was perfect until…”
“Until you found out Thawne was responsible for it. Hardly a great experience Barry.”
“True, but Kara, it showed me exactly what I hoped our married life would be like. And given all we’ve been through and how we’ve come out stronger together for it, let’s end this year on a high note.”
“A high note, start the new year married? Barry…”
“We can choose another date Kara…It doesn’t have to be…”
Kara threw her arms around Barry’s neck, kissing him as she understood why a December wedding was perfect for them. She had already agreed in her head as soon as he said the words. Unfortunately their happy moment was interrupted as both of their phones began ringing.
“That’s Ms. Grant…I have to…”
“And Harry…probably something meta-human related.”
Kara answered first, she had missed a few calls from Cat already when she was under Donovan’s control. While that was hardly her fault, the semi-angry voicemails Cat left meant she couldn’t ignore this call.
“Yes Ms. Grant…yes…”
“Keira…I was disappointed in the fluff articles you went back to. Now I hear that the Daily Planet has scooped us on Cadmus using that Bizarro Supergirl to frame our own Girl of Steel?”
“I’m sorry Ms. Grant, the last six months have been difficult for me with my fiancé away…”
“I’ll let that slide, especially since you didn’t tell me you were engaged…he’s that C.S.I. crush you had…and of course the story you brought me on the Flash’s sacrifice before going back to fluff pieces…”
“You don’t have to worry Ms. Grant…Barry’s back and while we’re planning our wedding, I think I’ve got an article that will make it up to you.”
“Good, I’ll be expecting it. And I’ll be expecting a wedding invitation as soon as you two pick a date.”
Cat hung up the phone, giving Kara a chance to look over and see Barry still talking to Harry with a worried look on his face. She instantly knew something was wrong from the way he was pacing and walked over, rubbing a soothing hand over his back.
“Yes Harry…Kara and I will be right there.”
“What is it?”
“A fire on the waterfront. Central City F.D. is barely keeping it contained. They need help.”
“Let’s go.”
Barry sped off for the waterfront with Kara right behind him. When they arrived the fire was already beginning to overwhelm the fire department. They had all pulled back as Kara used her arctic breath to start blowing the flames back while Barry created a vortex of wind to assist, but they were only having minimal luck in extinguishing the flames. They didn’t know it yet, but inside the fire was a new meta-human and he was using his powers to keep the fire burning.
“Kara…we’re not having any effect. I’ve got to try something…”
Kara had stopped using her arctic breath just long enough to question what he was going to do, but he didn’t respond. She saw him run out onto the water and move in tight formations. Whatever he had planned she had to buy him enough time to follow through and resumed using her powers. What she could see as Barry got closer to land was a tornado of water being pulled behind him. At the moment he was back on the docks, the water came crashing down, dousing the flames as she took to the air. With the fire extinguished, she and Barry saw a man lying in a puddle of water, the fire dissipating from his hands.
“Looks like another meta-human; Flash. One of Cadmus’ projects?”
“Don’t know Supergirl. We’ll just have to take him back to Star Labs to find out.”
As the firefighters were thanking Flash and Supergirl for their help, Joe was arriving with the meta-human task force. He nodded to both Barry and Kara as he walked by to place power dampening handcuffs on the unconscious man. Before Barry and Kara could leave though, a new reporter for Central City Picture News came up and stopped them.
“Supergirl, we want to thank you for your help here. We’ve all heard the reports from National City about your clone…”
“Yes…although she wasn’t a clone but a human woman who was suffering from an aggressive cancer. She’s currently being transported to Star Labs: Metropolis for treatment and a hopeful cure for the Kryptonian D.N.A. that gave her my powers…”
“And what about you Flash; we also heard reports that you had died in February…but here you are back to saving lives. Where were you for six months?”
“That’s a story for another time. Supergirl; I have to say it was great to work with you again.”
“Likewise Flash…I’m sure Central City sorely missed you while you were away. It’s good to have you back.”
“I’m glad to be back.”
Barry sped off as Kara once again flew up and away from the waterfront. She could still hear the reporter trying to get an answer from Barry just before he ran off. She smiled at the question and knew what the article she was going to give Cat would be about. Back at his apartment, the couple tried to get back to wedding plans.
“How did you do that Barry? A water tornado…how did you know that would work?”
“I didn’t. I only know the Speed Force keeps showing me new ways to use my powers.”
“Well thank Rao for that. So where were we…”
Kara looped her arms back around Barry’s neck, preparing to pick up on the kiss that was interrupted by Cat and the emergency. But before she could she and Barry both wrinkled their noses at the smell of smoke and flames they had just extinguished.
“Hold that thought Barry…I need a shower…”
“You’re going to join me.”
