Chapter 21: Life of Living
Barry woke to the feeling of soft grass. The last thing he remembered was using every last bit of his speed to keep Metallo and Reactron from getting to Kara. The battle had gone on for hours with neither side giving up ground. He knew that he should be physically exhausted from expending all his energy, but all he could feel was the grass beneath his feet as he stood up. He could feel the sun on his face and the wind in his hair. There was no pain, and as he turned around, he heard a voice, softly calling his name.
She was walking out of the sunlight, her form almost ethereal in nature. Her voice sounded so familiar, but he couldn’t place how or where he knew it from and had to shield his eyes until she was nearly standing right in front of him. His memories regained coherence as she placed her hand on his face. Her blue eyes were sparkling and the smile on her face was one of pure joy. In his heart, he knew who she was and a name escaped his lips, her name.
“Yes, it’s me Barry. I’m right here.”
“Is this heaven?”
“No Barry, this is home. Our home.”
Barry turned to see a house and heard the voices of children playing as Kara wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his shoulder. For a few moments, he thought the house looked familiar and it only hit him when he saw his mother and father sitting on the porch. The house was the one he grew up in.
“Henry and Nora came for the twin’s fifth birthday. They missed their grandkids and us. Dad said he could take some time away from the hospital he’s in charge of for the week. Come on Barry, I know you’ve missed them.”
Kara looped her arm through Barry’s as they walked towards the house where he had so many memories. All of the memories, both good and bad flooded his mind as he really looked at his mother. She looked as if she hadn’t aged a day in the years since Thawne killed her. He didn’t know how to react at first, because that day when he was eleven put him on his path to becoming the Flash. But then she hugged him, and all the years, all the bad, began to seem like just a fading nightmare.
“Your Dad and I have missed you Barry. You and Kara. It’s been too long between visits.”
“Nora…you know we wish we could come more often, but life has gotten so hectic with Barry being named head of C.C.P.D.’s C.S.I. and then I got promoted too, with Cat offering me the Central City branch of Cat Co.”
“I know Kara, and we’re proud of the both of you. I know I don’t have to remind you to call me Mom, right?”
As Barry watched Kara and his mother interact, this life began to feel exactly as it should for him. New memories started to coalesce, overtaking his memories of his life as the Flash. He and Kara have been married six years, and have two beautiful twin children. A son; Henry Joseph, and a daughter Alura Dawn. When his kids came running over to him, he knew that this must be his reward for being the hero. This life has everything he could ever want, everything he told Kara he wanted to have with her, it was in one word; idyllic. While during the day, everything was perfect, in the weeks to come, the nights would be the hardest.
Barry was content with the life he thought he was living, unaware that his friends and family were falling apart without him. Harry had gone back to Earth-2, leaving Cisco and Caitlin to carry on. Jay had stayed for as long as he could but even he had his own Earth to take care of. But Barry didn’t know any of this as life seemed to be perfect, until he started noticing cracks in his reality.
At first the images were barely noticeable. The Christmas Day engagement photo he had taken with Kara was replaced with one in the early summer, surrounded by their friends and family. Every time he looked at that photo, it just felt wrong but he began to forget why. At night as he tried to sleep, he kept seeing images of giant half human half sharks. These images were always worse when Kara was away on assignment for Cat Co. so he had to muddle through them alone.
Then there were the nights she was home, and he did everything he could to keep a brave face for her and their kids. He was mostly successful until one night it became too much for him to bear and he heard a strange but familiar voice in his dreams.
“This isn’t real Barry…this is not your world…find your way home…”
As he tossed and turned, Kara could feel his tension. Both of them have had nightmares before, but she knew this one was different as she flipped on her bedside lamp. In the dim light, she could see the sweat pouring off of her husband like a rainstorm. Hoping her touch would calm him, she reached out only for Barry to sit bolt upright in bed with his eyes darting frantically around the room.
Kara positioned herself sitting behind him and wrapped an arm around his chest, placing her hand over his heart. His pulse was racing and in that instant she knew that this nightmare had been worse than any he had experienced before.
“Barry…you’re okay…you’re home…talk to me.”
“Kara…I…I don’t know if I can. I don’t know how to…”
“Well if you can’t talk to your wife, then who can you talk to?”
Barry could hear a semblance of humor in Kara’s voice, but also a slight amount of fear. In six years they’d been through everything together, his mother’s cancer scare, almost losing their twins in birth, only for them to pull through while she lost too much blood, so he knew that if they could survive all of that, they could get through this.
“Kara…do you ever feel like we’re not living the lives we should be?”
“I’m not sure what you mean. This is the life we always wanted back when you proposed to me, remember?”
