Flash the Bully pt.2
Requested by lamming19
I so badly wanted to stay home today that I even faked being sick. But nooo. Here I was, at midtown high. Slowly walking to my doom.
-Wow you look like someone snapped away your puppy, MJ said.
-What happened? Ned asked.
-My family found out about Flash.
-About time. It's not that I mind to roast Flash to protect you loser. It's just it would be more fun with a squad.
-I don't think you get it. My family found out everything. My family who figured out time travel, saved the earth and the universe. My family who is also the avengers. Plus that Quill and Nebula found out to. Soo....
-...I should record this whole day because it's gonna be awwsoome? MJ asked and picked up her phone.
-Whatever. I'm still gonna record Flash getting his ass kicked.
-Uuggh....let's just get to class, I said and started walking.
Ned followed me but MJ stayed behind. We looked at her weirdly.
-Oh I'm just gonna grab my books. You go ahead, She said.
-But you're already holding your books in your hand? Ned said.
-Am I?
I watched as Peter and Ned left. When they were gone I picked up my phone. Peter gave me his parents and his aunt's number. You know, in case of emergency. And for opportunities like this. I decided to call his aunt since we've been texting from time to time.
-Romanoff, she answered.
-Hi Natasha. It's MJ, I said.
-Hi. Listen I'm a little bit busy at the mo....
-I know Peter just told us. But I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
-Depends on the favor.
-It includes you kicking Peter's bullies asses.
-Wait I'm just gonna put you on loudspeaker.
It was after lunch. I was pretty happy. Maybe my family wouldn't come here after all. Maybe they would just call my principal or something. Suddenly I was pulled into a corner. My eyes widened as I saw Flash. He was holding me trapped against the wall with just one arm. The other arm was threatening me with a fist.
-Hi Penis. Wanna tell me what you did in Tony Stark's car yesterday?
-T-t-they a-are m-my p-pare-parents, I stuttered.
-Oh so they are now huh? Did you pay them? Is it a charity project?
-N-no. I-they a-adopted me. T-t-they wanted me.
-Pfft! Who the hell would want a freak show like you? Tell me the truth!? Flash yelled and were about to hit me.
I closed my eyes and waited to get hit. But his fist never touched me. Instead I heard MJ's voice.
-Thompson! You want Peter. You're gonna have to go through me, MJ said who were standing over Flash who was laying on the floor.
Her fist was knelt and Flash had a big red mark on his cheek. MJ looked lile she could kill Flash at any moment.
-Saved by a girl. Such a shame, Flash said and started to get up.
But you don't say something like that infront of MJ. She put her foot on Flash's chest and pressed him down to the floor again, starring at him like she was could kill him at any moment now.
-Listen here Flash. There's a reason people I've roasted doesn't swing a punch at me. Because they would regret it. So if you're smart enough you should lay of and go to class....or else, MJ said and started pressing her foot harder against Flash's chest.
-What a.....outch aow!!! Stop!! Are you crazy!!? Someone help!!! Flash yelled.
-Let's go loser, MJ said and dragged me away.
-Thanks, I said.
-We're running late for gym class, she just said.
I entered the gym and saw my class on the stand. Quickly I sat down and waited for coach to start talking. As I sat down I realized there was a big sheet covering the opposite wall.
-Okay I've got a new education film or whatever. So we're just gonna watch that first, coach said and put on the projector.
My eyes widened as I saw my family on the sheet. They were all in customes and a few subtitles rolled by before they started talking.
-Hi! We're the avengers. And we're here today to show you why not to be a bully, pops said.
-To our help we have the guardians of the galaxy, Bruce said.
*All the guardians waved*
-And of course your wonderful coach, Thor said.
-So how are we just gonna do this through a simple film? Aunt Nat asked.
-Oh that's a hard question. I don't think we can, Dad answered.
-You're right. Let's get out of here, Quill said.
The next second the sheet dropped down and the whole avengers and guardians of the galaxy stood there. Everyone seemed shocked. But I knew what was coming. Somehow everyone didn't attack my family to ask for autographs.
-Okay kids. We're here to show you some real Avenger styling. But we need a volunteer, Clint said.
-Everyone except me, Ned and MJ raised their hand. We all already knew what was going on.
Dad pretended to think about who he would choose. Then he pointed with a laser lamp on Flash. Flash of course smirked like an idiot when he raced down the stand. Nat grabbed him by his shoulder and dragged him to the center of the gym. My family followed and surrounded Flash. Sadly for Flash's part he was still to dumb to understand what was about to happen.
