Chapter 15: Meeting Lois Lane
Kara was an emotional wreck as she stepped into Lois’ apartment with Barry right behind her. It only took Lois a moment to pull Kara over to the couch and sit her down. Barry followed suit and took a seat of his own, worried for Kara as Lois shot him a death glare. He didn’t know what he’d done wrong but it was clear when Kara spoke.
“B-Barry…that’s Clark’s chair. You two may have come to an understanding at my apartment, but he…”
Barry didn’t need Kara to finish and got up to go lean against the window. Lois eased her glare and turned her attention back to Kara as the young woman was still slightly in tears.
“Kara, you have to tell me what happened. I can’t help if you don’t let me.”
“It’s Clark…he…he was investigating the old Project Cadmus site and…he…,”
“He got hurt didn’t he? Start at the beginning, tell me what happened.”
“I was in Central City with Barry…we were at his apartment watching a movie. At some point I had fallen asleep…”
Lois looked up at Barry again, the same glare on her face at the thought that he did something to Kara that had her upset right before whatever it was that happened to Clark.
“Ms. Lane…I promise you, I’m not the reason Kara is upset right now.”
“Then I’ll get to you in a moment. Kara…what happened to Clark? Where is he now?”
“At the Bat-cave. Luthor planned out a way to hurt him. The only thing I know for certain is that his body was exposed to lethal doses of red sunlight. Right before the Cadmus building was buried in debris from the aqueducts.”
Externally Lois was calm, but inside she was furious. Lex had been a thorn in hers and Clark’s side ever since they had gotten together. There was even a point where reports came out that he had known that Clark and Superman were one and the same. The reports proved to be unfounded, but that didn’t help in the moment when their lives nearly came crashing down.
“So Batman has him?”
“And Wonder Woman is with them….they’re…”
“Kara, I know that this hurts because of the Kryptonian bond you have with Clark. You’re the last children of the house of El, and from what he told me, any time one of you gets hurt, the other is going to feel it. Are you blaming yourself for the fact that he got hurt?”
“Kara, this was not your fault.”
“Excuse me…Barry…this conversation doesn’t pertain to you. If you don’t mind…”
“I’m sorry Ms. Lane. I just thought I should interject that small point. Kara told me the same thing when I found out one of my friends had turned into an evil speedster and tried to kill me by taking my powers.”
“No Lois, Barry’s right. I needed to hear that.”
“All right, listen Kara, you’ve obviously been through the ringer with trying to get Clark out of the remains of Cadmus. I know we had planned to come to National to see you this week, but you came to us instead. You’re welcome to stay here until Clark gets back on his feet. But for now, why don’t you go take a shower, get out of your uniform. I’ll have some tea ready for you.”
Kara slowly trudged off towards the guest bathroom she used whenever she was in Metropolis. She knew that Clark and Lois always had clothing ready for her in the event that she dropped by. Before she was out of the living room though, she turned back and met Barry’s gaze. His eyes were filled with compassion and in that one simple look she knew he was saying he’d still be there when she got back.
He wasn’t out of the woods yet though as Lois turned on her reporter’s curiosity and had him dead in her sights, not caring about the scarlet uniform or the stories she had heard about him. Her only concern right now was that he would take care of Kara and be as good to her as she would be to him.
“Okay Flash…time to face the music. Clark and I read Kara’s article about you. She spoke very highly of your talents. So Barry Allen, it’s time to remove the mask. Show me what she sees in you beyond the superhero."
“May I ask you a question before I do, Ms. Lane?”
“Ask away.”
“How did you know that Barry Allen and the Flash are one and the same?”
“Please, I’d be a terrible reporter if I didn’t. I mean aside from the fact that Kara called you Barry instead of Flash, all the signs were there in her article. You just have to know where to look.”
Barry took a seat where Lois indicated and removed his mask. Kara had told him what to expect from Lois Lane because she is one of the best reporters in the business. He was fully prepared to answer questions about his life as the Flash, what it felt like when he first learned he had powers. And just what it was like to face down the man who killed his mother. Instead, she asked him none of that and got straight to the heart of the matter, his relationship with Kara.
Kara, in the meantime was using the hot shower she had desperately needed to wash away the emotional hurt of the day. She had looked up to Clark for so many years, he had been her inspiration. She listened with the utmost attention any time he came to the Danvers’ house and told her of his exploits as Superman. He had always come to see her looking no worse for wear except for maybe a few burns on his suit and tears in his cape.