While Barry and Kara were using the rest of their day off to enjoy each other’s company, Cisco and Felicity were wrapping up the details of the plan and setting up Verdant for the party with the rest of their friends. Oliver had the thought that the best way to get Barry and Kara to Star City was to use Cisco as bait. Dick and Barbara had arrived via a Wayne Industries helicopter while Cisco breached Iris there before going to get Jesse. He explained the plan to her on the way and when everything was set and ready, he placed the call to Barry and Kara who had just chosen the specific date for their wedding.
“December 1st then Kara?”
“December 1st. That gives us nearly five months to plan. We’ve got to find a venue, find a minister, get invitations…”
Barry could tell Kara was already getting excited to plan their wedding in full. Her voice raised an octave as she thought about all they had to do, and he couldn’t help but share in her enthusiasm. Only his phone ringing interrupted their euphoria.
“Cisco…what’s up?”
Barry’s face went through a range of emotions as he listened to Cisco on the other end of the line. Kara didn’t even need their inhibitors to feel how his emotions were beginning to rage. She had taken his hand as worry lines appeared around his eyes and he squeezed her hand hard enough to hurt anyone else.
Barry put the phone on speaker so Kara could hear what was Cisco was saying. She too instantly worried for their friend as she could hear the terrified sound of his voice.
“Barry…I need you and Kara in Star City as fast as possible. I was helping Oliver and…I don’t know how it happened…they came out of nowhere…I’m not sure what happened to Oliver but…”
“Cisco…you have to tell us…what’s…”
“Barry just get here. But you and Kara have to come alone. They said if they see any signs of the Flash or Supergirl…”
In the next moment the line went dead. Barry frantically tried to get his friend back on the phone but each attempt failed to connect. What the couple didn’t know was that Cisco had purposefully hung up on him. Whatever had happened to him, they had to get there fast, but couldn’t be seen as their superhero alter-egos. After packing up some casual clothing into one of Barry’s duffle bags, they took off for Star City. Along the way he called Harry.
“Harry…something’s happened to Cisco. I know he’s in Star City, but Kara and I don’t know where. His call cut off before he could tell us. I need you to trace his phone.”
“I’m on it. Give me a second…”
Harry smiled to himself as Cisco had explained the plan after he came back to Star Labs to get Jesse. He knew where the engagement party was going to take place and only took a minute to come back on the line with the information.
“Allen…Ramon’s phone is tracking in the old industrial district of Star City. I’ve got a location for you. Sending the address now…”
“Thanks Harry.”
The address came through as a text and he knew that the location was familiar. The site had once been Oliver’s club, but that had been a few years back. Instantly he had the thought that Cisco was being used in some sort of revenge plot against Oliver and increased his speed with Kara pushing herself even faster to stay right with him. When they were within a mile of the location, Barry stopped running and Kara landed beside him.
“We’re close Kara; we’re going to have to change clothes before we get there.”
Both quickly changed into a pair of jeans, light t-shirts and tennis shoes before running the last distance. Barry had expected to see the club, but it didn’t look run down like he thought it would, so both he and Kara were confused at how the building looked nearly brand new.
“Barry…are you sure this is the place? This doesn’t look like…”
“I know. But this is the address Harry sent me. Oliver used to own this club. If Cisco’s in there, I hope this isn’t one of Oliver’s old enemies either in his personal life of his life as Green Arrow.”
“Only one way to find out.”
Barry and Kara approached the doors cautiously. While they weren’t in any real danger, Cisco could be and neither of them wanted to risk his life should this be some sort of attack. When they were inside the club was pitch black, and both took a few tentative steps forward. Kara could hear footsteps and the soft rustling of clothing coming from multiple directions at once. In the dark whoever was moving couldn’t see her as she tapped Barry on the shoulder, before taking his hand and pulling him along with her.
They moved as silently as possible in order to put distance between them and Cisco’s unknown captors. Kara’s eyes adjusted quicker than Barry’s so she could make out the shapes of tables and chairs taking the lead through the darkened room. Finally when it seemed like time was running out, Barry made the choice to call out for his friend.
Barry’s voice caught the attention of Cisco’s potential captors and they all came forward at once. With their close proximity to one another Kara went back to back with Barry as both prepared for a fight. Kara’s eyes lit up with her heat vision while lightning started sparking from Barry’s fingertips. In the next moment the lights of the club came up and standing in a circle around the couple were all of their friends.
Barry and Kara were definitely surprised to learn that this was a party for them and not an attempt on Cisco’s or their lives. Both were also embarrassed as he had been about to throw a lightning bolt at Oliver while her heat vision was directed at Felicity. They quickly pulled back and looked around. Thea and Caitlin were behind the bar; the former with a remote control in hand that operated the lights. Digg was up at the D.J.’s booth preparing the music while Cisco, Winn, Dick, Barbara, Iris, Curtis and Jesse Wells were standing with Oliver and Felicity in the circle around the couple.
