Flash the bully
I looked myself in the mirror. At least Flash and his gang didn't give me a black eye. That probably would've been hard to explain for dad. Pops would totally buy that some super villan or robber had given me one. Dad would first buy it. Then try to find that villan/robber and then do something stupid. But for now that wouldn't happen because my face is untouched and my parents doesn't have to pity me. I walk out of the restroom and meet up with Ned. Of course I tell him what happened. I mean, I tell him everything already.
-Pete I really think you should tell your parents, he said.
-Yeah and have their judgment and pity on me. No way! I answered.
-Oh c'mon. Do you actually believe they would do that?
-Um....yeah. They're the Avengers, they'd probably ask why I don't fight back.
-Why don't you fight back?
-Because I've always been the weak tiny nerd. If that suddenly changed it would probably be really suspicious.
-That's an excuse
-No it's a fact
Ned sighed annoyed.
-Whatever I gotta go. Happy's probably outside right now, I said and rushed outside.
Toilet water or beatings?
On second thought
Why choose?
C ya 2morrow Pete!
I sighed and made a mental note to bring extra clothes tomorrow.
-How have you not seen game of thrones!!? Wanda yelled.
-I just don't wanna watch it, Bucky answered.
Me and Steve laughed from the kitchen where we were drinking coffee together. I looked at the time and where just about to ask if Peter was home yet when Friday interrupted.
-Sir Happy has just arrived with Peter.
-Window or door? I asked and put down my mug.
-The vents sir.
I looked confused at Steve who sent me the same look back. Why was he taking the vents? I opened a hologram over the vent system.
-Alright Friday where is h....?I asked but was interrupted by Peter falling through the ceiling just inches away from me and Steve.
-Outch! I'm never taking the vents ever again, Peter said and rubbed the back of his head.
Steve immediately helped him up and looked at him worried. The others had of course noticed Peter falling through the ceiling.
-Good! Mind telling us what you were doing there in the first place? I asked and crossed my arms.
-Um....I was....trying to understand why uncle Clint likes it so much.
-Hey I haven't taken the vents since last week kiddo! Barton yelled.
Peter rolled his eyes and looked back at us. I looked down under his feet and saw one of the hatches and sighed. At least he's not hurt and he didn't break the ceiling.
-How was school? I asked to change the subject.
However Peter seemed a bit surprised and well....nervous about that question.
-School? Uh...eh....it was good! Yeah uh....me and Ned got to be lab partners.
-Any trouble? Steve asked and I could tell he was suspicious about something.
-Nope not at all. Can I go now?
-Yeah you can go. Just do your homework okay?
Peter smiled and ran off. We all waited until he wouldn't be able to hear us.
-I raised that kid. I know his lies like I know the army, Steve said.
-Peter doesn't lie often if it's not important. I'm sure he has his reasons. He'll tell you soon enough, Nat said.
I nodded agreeing and placed a supporting hand on Steve's shoulder.
-So what do you think it's about? Clint asked.
-Detention, sam said.
-A girl, Wanda said.
-A girl-friend, Clint said and high fived Wanda.
-An A- instead of and A+, Bruce said.
-Sex education, Bucky said.
The next day
I'd remembered to bring clothes witch was good since Flash flushed me in the toilet.....five times. Once again I was lucky not to get a visable bruise. It's not that I don't trust my family. It's just that I know how mad they would be. I walked towards Ned's locker. We both were supposed to have Spanish now but our teacher's sick and she hasn't gotten a replacement. Lucky for me Ned were still here. He looked up on me confused. Probably wondering why my hair is all wet and not my clothes.
-What happened to you!? He asked
-Got flushed in the toilet.....five times.
-Why aren't you clothes wet?
-Flash kinda threatened to do it yesterday so I just remembered to have extra clothes with me today. Do you have a towel?
-Sorry man. But I got my mom's cookies, Ned said and took out a plastic bag with cookies in it and handed it to me. "Here, you probably need them more than I do. Besides my mom likes you"
-Thanks bud, I said and gave him a hug.
-Ew you stink! I wish I could give you a bath.
I just rolled my eyes at him and accepted the cookies.