That’s why seeing him so defeated today took such a toll on her. And then there was Barry, her rock, a pillar of strength as he stood up to Batman for her. Batman, only human and had taken down enemies twice as powerful as him. Barry didn’t even flinch in the face of the man whose shadow made even hardened criminals surrender. That’s when she realized that in her thoughts earlier she had referred to Barry as her boyfriend. The thought was both terrifying and exciting simultaneously. Three weeks they’ve been dating and she could only hope he felt the same way.
As soon as she finished her shower and dressed in her borrowed pajamas, she stepped back into the living room where Lois was finishing her interrogation of Barry. She hadn’t heard any of their conversation while in the shower, and was surprised when Lois finally cracked a smile. Whatever she had questioned Barry about, he must have passed her tests as well. While still drying her hair, Kara gently tapped him on the shoulder before coming to sit down beside him.
“You probably want to take a shower too, Barry. It’s free.”
“Probably a good idea, I’ll be…”
“I know….back in a flash…”
Barry smiled as Kara echoed his joke from the first time he was at her apartment. Just two weeks ago she had rolled her eyes at the joke but with the boyfriend revelation she had, she found his joke endearing this time. With her powers, she was always able to observe everything going on around her, but was startled when Lois spoke.
“You’re falling in love with him, aren’t you?”
“Kara, I wasn’t born yesterday. I can see the way you look at him. I heard the inflection in your voice when you called him Barry instead of Flash. Your relationship already goes beyond just the professional as superheroes. This guy has you so off your game.”
“Supergirl is never off her game.”
“That’s my point, and all the proof I needed. I’m not talking about Supergirl, I’m talking about Kara Danvers. And you just referred to yourself in the third person. So when are you going to admit it to yourself? You are falling in love with Bartholomew Henry Allen.”
“Lois! How did you know his full name? Did you…”
“I did research on him while he was answering my questions. I probably know almost as much about him as you do. I have to say, there are so many parallels in your lives. You both lost your parents, both of you were adopted…it honestly makes sense that you would…”
“Yes, I’m falling in love with him. But it’s crazy, isn’t it? I mean we’ve only been dating for three weeks. Don’t you think that’s a little fast for me to be feeling like this?”
“If you two were anyone other than who you are, I would absolutely say yes. But I can tell, everything he told me insinuates how deep a connection you two already have. Both of your lives have been fraught with tragedy. So let me ask you this, who else on God’s green Earth have you been able to connect with besides Clark?”
“Exactly. The Danvers’, Jimmy, your friend Winn, none of them have truly understood you like Barry does.”
“But what if he doesn’t feel the same? He stood up to Batman for me and that’s the first time I thought of him as my boyfriend. What do I do in the event that he just wants to be friends?”
“Kara, you have nothing to worry about.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because he may not know it yet, but Barry Allen is falling just as much in love with you as you are with him. And trust me; better enjoy the young love stage while you have it. Because sometimes it can end, but when it’s for real, nothing else matters.”
Kara was about to reply that she had heard that somewhere before, somewhere in the recent past. Before she could, Barry stepped back into the room wearing a bathrobe that was easily two sizes too big for him. Kara couldn’t help but laugh upon seeing him, causing Lois to turn and break out in laughter as well.
“What? What did I do?”
“Barry…that’s Clark’s robe. It was a birthday gift I gave him a couple of years ago.”
“Well I couldn’t exactly get back into my Flash suit yet, and I didn’t think it would be the best of manners if I came out in just the shirt I wear under it and my boxers, Ms. Lane.”
“Please Barry, call me Lois. Have a seat; I’ll go see what I can find for you to wear.”
“Actually I was thinking I might head back to Central City, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Kara let a small amount of hurt enter her eyes as Barry said he might leave. She was a little worried that he would just take off before they had a chance to have a serious discussion about their relationship and the thought once again crossed her mind that he might not feel the same about her.
“It would hardly be an imposition, Mr. Allen. I insist you stay, at least for the night. Both you and Kara have had a very trying day. So, sit. I will not take no for an answer.”
Barry knew if he protested further he would look like a bad guest, not to mention he knew Kara would be hurt if he left now after standing up for her earlier. He didn’t really want to leave either; his talk with Lois made him realize that he was indeed falling in love with Kara, even though he’d had that same thought multiple times over. So he moved around to the front of the couch and flopped down beside her. Just like when they shared their first kiss, her heart skipped a beat as the hurt in her eyes disappeared to be replaced by more laughter at the sight of him pulling the robe closer around him.
