Phone call
-See you tomorrow Pete! Ned said and left me at my locker.
-See you! I answered and opened my locker.
I was gonna have a test in geometry tomorrow. Of course I already knew everything but I wanted to be sure. So I was gonna study a little today before going out on patrol. When I opened my locker I didn't spot my book. So I tried to look behind the books I already had there. But it wasn't there.
Oh snap!
I probably forgot it at the avengers tower yesterday. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I picked up my phone and started walking towards the exit. I really hated bothering mr. Stark. Especially about school stuff. A few signals went by before he answered.
-Hi kid what's up? Mr. Stark asked.
-Hi mr. Stark! have you seen my geometry book? I think I forgot it at the tower yesterday.
-Yeah it's in the la....
-Is that Peter? A female voice asked.
-I swear to god you guys forget who recruited him, mr. Stark said.
-Hi Peter it's me Carol. How are you? Ms. Danvers asked happily (super exited bc it's her Petey boy)
-Hi ms. Danvers! Yeah I'm good I just got out of school.
-Oh that's great! Vallie and I are cooking dinner tonight. You should come!
-Sure. I'm just gonna check with my aunt. But it should be fine, I said as I walked outside to see a black car outside.
I stopped because that car looked kinda familiar. So of course I slowly choose to approach it while mr. Stark and ms. Danvers started a normal avengers argument. I kept sneaking up to the car when suddenly the window opened and I saw Happy sitting behind the steering wheel.
-Are you gonna get in or not? He asked annoyed.
I sighed a bit relived and got into the car. Just as I heard another female voice ask mr. Stark and ms. Danvers who was on the phone. As my name was mentioned ms. Romanoff joined the call.
-Hi Pete! You still in school? Not skipping I hope, ms. Romanoff said.
-Am I on loudspeaker in the kitchen again? I asked.
-Yeah. Tony's drinking his grumpy coffee while checking facebook again, Ms. Romanoff answered.
-He's so old, I chuckled.
-Hey! I'm still here kid!!
-Sorry mr. Stark.
-Is that Peter I hear? Did Peter call and you didn't tell me!? Mr. Barton's voice echoed from afar.
Then I heard some metal sound and I guess he broke down a vent hatch again.
-Hi mr. Barton! I said.
-It is him! Peter when are you coming over? It's been so long.
-I'm on my way now. I forgot my geometry book there.
-Where's the book guys? I wanna see how Spider-boy is doing in school, mr. Barton said.
-Already checked three times. He's doing pretty good, Mr. Stark said.
-Yeah I saw it. That kid knows math better than me, ms. Romanoff answered.
-Guys you can't just read my geometry book!
-Why not!? All of them asked.
-Because it's not your job to check how I'm doing in school! It's May's!!
-Say what you want kid. We're the adults, mr. Stark said.
-Whose the adults? Another new voice asked.
-We of course, mr. Barton answered.
-Are you talking to Peter? Friday why didn't you tell me?? Mr. Rodgers voice asked.
-Hi mr. Rodgers!
-Hi Pete! How's it going?
-Pretty good. I didn't have to take the subway because Happy picked me up.
-That's good. Are you on your way here?
-Yeah I forgot my geometry book there yesterday, I answered.
-Good thing you're picking it up already. Education is important!
-Okay enough of this. Friday alert the others that we're talking to Peter on loudspeaker in the kitchen. He's on his way here and is not skipping school. He forgot his geometry book, mr. Stark said a tiny bit annoyed.
I sighed annoyed. It's good that he told the others so they would stop asking the same questions over and over again. But now all tbe others would soon join. Not that I mind. But I would be there in like 20 minutes. So why did they have to make full conference call or whatever?
-Any other homework Pete? Mr. Rodgers asked.
-We're always here to help out, ms. Danvers said.
I rolled my eyes and out my hand over my phone so they wouldn't hear what I was gonna say to Happy.
-Happy could you drive faster? They're doing that thing again, I said.
-Buckle up kid, he said and I returned to the call.
-Sorry what? I asked.
-Do you got anymore homework? Mr. Barton asked.
-Not for this week no. I'm gonna start on my future dreams project soon though, I said.
-We came as soon as we heard!!! A few voices yelled.
