-And boom! I said and smashed the last ultron bot.
-Dinner's on Tony tonight! Clint yelled and everyone laughed a bit.
At least Peter didn't come here. He has a big exam he needs to pass. During the fight I told Friday to tell me if she picked up any sign of Peter.
-T-thank you Tony. I only needed to get rid of my physical appearances. Now you've taken care of all that, Ultron's voice said from all the screens on time square.
-Thought it was to easy, Cap said.
-Boss Peter finished his exam and is now heading here, Friday said.
-Did he finish or did he rush out?
-It seems like he finished it.
-Auntie to spider-boy, Nat said and put us all up on coms.
-Hey I finished my exam and I'm coming over. Is dad there?
-Did you go through all your answers before you turned it in son? Steve asked.
-Yes I did.
-Peter we have this whole situ....I said but was cut off.
-Peter get your ass over here. Ultron is going wireless! Bucky yelled.
I glared at Bucky and then looked over at Steve.
-And you recommended him as a babysitter!?
-Hi guys! A voice spoke witch did not come from the coms.
Skip fight 'cause I'm lazy
Oh man I will be terrified to ever use an electric toothbrush again. I sat down and just tried to catch my breath. The others were a bit further away.
-Peter are you okay!? Dad yelled.
I showed him a thumb up and stood up. Then I started walking towards them. But as I had walked halfway I felt my spider sense tingle. Before I could do anything I heard a weird noise and then I felt a strong pain in my stomach. My legs couldn't bare me and I fell.
-You took everything from me twice Tony. Now I'm returning the favor, an ultron bot said and then died.
-Peter!!! Dad yelled and flew over to me.
He held me in his arms. I wanted to tell him that it was nothing, but I couldn't speak. It hurt to much. The others soon arrived to. If I'm gonna die then at least I will while being around my family.
-Peter please answer me. You're gonna be okay, okay? I-I'm gonna get every doctor I can find to fix you. B-but you have to stay awake. C-can you do that for me?
-T-tired, I managed to say and felt myself losing control over my body.
-Peter please. I let you have a movie marathon with the guardians. I'll even make a real light saber for you. Just please stay!
Then it all turned dark.
Much later
Three months! Fucking three months. I haven't seen Peter run around the tower annoying everyone so much they love him for it. I haven't heard his voice, hell I haven't even seen him open his eyes. The tower is so quiet. None of us seem to be happy. All the movies, jokes and funny moments are just not there without Peter. Everyone seem depressed. It has gotten so bad that even the media has started to notice. We lie and say that both our friend Spider-Man and our son is in coma. For some odd reason everyone belive us. I keep trying not to loose hope. But he hasn't even moved. The doctors has nothing new to say, not even Bruce.
Hi kid. You did good yesterday. I mean....I'll totally ground you for it. But you did good. Just rest up and come back to us okay?
Zup loser! Your dad called and said you got caught in the middle of an avengers vs ultron fight. I didn't say anything and maybe I should've told you this. But I know Peter, I know you dress up in spandex and fight bad guys.
Hey Pete. I-it's me, Ned. It's been a while. I haven't visit in a while. School stuff you know. You understand.....oh man I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you!!! I'll bring flowers, I'll bring cookies, I'll bring legos. Just you name it!.....oh can't. Well, guess I'm getting it all for you.
Hey Peter. I know you didn't expect to see-or well hear me here. But it's me, Flash. I know I've been the absolute worst person to you. But I want to apologize. You just have it all and I was the one supposed to have that. So instead of being happy for you I got jealous and I'm sorry.
Spider Peter listened. I know I got pretty mad when you said star wars are better than footloose but I promise I'll watch every single one with you if you wake up. Hell I might even let you fly my ship.
Hey kiddo. It's your aunt....Natasha, again. It's been almost a year since that fight. *Sigh* Peter you know I'm no cry baby but *sobs* you have to come back to us. It's just hard seeing you like this. Everyone wants you to come back so please for once in your life listen to us!.....Of always were to stubborn. Just like your dad.
Son how long are you planning on keeping this up? You have to understand that every day without you is just hell for us. Sure you've been hurt before and you always get back up on your sticky feet. But please hurry up. Theese last three years has been hell.
Greetings spider-child! It is I, Thor son of odin. You seem a bit tired today aswell. But do not worry. I'll try to keep it down so you may rest. I don't want you getting all grumpy when you wake up......that is....if you wake up.
Hey Peter. It's me, Carol. Look you're really starting to piss me of. I've come back to earth way more often than I should. And you're still in coma. Are you really gonna let some dumb robot take away three years of your life?.....I'm sorry Peter. It's just the whole universe is empty without my favorite nephew. So promise me you won't take to long to wake up.
I am Groot, I'm Groot. 'm Groot. I am Groot. I. Am. Groot. I am Groot.......You are Groot.
I slowly opened my eyes. Man I just had the weirdest dream in my life. I have to tell the others. Slowly I sat up and noticed that I wasn't in my room. I was in one of my dad's private infirmaries. On the side of the bed there was a lot of flowers. Oh man I was probably so tired after the fight yesterday so I took somebody elses room. I jumped out of bed and almost fell to the floor. However I managed to stay up and started walking towards the exit. I wonder what time it is? I'm super hungry. I walked towards the corridors, towards the kitchen. Judging by the views from the windows it was afternoon. Man I slept like a baby. I tiredly walked into the kitchen. From the living room right next to the kitchen I could hear laughing. I just rolled my eyes at how noisy my family could be. Then I started looking for my yoghurt. But it wasn't there. I'd even marked it with "Peter's don't touch". But seems like that didn't work. A bit pissed of I walked out to the living room and saw my whole family.
-Hey! Who stole my yoghurt? It was marked "Peter's don't touch!", I said.
Everyone stopped laughing and turned around and looked at me like they'd seen a ghost. Nobody said anything. I crossed my arms and looked at them. Had everyone tasted my yoghurt?
-P-Peter? My dad asked and stood up.
-Yeah it was marked Peter's. Now who took my yoghurt?
-Oh my god, Aunt Nat said and covered her mouth while tears started to fall down.
-It's really you! Pops said.
-Yeah it was really mine. I don't think Clint go on marking his food with my name on it. By the way why are you acting so strange. I mean sure whoever of you stole my yoghurt will have to get me a new one. But I think you're a little overkill right now, I said annoyed.
Then all out of sudden everyone hugged me. I mean sure I was upset about my yoghurt. But they didn't have to go all out like this.
-Peter You've been in a coma for three years, Dad said when we broke the hug.
-Oh my god. Guys if you took my yoghurt then just tell me already. You don't have to make up bad excuses, I said.
-No Peter it's true. J-just try to think back. You got shot and then fell into a coma, Nat said.
I thought about it. She's right. I don't remember getting home. But I remember getting shot. Maybe I was in coma.
-But you're awake. So there's nothing to worry about. We'll make everything work. You know, private lessons, rehab work out, updates on your favorite shows. You name it, dad said.
I nodded while still trying to wrap my head around all of this. I just lost three whole tears of my life. okay? Pops asked.
-No, I said and shook my head a tears started to fall. "But I will be" I said and tried to dry my tears while my family hugged me once again.
-We'll make sure of it, my family whispered.
Alright everyone. I just wanted to say thx for reading this book and. I have now posted another one shot story called "the three musketeers". Witch is kinda like this one shot story. Just that every chapter contains the three Stark kids. Morgan, Peter and Harley. Don't worry! I will still update this one just as much.
Aren't they awsome!!?:3
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