I was swinging through New York. May had gone on a business trip. So I was all by myself this whole week. It's pretty good so far. I can be out longer on patrol because she can't just come in to my room whenever to check on me. She joked about getting a babysitter or something. But I don't think she was serious. I mean, I'm 15.
I was going through some mission reports since Steve wouldn't stop nagging about it. So now I was reading some reports about our latest mission. It was simple until I came around Steve's, Bucky's and Vision's. They all had written like 100 pages. But luckily my phone rang and saved me. I picked it up and checked the caller ID. It was ms. Parker. Weird, hope Peter's okay. I then answered telling myself I wasn't worried about Peter. I just wanted something else to do than to read mission reports.
-It's Tony, I said.
-Hi mr. Stark. This is May Parker. Your interns aunt, she said.
-Yeah I remember you, I said.
-Oh good. Because Peter spends a lot of times with you and from what I've heard it sounds like you're friends??
-More or less, yeah.
-I was just wondering. I'm going to be out of town for the whole week. But could you check in with him at least once a day. Just to make sure he eats and doesn't stay out to late.
I couldn't help but smile.
-I would love to. Don't worry ms. Parker your nephew will be in safe hands.
-Thank you.
Present time
I landed on a building and breathed on the evening air. This was one of the things I loved the most about being Spider-Man. Just to stand on top of a building and breathe. As I was looking down on the city a call from mr. Stark showed up. I quickly answered.
-Hi mr. Stark! I said.
-Kid have you eaten anything today? He asked.
-Yeah. I ate lunch at 12.
-It's 8pm. Peter get your butt over here now!!
-Mr. Stark it's fine. I probably got some food at home.
-Probably is not gonna cut it Pete. Either you're here in 30 minutes or I'm sending the Iron legion after you, mr. Stark said and hung up.
I just shrugged my shoulders and started swinging towards the Avengers tower. If I'm gonna be honest I was a bit curious why mr. Stark acted like he did over the phone. Sure he always orders food when we're working late in the lab. But I haven't really experienced him calling me in the middle of patrol just to make sure I've eaten.
I landed on the avengers tower and climbed in through the lab window. When I entered I saw Bruce working on something. He looked up as he probably heard me come in and smiled.
-Hi Pete, he said and stopped whatever he was doing.
-Hi Bruce, I said and pulled of my mask.
-You're out later than usual.
-My aunt is gone for the week. So I don't have to worry about her checking my room while I'm out on patrol.
-Don't stay out to late. You still got school tomorrow, Bruce said.
The doors to the lab opened and Nat and Thor stepped inside.
-Bruce general R.....Peter! Nat exclaimed when she saw me.
-Hi Nat! I said.
Nat walked up to me with determined steps and hugged me like she usually did. I smiled and hugged her back. She then broke the hug and looked down on me suspiciously.
-Why are you here so late?
-My aunt is gone for the week
-Ah, she said and let go of me before walking up to Bruce.
My eyes traveled to Thor. We both looked at each other and smirked. Both of us knew what was going to happen. Slowly we started walking to each side of the lab.
-Oh god! not again, Bruce said as him and Nat hid behind the lab table.
Thor and I looked at each other one more time before running directly towards each other. Thor threw a punch I just ducked and slided under it. Then I webbed one of his feet and pulled it up. Thor stumbled forwards until he fell on top of some boxes. We both then started laughing and I went to help him up.
-This time you win young Peter, he said as I helped him up.
-Win? I crushed you god of cheese dip, I said.
-Don't exaggerate. Or I'm gonna have to put you in your place, Thor said and messed with my hair.
I chuckled a bit. Mine and Thor's way to say hello has always been a little odd. I don't usually do this with the others....or well....sometimes I steal Cap's shield. But it's our thing.
-Boss requests all of your company at floor 42, Friday spoke.
We all just shrugged our shoulders and went upstairs. We walked towards the room Friday said we should go in. Turned out it was the meeting room. When we entered we saw a long table with lots of important-looking papers. But on the other side we could all see a Burger king bag right next to the seat where mr. Stark sat.
-Peter I got your food! Mr. Stark said loudly as I entered.
We all just rolled our eyes at him. He took this way to serious. But I wasn't saying no to free food. I's free food. So I went over and sat next to him.
-Can we start the meeting now. General Ross will call soon and fill us in on some stuff. Until then we have a few things to discuss, Cap said.
-Wait! Am I attending an avengers team meeting? I asked as I picked my good out of the bag.
-Yeah of.....Clint said but got cut off.
-No he's not. He's just eating his cheeseburgers here. Don't give him any ideas, Mr. Stark said strictly.
-But he is..., Sam said but also got cut off.
-Nope. Stop giving him ideas and start the meeting already.
-Alright, so.....
I was so bored. We've already had the team meeting. Now we were waiting for this general Ross to call. All of my burgers and fries were eaten and my phone had low battery. So for the past hour I've had nothing to do. Everyone else had paper work to do. Mr. Stark had moved next to cap because he probably would copy Cap's papers. I then got an idea.
-Mr. Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
-Here we go again, Nat said and tried to hide her smile
-I think he's bored, Bucky said.
-He just keep going, Clint said.
-Doesn't he need air? Cap asked.
-I don't think he's gonna stop, Scott said.
-I think you're right, Sam said.
-I don't know whatever I should be impressed or annoyed, Rhodey said.
-What? Mr. Stark asked.
Everyone around the table except mr. Stark chuckled and smiled at me. Mr. Stark just seemed annoyed but I could tell he was holding back a smile.
-Are you bored? Mr. Stark asked.
I nodded. Mr. Stark sighed and got up from the table and went over to one of the lockers. Then he took out a Ipad and headphones. After that he just walked over to me and gave me the Ipad and headphones before he returned to his seat.
-Thanks, I said and plugged in the headphones before I started watching the forth season of Merlin.
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