“I do…and I love what we have. I love our kids and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world…”
“But lately I’ve been feeling like we were destined for more. I can’t even really say what that is, but this just doesn’t feel real. Sometimes I feel like things here are to perfect, as if I’ll wake up one morning to find this was all a dream.”
“Barry, you’re scaring me.”
“I’m not meaning too, but the last time you were on assignment…I was barely able to sleep with you gone…”
“I know the feeling…”
“When I finally did fall asleep, it was only for a few minutes as images flashed through my mind…images of a man in a yellow and red suit…my mother dying at his hands…and when I woke up, I quickly sketched those images down on paper.”
Barry pulled his sketch book out of the drawer on his nightstand, handing it to Kara who quickly looked through the pages. What she saw was intense, and in even more detail than he described. The last few images in the book were of the man in the yellow and red suit being chased by another man in a suit with the colors reversed. While those images were mystifying, there was one more on the very last page. This was a sketch of the two of them, Barry was in the red suit with a lightning bolt in a white circle on his chest, and she was wearing a blue top, a red skirt, with a cape draped over her shoulders and the letter s prominently displayed on her chest.
“Barry…what is all this?”
“I wish I knew. It’s like my mind is trying to tell me something but I can’t figure out what. When I did that last picture of us…I can’t explain it…but I heard you call me Flash and I called you Supergirl.”
Kara fell silent, not knowing what to make of all of this or even to say. As she closed the book, she looked up at Barry, worry evident on her face. For ten minutes, she still couldn’t speak until her silence became unbearable and he couldn’t get a read on what she was thinking.
“Kara… please say something…”
“What do you want me to say Barry? I don’t know what to make of any of this. You say you love me and our kids, but you feel like our life isn’t real? How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I’ll tell you how it makes me feel…this…whatever this is terrifies me…it makes me think that our six years of marriage, and eight years of knowing each other aren’t enough for you.”
“Barry…I love you…but I need some time to think, away from this. I’m going to take Henry and Alura and stay with my parents for a while. When you figure out what it is you really want…when you figure out what all of this really is…then we’ll talk.”
Kara left the next morning after the kids got to say good-bye. Both she and Barry explained that she was taking them to see Jeremiah, Eliza and their Aunt Alex for an impromptu vacation. With nothing else to do, Barry threw himself into his work. From his team’s perspective he was colder than normal, and professionally detached. Eventually his best friend and assistant Cisco Ramon got worried enough to go to Captain West.
Joe had been one of the best detectives in the history of C.C.P.D. He had saved countless lives of both his fellow officers and civilians. When Captain Singh retired after taking a bullet to his stomach that required surgery, Joe was the logical choice to replace him as he was the next most senior officer on the Force.
“What is it Cisco?”
“It’s about Barry, Sir. I’m worried about him.”
“Allen’s got a lot on his plate right now. As a matter of fact, you all do. So what’s the problem?”
“Well he’s been showing up late, making mistakes that he shouldn’t be at crime scenes. He’s just…something is really wrong with him and he won’t even talk about it.”
“I take it you’ve tried?”
“Yes, I have. I worry that if he keeps going on like this, I don’t know…”
“Thanks for bringing this to my attention Cisco. I’ll have a talk with him.”
Barry was called into Joe’s office later that day. With Kara and the kids gone he hadn’t even attempted to sleep, for fear of what he might see in his nightmares. As such, Joe could see the heavy bags under his eyes and knew that Cisco was right. Something was seriously wrong, and since Barry had been friends with Iris since they were kids, he was concerned.
“You wanted to see me Joe?”
“Yes, Barry…have a seat. I think we should talk.”
“About what?”
“About what? Barry, have you looked in the mirror lately? Have you seen yourself? What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing…I’m just dealing with some stresses outside of work that I’d really rather not talk about.”
“Barry…I’ve known you since you were eleven years old. Over those years and your friendship with Iris made me start to see you as kind of like a son. So you’ve got to know I’m concerned about you.”
“I know that Joe…I…”
“Then talk to me. Captain Singh named you in charge of the C.S.I. because you were the best we had, even better than Julian. He was great, but he didn’t have the rapport you had with the team. Cisco came to me and told me you’ve been showing up late, making mistakes at crime scenes. Come on son, you’ll feel better if you talk about it.”
“I can’t Joe. Anything I say is going to make me sound like I’m crazy. Maybe I am going crazy. Kara left me because of what I’ve been seeing in my dreams, she took the kids too.”
“I don’t think you’re crazy Barry, I could never think that. But whatever’s going on, I would hate to see it affect your work. I think you should take some time off.”