-So what's your name? Gamora asked.
-Eugene Thompson. But everyone calls me Flash.
-So tell me, Flash. Are you an honorable warrior? Thor asked.
-I would like to think of myself that way. Yes, Flash answered.
I could tell uncle Thor was struggling not to go all thunderstorm on Flash....yet.
-Prove it. Punch me, Carol said.
-Wh-what? I'm not gonna punch a girl!
-I am a former member of the kree empire's warriors and strong enough to hold back Thanos with his gauntlet. I think I could take a punch from a pathetic teenager, she said.
Flash did not like that. He built up a punch and just when Carol's face were about to get punched she simply threw him away with her fingers. Wanda caught him with her magic. Just as Flash landed aunt Nat swung her leg to Flash's feet so he fell backwards. Vision then came to help him up but just as Flash were tilting 60 degrees Vision's hand became seethrough and Flash stumbled backwards. But this time he managed to keep himself up on his feet. But then pops threw his shield at him and he fell down on his knees. Dad threw some of his nano armour onto Flash's hand. Before Flash could even start fangirling about him wearing a part of Tony Stark's armour he started hitting himself.
-Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself! Dad teased and then took back his gauntlet.
Flash got up once again. Then suddenly Scott appeared out of nowhere.
-Hey kid! What do you think about ants? Scott asked as thousands of ants started to cover Flash.
Flash being the coward he is screamed like a girl. Eventually for everyone else's ears' sake Scott took away the ants just as an arrow was shot at Flash. But it simply stuck to his shirt.
-What is this supposed to do? Flash mocked.
-Rocket! Clint yelled.
Rocket pulled out a huge gun and started shooting towards Flash. But he only cut of the arrow. Weird liquid started sailing down Flash's shirt.
-Quill, Clint said and pointed playfully at Quill.
Quill pulled out his gun and started shooting towards Flash. Soon Flash looked like a marshmallow. He wasn't able to move because he was covered in some thick....think. Bruce hulked out and punched Flash to the nearest wall. Flash fell down from the wall and started rolling backwards
-I am groot!! Baby groot yelled and started throwing around Flash with his groot long arms.
When baby groot was done throwing around Flash he laid Flash down in front of my parents.
-How do you feel Flash? Dad smiled and looked over to the stand.
-Like I'm the try doll for the avengers on a bad day, Flash groaned.
-Oh.....well that's because you are, pops said and knelt down next to Flash's head.
-You see. We're not only earth's mightiest heroes. We're also PPPS. If you ever lay on a hand on Peter again I will make sure the best you get as a job is a gas station in Fresno, Dad said.
-Are you talking about Penis Parker?
Thor immediately summoned stormbreaker and cut the marshmallow open. Flash wasn't hurt. He just got out of the big marshmallow.
-You call young Peter that again and I'll go for your head, Thor threatened.
-Wow. I thought Parker was poor. But seems like he paid you a lot of money to you guys. I mean, why else would you be here?
-Okay. Flash, Dad said and grabbed Flash's shirt and lifted him up.
Dad's helmet came of and he starred angrily at Flash.
-Peter is my kid. You hear me? My kid. So if someone hurts him in any way that person is not only answering to me. But also to my husband and my family. So if you value your future and your life, then you'll stop bullying my son! Do I make myself clear!?
-Y-y-ye-yes s-sir, Flash stuttered terrified.
-Great, dad said and put Flash down. "Now coach. Peter and his friends are probably shocked and exhausted from this. May they be dismissed?"
-Yes of course mr. Stark, coach said.
Everyone walked past Flash like he suddenly was invisible. Dad waved at me and my friends to come down. We all ran down the stand and out of the gym.
-Guys! I was handling it. You can't just show up to my school and....do whatever you just did.
Dad and pops glanced over at MJ and Ned who just shook their heads. Traitors
-Peter. You may be a superhero and the son of a bi-I mean stark. But you have to understand that kicking whatever that kid's name was, was something we will do again.in a heartbeat. You're our family. And family first. Always, aunt Nat said.
-I'm gonna do all my homework at Ned's and MJ's for the rest of the year, I said and walked towards the exit.
-Wait! Peter no! We wanna help!! My family yelled and ran after me.
I almost ran some tourists over with a car wheel.
First week of my very first job and I almost run someone over. You should definitely hire me. I am not an idiot.
But if you see me rolling a wheel down a hill in town
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