Camping Trip
I was sipping on my tea as I watched my oh so genius husband walk around the penthouse like a maniac. Later today he was going on a camping trip with Peter. Neither of them were too excited about it at first. But the boys needed to get out of that damn lab before Peter's summer break was over. So me and May joined forces to get those two morons outside for 24 hours. Now that those 24 hours were close Tony was freaking out. Not because he was gonna be outside for 24 hours. That was the least of his worries. But he was so paranoid about Peter. "Oh what if he trips" "oh what if he has allergies he didn't know about" "what if he gets bitten by a snake" and so on. I tried to comfort him but it was no use. Now I was just waiting for him to finally leave.
-Alright I think I've got everything I need with me, I said to May as I closed my backpack.
-And if you don't you're either gonna have to live without it or get to a gas station, May said.
-Are you excited?
-A little. I haven't been camping since.....
I stopped as memories of Ben came to me. When I was younger me and uncle Ben would go camping almost every weekend.
-Ben. I know Peter. But this is gonna be a fun weekend.
-24 hours, I corrected
-You and Stark. What is it that you two have against fresh air?
-It's not so fresh with all the carbon dioxide going around.
-You are such a party pooper. C'mon! Get your stuff and we'll wait for Tony outside!
I don't know why I expected something else from Mr. Stark. I knew that since we were going camping he couldn't bring one of his sportscars. But instead he brought a big J Wagon with him. I rolled my eyes as Mr. Stark got out of the car.
-Good afternoon Parkers, he greeted us.
-Hi Mr. Stark, I said and grabbed my duffel bag I'd also packed for the trip.
-I'll get that. Get in the car kid, Mr. Stark said and grabbed my duffel bag.
I could see that it was a bit heavy for him and I also knew he tried to help. But between us two, I'm the one with superstrength. A small part of me wanted to see him struggle a bit with my bag. But I decided against it.
-Mr. Stark you know I have super strength, right? I can carry that without a problem, I said and pointed at the bag.
-Yeah I know, He said with the expression telling me he didn't. "I'm just giving you a moment to say bye to your aunt."
I rolled my eyes at him and turned to May. If he so desperately wants to carry it. Then he can carry it.
-I'll make sure he doesn't get us killed, I said towards May.
-I heard that kid! Mr. Stark yelled from the back of the car.
-I'm sure you will, May said and messed with my hair.
I smiled and gave her a hug. She hugged me back. After a while she patted my back telling me to let go. I did and sent her a smile.
-I'll see you tomorrow, I said and jogged to the other side of the car.
-I larb you!
-I larb you too! I said and jumped in the car.
-Ready to finally get Pepper and May to shut up? Mr. Stark asked and started driving.
-It's not so bad actually. Me and my uncle used to go camping when I was younger, I said and leaned back in my seat.
-You don't talk much about him
-Yeah....I guess just really miss him. So it's easier not to talk about him.
-Yeah I miss him too, Mr. Stark said seriously.
-You didn't even know him, I laughed.
-No, but it just felt right to say!
-You really gotta get better at your pep talk
-Oh so I should talk like this then? Mr. Stark asked with a feminine tone probably trying to imitate Mrs. Stark.
-That's not what I meant! I laughed.
-For the record, I think my pep talk is amazing!'re not that great of a judge, are you Mr. Stark? I teased.
-C'mon quit with the Mr. Stark already. I'm not some old professor. Do not call me old, Mr. Stark said and held up a warning finger.
-Ok Boomer, I said and held up my hands in defense.
-Friday what does that mean? Mr. Stark asked.
-OK boomer is a viral internet slang phrase used, often in a humorous or ironic manner, to call out or dismiss out-of-touch or close-minded opinions associated with the baby boomer generation and older people more generally.
-So basically you just called me old? Mr. Stark asked and sent me an annoyed glance.
-Yeah, I smirked.
-For fucks sake, Mr. Stark sighed.
-Hey, Friday can you play some music, please? I asked.
Friday didn't answer instead Back in Black by Led Zeppelin started playing.
-Oh, I love Led zeppelin! I said and started doing a small dance in my seat.
-Oh god no kid. Please tell me you weren't serious! Mr. Stark begged.
-What? I asked.
-It's AC/DC!
-Oh....well you learn something every day.
-Friday remind me to have a music lesson with Peter.
-Noted Boss!
-Hey, I can't know everything like you! I defended.
-I don't know everything!
-How big is the moon?
-1737,1 km radius.
-What's number twelve in the periodic table?
-What's Star-lord's favorite song
-Come and get your love by RedBone. Bu-...
-What's my mom's middle name?
-Theresa. Okay, maybe you have a point. But I'm still gonna make sure you know the most important stuff in life.
-And AC/DC is?
Pt. 2 coming soon....
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