“You’re not firing me, are you Joe?”
“No Barry…but I am going to put you on paid administrative leave. Do what you need to so you can get your head back on straight. Go talk to Kara; you know that my wife and I split up because of her drug issues. Don’t let Kara get away. You two don’t have the problems that I did. I promise, you’ll always have a place to come back to with the C.C.P.D. I just want you to take the time you need to get better.”
Barry couldn’t argue with Joe, well he could but it wouldn’t get him anywhere so he left. Before leaving the station he went and talked to Cisco, he wasn’t angry because he knew his best friend was just looking out for him. After informing Cisco of what Joe said and that he would be in charge, Barry took a walk through downtown Central City. It was still early morning so the normal hustle and bustle of the day had yet to begin. It was quiet, unsettlingly quiet and Barry had the sudden feeling that someone was following him.
As the feeling intensified, Barry began walking at a quicker pace. But even when he was nearly running the feeling of someone being right behind him pervaded his senses. Finally he stopped and turned around, but no one was there. Only confused looks of passersby wondering why he had almost barreled over them in his haste.
“Get a grip Allen…this is just your nerves talking. Kara said I was scaring her, I’m starting to scare myself as well.”
Barry began walking again, unaware that his instincts had been correct. There was not just one person following him, but two. The first was about the same height as him, a shock of blonde hair hanging down around his forehead, almost concealing his eyes. He knew that his plan to get back at Barry Allen was on track, but he was also unaware of the second person following behind him.
“It’s all happening again. Barry doesn’t know that this isn’t his world yet. And his adversary is close to getting what he wants. He’s already corrupted this place, Barry was supposed to have the ideal life here after his sacrifice. But he can’t…staying here means he’ll never get back home. I have to intervene. Even if it means my future may never happen."
Weeks passed for Barry in what felt like the blink of an eye. Every time he thought he was safe, that feeling of being followed still stayed with him. Finally it got bad enough that he decided it was time to be sure. He set off at another brisk pace for a morning walk, and soon enough, there it was. This time he didn’t start running, instead choosing to let whoever his pursuer was gain ground. Finally he took a turn into an adjacent alleyway and stopped. In the span of the three minutes he looked at his watch, the footsteps sounded out behind him.
“All right, who the hell are you and why are you following me?”
Barry quickly turned around, anger flashing in his eyes as he spoke. His first instinct was to fight, but the man held his hands up in surrender.
“I’m not going to hurt you Barry. I’m trying to help you.”
“Why should I believe you? All you’ve done is follow me for a couple of weeks, my wife left me, I haven’t seen my kids…”
“I’m not the one who has been following you…”
“Really, could’ve fooled me.”
“Okay, yes, I’ve been following you, but only to prevent the real threat from getting to you. I really am here to help…wait…you don’t remember me, do you?”
“I’ve never met you before, why should I remember you?”
“Think back Barry…back to a time where you were outside C.C. Jitters with Kara Danvers. You picked her up as she held onto two cups of coffee…you remember a man telling you something about young love…”
“…how it can end, but when it’s for real, nothing else matters? You…who are you…?”
“I can’t tell you that now…I just need you to trust me…”
“Prove to me that I can.”
“Fine…I have to show you something. I’m sure you’ll be familiar with this man when you see his picture…”
The stranger pulled a folded up photo out of his back pocket and handed it to Barry. It was only a headshot, but there was something oddly familiar as Barry intensely stared, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. It took a few moments but the answer hit him like a bolt of lightning.
“Yes Barry…Thawne brought you here.”
“Thawne’s dead…erased from existence…”
“That’s what I thought as well…but look around you Barry…look at the world you’re in. Doesn’t everything seem just too perfect….too good to be true?”
“That’s because it is. I think you know where you are…you just need to accept it.”
“This is the Speed Force, isn’t it? I was sent here after…after I defeated Metallo and Reactron to protect Kara…”
“It is…but not as it should be. Thawne has twisted the Speed Force…manipulated it to serve his own desires…”
“If what you say is true…no…it can’t be true. Thawne was erased from existence.”
“A version of him yes…I know you’re familiar with the term doppelganger…”
“Thawne did what Zoom did. He went to another Earth and picked up a copy of himself. That doppelganger was erased while he was brought here. He controls all of this…he’s making you see what he wants you too.”
“How do you know all this?”
“Because you told me…twenty years from the time you were brought into the Speed Force. I always wondered how you knew…and it’s because I had to come here to tell you. Barry…I’m from twenty years in your future. I could have told you in the past when you first saw me, but that would have changed the timeline. The only place I could help you…was here.”
“But how do I know that you’re not working with Thawne?”