-I gotta go. I'm going to my aunt this weekend. But call any time okay?
I smiled and watched as Ned walked down the corridor. My phone buzzed and I checked.
Outside ur school
My eyes widened at the text and I immediately started running the fastest I could. Nobody except Ned knew about me living with the avengers. If people see a crazy expensive car with two of the avengers in it I will get a lot of problem with Flash. I ran outside and immediately spotted dad's yellow sport car. My pops spotted me and were about to exit the car when I jumped over the car door and in the backseat.
-Wow there! In a hurry? Pops asked and let out a small chuckle.
-No I just....I'm gonna prank uncle Thor and I wanna get started, I lied.
-Parker!? A voice asked and I mentally died.
I looked up and saw Flash standing a few feet away. He looked really surprised. Probably because I was sitting in the same car as Tony Stark-Rodgers and Steve Rodgers-Stark.
-Heeeeey Flaaaaash, I said a bit nervous.
-A friend of yours Pete? Tony asked.
I looked over at Flash who had this fake smile plastered all over his face. His eyes though told me not to do anything I would regret later.
-Yeah. T-this is Flash Thompson. Flash These are....my parents.
-It's an honor to meet you sirs, Flash said and I could tell he was smirking devilish at me.
-You to. Any friend of Peter is a friend of our, Tony said.
-Thompson huh? Do you know any guy with the name Jack Thompson? Pops asked.
-Y-yes sir he's my grandpa.
-I met him back in the war. Please next time you meet him say hi from me.
-Will do
Then we drove of and I breathed out. Both Dad and Pops looked at me suspiciously through the mirror.
-What? I asked.
-That kid wasn't really your friend was he? Dad asked.
-No we're only classmates, I said.
Technically that wasn't a lie. I just left out that he's also my bully. Pops and dad said have to worry about that.
-He seemed really happy that you called him your friend. Good job son, Pops said.
-Ew something smells bad. Did you fart hun? Dad asked.
-No I didn't! Maybe it's you.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. They are gonna notice and I don't have answers.
-Wait Peter is it you who smell like this? Tony asked.
-Yeah sorry. I'll take a shower when we get home.
-Wait have you changed your clothes? Pops asked.
-Um....no, I lied a bit panicked.
-Yeah he has. You weren't wearing any blue shirt this morning, Dad said.
-Well I uh.....I changed, I said as the car drove inside the Avengers gate.
-Well uh....Oh look Nebula is visiting!! I and point at Nebula standing at the entrance with Thor, Star-lord and Nat.
As soon as the car stopped I jumped out and swung myself over to where Nebula stood.
-Hey guys, I said.
-Young Peter what happened to you? You smell like a pig, Thor said concerned.
-Didn't you wear a grey hoodie this morning? Nat asked.
-Why's your hair wet? Nebula asked.
-I had P.E today and it was really hard, I lied.
-No you didn't, Dad said who now had caught up to me.
-I think we need to have talk with you son. A long talk, Pops said and dragged me inside.
We walked into the living room where I sat down on the couch. Dad and pops stood in front of me with their arms crossed while glaring at me.
-Well um.....I might've been flushed a few times in the toilet today....by my bullies, I said not daring to look up att them.
-You're being bullied!!? Dad yelled shocked.
I didn't answer. Instead I kept looking at my feet. Dad sighed and sat down.
-Why didn't you tell us about it? He asked.
-I just....I just thought you'd be disappointed in me. And I didn't want that.
-Oh Peter. You never have to worry about that. You're our little champ and we love you to eternity, Pops said and sat down beside me.
-What's going on here? Nebula's voice asked.
My parents looked down on me and I nodded. They then looked back up at Nebula whi had entered with Star-Lord, Nat, Thor, Bucky, Vision.
-Peter's being bullied at school, pops explained.
-By who? Nat gritted between her teeth.
-Some kid called Flash Thompson, Dad answered and stroke my back.
-What's bullied mean? Nebula asked and Star-lord whispered something in her ear.
Her eyes then widened and she looked mkre furious than ever.
-I'll take the biggest gun you have, she said.
-I'll show you where it is, Bucky said.
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