Chapter 10: Gold kryptonite
Barry and Kara spent nearly an hour suspended in mid-air, just holding on to each other. In just a week of them knowing the other, they had taken down King Shark and a villainous new meta-human. Neither of them had felt a connection like this before and both were nervous and excited at where their new relationship already seemed to be going. What had started as a night out with friends celebrating after defeating Godspeed turned into their first date. Right there under the stars, Barry began singing to Kara once more.
“I don’t want this night to end.”
“I don’t either…why do I sense a but coming?”
“I’ve got to go back to National City tomorrow…or rather today as it’s already two in the morning.”
“Just oh…okay? That’s it?”
“No…I thought you were going to say that we can’t continue this. Our lives as heroes would get in the way of us being together.”
“Why would you think I’d say that? That thought didn’t even pop into my mind.”
“Just the last girl I dated. She wanted me to admit to her I was the Flash. It was too dangerous, I mean I know she figured it out in the end…I just couldn’t put her in that situation. She was…”
“…was she good to you?”
“Yes…but she was also a cop on the meta-human task force for C.C.P.D. My being the Flash would have jeopardized her life. Being who I am, I couldn’t do that to her. She deserved someone who could give her a normal life, not one of having to worry if I wouldn’t be coming home.”
“I see. Honestly that’s why my last relationship didn’t work out either. The keeping secrets…”
“We don’t have to do that with each other though. Kara, you and I…”
Kara was looking into Barry’s eyes as she placed a finger to his lips. She knew what he wanted to say, so she didn’t need to hear the words. Her next actions were probably too forward, but she couldn’t resist. With both arms once again wrapped around Barry’s neck, she leaned in and kissed him. She’d been wanting to all night and her heart skipped a beat when he kissed her back. Slowly they drifted back down towards the ground; blissfully unaware in that moment that thirty miles away under their feet, Cadmus was progressing into the next phase of its plan when a familiar face walked into Westfield’s office with a special delivery.
“Excuse me Sir, but this is private property. I don’t know how you got into Cadmus but I can make sure you regret it.”
“Oh come on Westfield, I know all about the silent alarm button under your desk. Do you really think that your security team is going to do anything since my money is what contributes to their payroll?”
Westfield knew the voice coming from under the gray hood, but could barely see the man’s face. He hadn’t expected him to ever show up again or walk directly in to Cadmus since Superman had made any city too dangerous for him to show his face.
“I have to be honest; I thought you had dropped off the grid permanently…Max.”
Maxwell Lord removed his hood to reveal himself. He had been living under the radar for just over a year after Lex was sent to prison for using the kryptonite he hadn’t given to Cadmus to create an artificial fault line in California and to create a new landmass in the Atlantic ocean that would have killed millions with earthquakes and floods. Both plans were part of his efforts to kill Superman and he nearly succeeded with the second attempt. As such when Westfield got a decent look at his remaining benefactor, he understood the new appearance.
“You look like shit, Max. Seems like you spent the last year living as a misanthrope.”
“The beard and longer hair were grown out of necessity. I’ve been searching for new forms of kryptonite for use in our experiments with cybernetic technology.”
“And I take it you found some over the course of your yearlong sabbatical?”
“More than you know, Paul. Tell me how the Metallo project is proceeding.”
“Actually rather well. We were able to use green kryptonite as a power source for our first volunteer. He’s even been tested in the field against one of our own meta-human creations.”
“I didn’t know Cadmus had the ability to create meta-humans. I thought only the dark matter unleashed by the Star Labs particle accelerator was capable of that.”
“It was, but Donovan managed to create his own formula based on a Meta we had captured as he died. So tell me, what kind of new kryptonite have you discovered?”
Max pulled a bundle out of his coat pocket and set it on Westfield’s desk. The sample was just a small piece of rock, but held enormous potential. When the protective wrapping was removed, this new kryptonite shined under the light in a brilliant gold color.
“Come on Max, this can’t be kryptonite. What did you really do, go on a gold mine dig?”
“It is kryptonite, I can prove it.”
Lord pulled a vial of blood from his other coat pocket next, and let a few drops hit what he claimed was kryptonite. The chemical reaction was instantaneous as the red turned black. Westfield was immediately intrigued, but had to know where the blood had come from.
“The blood is true born Kryptonian. This is the last available sample I have from Supergirl from when I recreated Luthor’s experiment to create a Bizarro version of her.”
“So what exactly does gold kryptonite do?”