“Still skeptical…I get that. I hope this works because I’m going to show you a replication of my timeline. I don’t really know if it will work inside the Speed Force, but it’s the only way I can think of to convince you.”
The stranger placed a holographic projector on to Barry’s forehead. When it activated, the images were transferred into Barry’s mind. He saw the remains of Central City, a decaying wasteland where nothing could have survived.
“Is what will happen if Thawne keeps you trapped here. If he wins…my world, my sister and I will never exist. After you died, Mom gave up being Supergirl…she basically stopped living. That’s why you can’t stay here.”
“Wait…your mom is Supergirl…Kara…my Kara…, you said you couldn’t tell me who you are…but you just…”
“I could see you still didn’t believe me, even with what I showed you. But Thawne is coming…I can feel his negative Speed Force approaching. He’s found us and I’m out of time. Dad…my name is Henry Joseph Allen and if you don’t run now…I’ll never be born.”
“Now I know you’re lying…Henry Joseph is the name of my son here…stay away from me!”
Barry took off running and for the first time since he woke up in this world, it was at super-speed. He ran all the way across Central City to where the house he grew up in, the house he was sharing with Kara should be. When he arrived, there was nothing but an empty field and a blue portal.
“What…what happened to my house? Where did everything go?”
The voice caught Barry off guard as he spun in a circle to find who was talking. He knew it wasn’t Kara, and after frantically searching found himself face to face with his mother.
“You know I’m not really your mother Barry.”
“You’re part of the Speed Force…taking the appearance of my Mom.”
“Yes…and Henry really is your son from the future. You think it was a coincidence that you named your son that in the Speed Force? No…it’s because we gave you that suggestion. You should have listened to him…”
“Even if he was lying to me? Even if…”
“Barry you know in your heart that he was telling you the truth. This world…this dream, it’s not real. The Speed Force has been corrupted. Everything you saw up until you met the adult Henry came from us. We gave you the happy life you wanted, but your nightmares…your fight with Kara…that was all Thawne.”
“But if he was erased from existence, even if he used a doppelganger to trick us all…how could he have hidden here without you knowing?”
“Because Thawne is the other side of the coin. The positive is you and he is your negative. All things exist in duality Barry. When he arrived in the Speed Force, his negative energy kept him hidden. Like matter and anti-matter, he was undetectable to us. But when you came in, you brought with you an overabundance of the positive aspects of the lightning that created you. It destroyed every way for him to hide.”
“How do I stop him here, this time?”
“The only way to do so is to leave this world. As long as you are here, his power will increase. He has come so close to finding you and thus far we have kept you protected. It’s why we brought Henry here from the future before his timeline was obliterated.”
“But if I leave, how do you know he won’t be able to hide himself again. How…”
“There is no other how, Barry. Your arrival was fortuitous as your energy canceled out the negative Speed Force Thawne expends.”
“She’s right Dad. They needed you to bring me here. The Speed Force needs a connection to the bloodline that unlocked it. But you came before you were supposed to. The way you sacrificed yourself wasn’t supposed to happen in 2017. I can’t tell you more than that, because it could jeopardize the timeline. I was brought in to maintain the balance. You did your job to stop Thawne…now it’s my turn.”
Barry knew what he had to do, but he still felt Thawne was his responsibility. Soon both he and Henry could feel the Reverse Flash’s energy. He was being drawn like a moth to a flame because of their powers. Henry turned to face the direction of the red steak of lightning just as Time Wraiths started circling.
“Dad; what are you doing? You know how important it is that you get out of here!”
“No…we’ll face Thawne together. I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me.”
“No…if you stay and fight this battle here, the entire future…my future will cease to exist! You have to go!”
Barry refused to move, choosing to stay with his son. On the hill behind Thawne, a figure clad in black was racing forward, gaining ground on him. The appearance of this figure put the Time Wraiths into a frenzy. Both generations of Allen men were mystified at what it was until he was close enough to see the red lightning bolt with a white background on his chest.
“Dad…you have to go…go now! That’s the Black Flash…he signifies death for speedsters! He’s after Thawne but he’ll take you too!”
“What about you? You must have gotten the same speedster powers as me?!”
“Yeah…but I got a little something extra…a nice dose of being half Kryptonian protects me. Not going to say it again…go!”
Barry still refused to budge even as the Speed Force representation of his mother reappeared, begging him to leave. Henry now knew exactly where his stubbornness came from even though his mother had often told him, he always refused to believe it and took matters into his own hands. He grabbed his father by the shirt and threw him into the portal, sending him back to Earth, but not without one final word.
“Seriously Dad…take care of Mom…she needs you!”
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