“Congratulations on your engagement Barry, Kara. Felicity and I thought that after everything all of us have been through these past few months we should find occasion to celebrate the good we have in our lives.”
“And you couldn’t have just told us that you wanted to throw Kara and I an engagement party? You had to have Cisco…”
“Where would the fun be if we told you? This way we get to see the looks on your faces, which were caught on the club’s camera by the way.”
Barry and Kara were both slightly upset that their friends had used a false hostage situation with Cisco to get them to Star City, but began to loosen up as all of them had gone to a lot of trouble to throw this party for them. Barry finally cracked a smile while Kara started to laugh at the absurdity of it all, especially since she was now starting to warm up to Oliver after their initial meeting.
“So guys…what do you say we get this party underway? Kara, you’re coming with me and the rest of the ladies. Oliver…you get Barry and go do…whatever it is guys do at bachelor and engagement parties.”
“Oh thanks for your permission Felicity. Come on Barry, we can’t let the women have more fun than us tonight.”
“We accept that challenge, Oliver. See you soon, baby.”
“Have fun Kara, I’ll miss you.”
Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the lips before being dragged off to another corner of the club by Felicity and Barbara with Caitlin, Laurel, Sara, Thea, Iris and Jesse in tow. Digg had keyed up the music and come down to the main room before the couple’s small display of affection and subsequently heard Cisco and Winn’s simultaneous comment.
“Oh come on!”
“It’s not like we’re not leaving the club; Barry!”
“You’re barely going to be thirty feet from each other!"
“So? Come on Cisco, Winn, Kara and I were separated for six months while I was in the Speed Force! Can you blame me for wanting to spend as much time as her with possible?”
“Still, you could focus your attention elsewhere for tonight. This is a party Barry, loosen up, have some fun! Kara already is.”
Barry looked across the club to where the ladies were and they were already having fun. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but Kara’s laughter was contagious, and her smile was just as beautiful as the first time he saw it. So he was surprised when Dick Grayson came to his defense about relationships.
“Barry’s right guys, when you two find someone who makes you feel the way Kara does for him, you’ll understand.”
“Sounds like you have experience with that Dick?”
“Sure do Barry, Barbara and I had barely been dating three months when the Joker abducted her. We were falling in love, but were too scared to admit it. Imagine, a superhero being scared to admit he’s falling in love.”
“It’s not uncommon, Dick. Felicity and I had our problems when we first started out.”
“I don’t have to imagine what that’s like, because I know. But when we got her back, she was hurt, but still alive. That’s when I knew that what we had was real. I told her I love her for the first time while she was lying in the hospital bed, recovering from her injuries. Six months later, I proposed.”
“Wow…that’s beautiful…but my point still stands, this isn’t just a party, it’s Barry’s bachelor party. So let the fun begin!”
Cisco’s voice had a touch of sarcasm behind it, but he did understand where Barry and Dick were coming from. His all too brief relationship with Lisa Snart had him once feeling like they do now. But tonight was not the night for reminiscing; this night was for celebrating the end of Barry’s single life.
“So what exactly was the plan here tonight Cisco?”
“The plan Barry…the plan was just to have some fun, take some time away from super heroics…”
“You failed at that since getting Kara and I here required a fake hostage situation.”
“But we got you here…and now we’re going to see what it takes to get the Flash drunk.”
Barry scoffed at Cisco’s confidence. With his metabolism alcohol would never again have an effect on him and the bottle of champagne he bought for Christmas Eve with Kara; they were able to go through that like it was water. Across the club, Kara was getting to know Jesse Wells. Sara, Laurel and Barbara had gone back to the bar while Felicity, Iris and Caitlin were hatching a plan of their own.
“There has to be some way to embarrass Kara, this is her bachelorette party. The night won’t end right if we don’t do something.”
“Why do we have to embarrass her at all Felicity? I thought this night was supposed to be about just having fun.”
“Iris…Oliver, Cisco and John are already trying multiple concoctions to try and get Barry drunk. We have to try the same thing with Kara.”
“You know, there might be one way to do that.”
“What are you thinking Caitlin? You know something…”
“I heard about this bar in National City. Supposedly it caters specifically to aliens and meta-humans. I bet there’s something there that could get her drunk, maybe Barry as well.”
At that moment Winn had been walking by and was heading back towards the bar to get another drink of his own. Upon hearing the conversation he knew what the three were talking about and offered up his input.
“I know that bar. I’ve been there once or twice.”
“Winn…you have not…”
“No Felicity, I have. Nice atmosphere and they serve some of the best wings in National for catering specifically to aliens.”
“And the drinks?”