“You know green weakens them and with enough exposure can kill them…”
“Gold takes away their powers. Think about what we could accomplish with this. We can make Superman and Supergirl completely human. They would be unable to fight back. The Metallo project could then be used to serve as an example. With Superman and Supergirl powerless, they would be just as frail as you and I.”
“We could kill them…let them serve as a warning to all extra-terrestrial life forms on our planet. You have more of this variant?”
“I think I know just how to use it. Let me introduce you to our latest volunteer.”
Westfield led Max towards the newest power dampening lab where Donovan was running more advanced tests on Reactron. Krull had been at Cadmus for a week now, and the scientists had yet to find a true limit to his abilities. They’ve run every test imaginable on both his body and the exo-suit he built, only scratching the surface of his powers.
“Ben, I’d like to introduce you to Cadmus’ remaining benefactor. This is Maxwell Lord.”
“I know who you are Mr. Lord. But your public persona is that of a benevolent billionaire. You even helped Supergirl stop Myriad.”
“All as a test. Kryptonians pose a serious threat to our planet. They destroyed their own home, and Superman, Supergirl and the others that tried to enslave mankind had to be stopped. So tell me, what did Supergirl do to you?”
“She left me to die in a reactor explosion. Terrorists had infiltrated…”
“I heard about that. She stopped the attack but failed to save one of the reactor engineers.”
“No…she failed to save two of us. I absorbed all the radiation from the reactor, but the explosion killed my wife.”
“And you want revenge. I’m sure Director Westfield has told you what we do here.”
“He has…but so far his promises and assurances have come up empty. He claims to have a weapon that will enable me to kill Supergirl, but I have yet to see it.”
“Then this is your lucky day, Mr. Krull. Westfield, show him.”
“I did make you a promise Ben. Supergirl was able to stand up to your powers and have you arrested. We were lucky enough to get to you before the authorities did. I have no doubts you’ve heard of kryptonite?”
“Yeah, it can kill Kryptonians, so what?”
“Green kryptonite renders them weak, and yes, with enough exposure it can kill them. But you have to continuously pour on the pressure to cause real damage. What Mr. Lord has brought us today, is a previously unknown variant. This is gold kryptonite. And from what I’ve already seen, this variant will render Supergirl powerless. What would you say if I told you that with enough testing, we could power your suit with this kryptonite, and then with your own abilities…”
“I would have my revenge? Westfield, you know I’m in.”
“Then we can begin the next phase of increasing your power. I’ve got one more person to introduce you to. I think you’ll find that the two of you have quite a lot in common.”
Westfield led Reactron towards the other testing facility while Max followed the signs towards Cadmus’ meta-human wing. He wanted to see just how Donovan had cracked the code of creating super-powered humans and what it meant for their plans. The Metallo project was well under way so he didn’t need to know what was happening with their other volunteer. Only Westfield and Krull would be taking that walk.
“Ben, as I told you after we rescued you, Cadmus’ goal is to create an army of enhanced individuals to combat the growing threat of aliens and meta-humans. Integrating the gold kryptonite into your suit will make you our second soldier in that army. Now you’re already enhanced, but we will make you more powerful. Let me show you who you’ll be working with.”
“Don’t need anyone Westfield. I won’t share the credit for Supergirl’s death.”
“Perhaps you should see what he can do, before you rush to judgement.”
Westfield pressed a panel on the wall, which opened up a window to where two men were sparring in what appeared to be a training session, but Krull could tell that this fight was to the death.
“The man you see on the offensive was brought to us severely injured. He had been in Central City the night of the particle accelerator explosion. His body was damaged nearly beyond repair due to his actions of trying to save innocent people.”
Krull was immediately impressed at the battle taking place before him. He could tell that the combatant on the defensive had enhanced abilities, and was no doubt one of Cadmus’ own meta-humans. He was putting up an impressive resistance until his fire powers burned away a portion of the other man’s skin. Now visible was a massive piece of green kryptonite where the man’s heart should be. The meta-human was then thrown across the room, and the kryptonite power source lit up brightly before burning a hole through his enemy’s chest.
“There, any questions?”
“I do have one, what’s going to happen to the corpse?”
“We’re going to have him transported to National City for Supergirl to find.”
“And she’ll have no idea where it came from?”
“Of course not. We’ve also taken steps to wipe any information about his identity from all databanks, government included. I take it you have no more objections Ben?”
“Good, then allow me to introduce you to John Corben, otherwise known as Metallo.”
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