“Kara…I think we should talk.”
“Barry…I think we should talk.”
Both spoke at the same time, causing a blush to form on both of their faces. They both knew what they wanted to say, but when they both tried to go first, the words wouldn’t come. Kara leaned her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. Lois had left the room before he sat down, and the silence between them was comfortable if not a little bit awkward as they thought about how to disclose their feelings. They were both quiet for about five minutes when Lois came back in, interrupting them as they were about to speak.
“These might be a little big for you Barry, but they should at least be comfortable.”
Lois handed them to him over the back of the couch, not wanting him to disturb Kara who looked comfortable cuddled into his side. He took a quick look at the shirt and sleep pants, thinking they would at least fit, and wondered why Lois had them.
“Are these Clark’s?”
“Yes, it’s a long story, so I’ll sum it up. Brainiac tried to use a shrink ray to reduce Clark to the size of an ant. The ray only was only partially successful but Clark had to buy smaller clothes that fit until a week later when the effects wore off.”
“These will be great Lois, thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Kara, the spare bedroom is always ready for you. Barry, you’ll be sleeping on the couch?”
Barry knew that though it was phrased as a question, it wasn’t. It had gotten late and all three of them were exhausted from the day’s events and Lois wanted to get an early start before taking the trip to Gotham. She knew Bruce wouldn’t be happy that she showed up unannounced, but he also wouldn’t keep her from seeing Clark. She moved off to her bedroom as Kara stood up. She had so much she wanted to say to Barry, so many feelings she wanted to confess, but they were both dozing off and she hoped the morning would provide more clarity. As it was, she gave him a peck on the lips before moving off to the guest bedroom.
“Good night Barry.”
“Good night Kara.”
The hours rolled by as Barry tried to find a comfortable position on the couch. The events of the day along with his feelings for Kara left him unable to sleep. He tossed and turned, unaware that she was having the same trouble falling asleep as he was. Eventually he gave up, and ran his hands through his hair before deciding to talk to her. What he didn’t expect was the soft footsteps coming towards him and her voice, a quiet whisper, saying his name.
“Kara, are you okay?”
“Yes…I just…I have to tell you something and I know it’s going to sound crazy…”
“Crazier than evil speedsters, Lex Luthor trying to kill Superman and me standing up to Batman?”
“When you put it that way…no, Barry I have to say this. When you told Lois you were thinking about going back to Central City tonight, that hurt me.”
“Kara, I didn’t mean to…”
“But then you stayed. It hurt because I was talking to her while you were in the shower and I realized something. We’ve only been dating for three weeks, and I really can’t explain it, but I know it in my heart. I know that I’m falling in love with you Barry.”
“Don’t…if you don’t feel the same, tell me now. Don’t try to sugar coat it and let me down easy, just tell me the truth.”
“Can’t do that. Kara, I could never lie to you or pretend I don’t feel the way I do when you’re around. Your smile lights up the room whenever you walk in. You once told me that it wouldn’t matter what Lois and Clark think, you want to be with me. I want that too. I guess, I started falling for you the first time we met. The real question is, how could I not fall in love with you?”
Tears started to fill Kara’s eyes as Barry confessed to her that he was feeling the exact same way she was. Ever since coming to Earth, she thought she’d always be an outsider. She thought she’d never find what Clark and Lois have, but all that changed when she met Barry Allen. Although she’s Supergirl, she feels safe and protected as he wraps her up in a hug, and wipes her tears away with his thumb. Finally after the clock strikes one, exhaustion overtakes them and they fall asleep on the couch together. She’s curled up into his side with her head leaning on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her.
Lois finds them in the same position just an hour later and covers them up with the throw blanket from the couch. She couldn’t be angry at them even if she wanted to. Kara has become like a little sister to her, and Barry…, Lois knows that Barry really is a good man, and Kara would be hard pressed to find someone who would accept her for who she is, and more importantly who would love her like he already does.
The next morning Barry and Kara woke together, realizing they had spent the night wrapped in each other’s arms. It was the best sleep they’d had and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. Lois had already left for Gotham, but left them both a note and enough food to feed an army. This gave Barry another chance to show a skill he had to Kara, and that was his ability to prepare a perfect breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes and waffles, even at super-speed.
After breakfast they both left Lois and Clark’s apartment. She was bound for Gotham and he for Central City, but both knew that despite the miles, they would never really be apart, and neither would ever have to feel alone again.
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