“You want to get Kara and Barry drunk, like Cisco does…if so they serve a cocktail called Aldebaran rum. Not good for humans, but might do the job you want it too.”
“Can you get it?”
“Right now Caitlin? Seriously?”
“Come on; Cisco can get you there and back before anyone will know you’re gone. Kara’s having fun, but we need to kick this party up a notch.”
“Is there any way for me to say no?”
“Fine, but Kara better not find out I was involved in this.”
Caitlin, Felicity and Iris each thanked him while promising not to say a word to Kara or Barry. While he walked back over to Cisco and pulled him aside to explain the plan, John and Oliver had worked with Thea to mix another drink for Barry which also failed to get him drunk. None of them noticed the other pair breach from Verdant. Back at their table Jesse and Kara had hit it off and were deep in conversation when the rest of the ladies came back over.
“All right Kara…spill it.”
“Spill what Barbara? What is it that you think I’m keeping a secret?”
“You and Barry…you’ve only told us minor details on how you two met and got together. We want to hear the whole story. I mean come on, it’s not every day you find someone perfect…,” Barbara paused and looked up at Dick in the D.J. booth before resuming her train of thought. “…but clearly you and Barry are a perfect match…”
“Nobody’s perfect Babs…least of all me and Barry. But we have a connection that I’ve never felt before. You can’t tell me that you and Dick didn’t feel the same.”
“So we’re making this about me now? Kara, you know this isn’t my bachelorette party…this is yours.”
“Speaking of that…Kara you need to put this on.”
“What is this that I need to put on Felicity?”
Felicity handed a pink and black sash across the table to Kara and as she examined it she saw the words bachelorette on the front and bride to be on the back. With a roll of her eyes, Kara slipped the sash over her shoulder before blushing in embarrassment. Barry was on his fifth drink while watching this when Dick’s voice came over the loud speaker.
“All right, I think we’ve done enough to try and get Barry and Kara drunk, so I think it’s time for the next event of the night. Someone told me that the happy couple in our presence once won a trip for two to Metropolis after they won a karaoke contest. I don’t know about you all, but I think it would be a tremendous disservice to the party atmosphere if they didn’t treat us to a song.”
Cisco and Winn had just gotten back from National City to hear the end of the speech. From their vantage point they could see Barry with his head in his hands while Kara was blushing; her face as red as a tomato.
“Maybe we don’t need the rum after all, Winn…”
“Oh no, that bottle just cost me a hundred bucks…we may not use it tonight, but it’s getting drunk even if it happens at the wedding reception.”
Despite his embarrassment, Barry had gotten up and walked over to Kara’s table, offering her his hand. They hadn’t yet decided to go up on stage until both groups of their friends started chanting their names. The ladies all started chanting for Kara while the guys met the call with chants of Barry. Both of them knew they weren’t going to get out of this so they took the stage where Barry grabbed a microphone and began his own speech.
“Thanks for that Dick. I was hoping we’d come out of this tonight without Kara and I having to sing, but since you still couldn’t leave well enough alone Cisco, you’re not getting out of it either. I mean, you did slip the D.J. a twenty to get him to key up Accidentally in Love for Kara and I…”
“Did not…!”
Cisco yelled out in denial before Kara grabbed the other microphone and spoke up.
“I heard you tell Caitlin that you did, Cisco. So you better get up here as well. You too Caitlin!”
Cisco and Caitlin nervously joined their friends on stage while Barry continued his short speech.
“Kara and I had hoped to sing Summer Nights at that karaoke night, but we had a lot more fun with the other song. So, Oliver, John, and you too Winn, you guys better get up here as well.”
“And you too Iris, Barbara, Felicity. You three and Caitlin aren’t getting out of this either.”
With both groups situated on stage, Thea let her small staff stop working while she started recording the show with the club’s multiple video cameras. Dick cued up Summer Nights from Grease as Barry sang the opening line before Kara joined in, and after a few moments even Oliver finally loosened up and sang Kenickie’s part, though he was horribly off key.
By the time the night was over, both Barry and Kara had their bridesmaids and groomsmen chosen. Alex was going to be Maid of Honor while Barbara, Caitlin, and Felicity rounded out the bridal party. Oliver was chosen as Best Man with Cisco, Winn, and Dick being his groomsmen. Before they could all leave, Digg came to the couple with one more announcement.
“Look guys, I know the wedding is still five months away, but you’re going to need someone to officiate. With the planning and searching for a venue, I thought I’d take one of those decisions off your hands.”
“Barry…Kara…if you’d like, I’d be more than happy to perform the ceremony. I’m an Ordained Minister.”
“We’d be honored Digg…thanks.”
“Yes…thank you John. Barry and I would be happy to have one of our friends marry us.”
Barry shook John’s hand before Kara gave him a hug and the respective groups all parted ways, looking forward to December.
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