-Who else? I asked mentally groaning.
-Mind reader, her boyfriend, metal arm, bird brain, Rhodes, big guy, lebowski, regular size man, sword lady from asgard and mss hot CEO, Mr. Stark said.
-I am like 10 minutes away. You guys don't have to talk to me, I said.
-Of course we have to. You're the Spider-child, mr. Thor's voice said.
-Yeah and why wait 10 whole minutes to talk to our little boy when we can just talk to you right now, mss. Stark said.
I once again covered my phone with my hand to speak with Happy.
-Okay....They're really doing it, I said.
He nodded and I went back to the call. Now I actually felt how Happy started racing past other cars. That ladies and gentlemen is why I love him.
-I'm 15. I'm not a kid anymore!
-Naaw but you're still just as cute as one, mr. Wilson teased.
-Thanks mr. Wilson. That helps a lot, I said sarcastically.
-Peter for fucks sake. You are allowed to call us by our first names, mr. Barnes said.
-Language! There's a kid on the line, mr. Rodgers scolded.
-I'm a teenager goddamnit!
Then all I could hear was gasps. Like literally. I even think I heard mr. Stark drop his coffee mug. Man this is not gonna end well.
-Fucking hell Peter. Don't you fucking know you don't fucking swear with capsicle on the fucking line. He can't fucking take that. Neither can the other pussys and dipshits in this fucking room. Sorry Pep, love you!....Carol....are you threatening me with a spoon?
-Outch Carol! That spoon with sugar fucking hurt!
-What's going on? I asked.
-Just cleaning Tony's mouth after using such dirty language, ms. Danvers said.
-Don't curse Pete or you're going into avengers scolding day! Dr. Banner joked seriously.
-Mr. Bar....
-Peter...,mr. Barnes hissed.
-Mr. Bucky cursed to, I said.
-Barton I thought you were on my side! That spoon fu-really hurt.
-I am on your side unless you're facing Carol or Nat. Then I'm on their side.
-Guys am I gonna walk in on a spoon war....again? I asked.
-Not unless your friends here stop cursing you won't, ms. Romanoff said.
-I'll promise to do all my homework at the tower next week if you don't start a spoon war, I said.
-The next person to throw a spoon is dead, Ms. Maximoff said.
Happy pulled the car over at the tower. I quietly thanked him for the ride before walking inside.
-Speaking of homework. How's that girlfriend of yours doing? Ms. Romanoff teased.
-Pete has a girlfriend!!? Everyone on the phone yelled.
-She's just a friend!! I said and entered the elevator.
I then covered my phone and told Friday not to tell the avengers I was here and to take me to the labs instead of the floor everyone else was on.
-Yeah like we haven't heard that line before, mr. Lang said.
-It's true. She calls me loser and we show each other the middle finger more than we actually hug, I said and stepped out of the elevator.
-But you do hug and experience each others physical contact? Mr. Vision asked.
-Uuggh....sometimes, yeah. But it's just a friendly hug.
-So what is your "friendly" relationship like? Ms. Valkyrie asked.
-We're in the same club and.... sheknowsI'mSpider-man.
-Oh my god it's almost official!! Mss. Stark said excited.
-Friday schedule a meeting with the wedding planer please, mr. Stark said.
I rolled my eyes at them and used my ID badge to get inside the lab me and mr. Stark usually work together in.
-Peter you have to introduce us sometime, mr. Barton said.
-Not happening
-Wanna tell us about her? Mr. Rodgers asked.
-No. No I don't think I will, I said and grabbed my geometry book. "Guys I gotta go. Talk to you later!"
Then I hung up. I did say I was gonna be here for dinner. But dinner time's in a few hours. So technically I don't have to be here until then. I can study at home. I smirked as I thought I had gotten away and left the lab. I walked down the corridor and pressed the button for the elevator. My eyes widened as the elevator doors slid open. Inside the avengers stood....glaring at me.
-Did you really think you could get away from us? Mr. Stark asked and dragged me inside.
I sighed annoyed.
-Now, I am very disappointed in you Peter. There's nothing you could say to....
-Sorry Tony, I interrupted.
-Oh my god guys! Did you hear that!? He called me by my first name. Peter you're forgiven, mr. Stark said.
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