Civil war but with superfamily
I was waiting for my cue to come out of my hiding spot. Pops and dad were having their biggest fight so far. But I had a plan to bring them back together. I understand why pops wants to protect Bucky. I'd do the same for Ned. But I also understand Dad's perspective of things.
-Underoos!! Dad yelled.
I jumped out and webbed pops' hands and stole his shield before I landed on a truck.
-Hello everyone, I said and looked at who everyone was.
There were a few new faces so had to be careful around them because I didn't know what they could do. Hopefully my plan will work and no fighting has to be done.
-You brought our kid into this? Pops asked and looked at dad.
-I had to Steve. Ross gave me 72 hours to bring you guys in. So let's just go easy and everything will be forgiven.
-I'm sorry Tony but Bucky's my friend.
-And I am your husband! Dad yelled hurt.
-Uuuh....sorry to interrupt. But dad I just remembered that I forgot to do my homework before we came here! I said.
-What!? Dad yelled and turned to me.
-Peter how could you forget something like that? Pops asked.
-I'm sorry. We were just in such a hurry so I thought I'd do it on the plane but I was just so bored and stressed so I fell asleep.
-Not to be rude but don't you guys think there are bigger things to take care of? Vision asked.
-Peter did you leave your homework at the hotel too? Dad asked.
-No it's in my backpack back over there. It's just a history essay I'm sure I can finish it before tomorrow, I said.
-Uhm honey could we reschedule this and help out Peter? Pops asked.
-Are you for real? A guy on pops team in a red suit asked.
-Yeah sure. Peter come down from there we'll help you out, Dad said.
Pops then raised his arms up and an arrow shot through my web, freeing pops.
-Clint, Wanda stand down. Peter forgot to do his homework, pops said in his com as I got down on the ground.
-Oh is uncle Clint here? I asked and started walking towards pops and his crew.
-Yeah he'll be down in a bit with Wanda, pops smiled and took off his helmet.
-You guys are the worst, I heard uncle Rhodey sigh.
-Oh pops. Sorry I took it. I wanted to make an entrance, I said and handed the shield back to pops.
-It's fine. Actually it kinda suits you, pops said and put a hand on my shoulder.
-Is this really happening? A guy in a black catsuit asked.
-It's Peter. Better just get used to it your majesty, uncle Sam answered.
-I didn't know you were a father Steve, a guy with a metal arm said.
-Oh yeah. Bucky this is Peter. He's my wonderful genius son. Peter this is my old friend Bucky, pops said and pointed at Bucky.
-Hi it's a pleasure to meet you! I said happily and waved even though he was just a few steps away.
An arrow with a rope then shoot over us and dug into a wall nearby. Then Uncle Clint came gliding over the rope with his bow. Aunt Wanda flew right behind him. When they were just above us uncle Clint and aunt Wanda dropped down in front of us.
-Uncle Clint! I yelled happily and stretched my arms open.
-Petey! Uncle Clint yelled back and opened his arms as well.
-Uncle Clint! I yelled again and walked towards him.
-Petey! Come here bud, Uncle Clint said and hugged me.
-How's Laura? I asked.
-Good. She told me to say hi if I ran into you, uncle Clint said and let go off me.
-What don't I get a hug? Aunt Wanda asked.
-Sorry, I said and ran over to hug her.
-What's the homework you had? She asked.
-A 3000-word essay. B-but I can totally do it on my own and we can go back to doing what we were doing! I said and looked around at the others.
-Like hell we will. Go get your homework, uncle Sam said.
-School's important kid, Bucky said.
-I'll just run over and get it, I said and pointed in the direction I left my backpack.
-I'll help you! Aunt Nat said and followed me.
We walked together for a bit and listened to how everyone became friends again.
-Good job, she said and handed me a dollar since she bet me it wouldn't go this well.
-Told ya it would work, I smirked and gave her a fist bump.
-So you did you did, she said and placed her arm around me.
Let's just be honest here
^ that's how it should've gone
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