Baby Spider pt. 2
I woke up realizing everything was big. Even the giant holdi.....oh no I thought it was a bad dream! Mr. Stark was holding me while he sat and ate breakfast with the others around the table. I looked down on my clothes only to be annoyed that I still was wearing the Iron man onzie.
-Looks like someone's finally waking up, Clint said and nodded in my direction.
Mr. Stark put down his coffee and looked at me. He smiled widely as we made eye contact.
-Good Morning chipmunk, he said softly and stroke my cheek.
-I'm s'ill a baby. So i''s no' a good mo'ning, I said and tried to get out of mr. Stark's arms.
But he held me pretty tight and smirked when I didn't manage to leave.
-He's been practicing for hours how to hold you, Nat said.
-At least he didn't drop him, Clint said.
I giggled a bit at his comment. Mr. Stark first shot Clint an angry glare but his expression softed when his eyes returned to me.
-Okay Petey pie. Want some breakfast? Carol asked and smiled widely as she walked up to me and mr. Stark with a jar of baby food.
I looked at her and the others terrified. Yesterday they all fed me aswell and honestly I'm still a bit traumatized.
-No! I yelled and webbed myself to the ceiling.
Then I started hanging with one arm and webbed the jar with a spoon in it to me. After that I simply held the jar with my feet and ate with my free hand. Everyone just starred at me. Until Carol shook her head and flew up to me.
-Peter give me that. It's really not safe for you to eat like this. Let us help you, she said and was about to grab me.
-No, I said and quickly put the spoon in the jar and webbed her face so she fell back down on the floor.
-I am so glad Friday's recording all of are recording this right Friday?
-Of course Natalie Rushman
I shrieked because Friday caught me of guard and my senses were extra strong in the morning. Because I got scared I fell and face palmed the freaking table.
-PEEETER!!!!!! Everyone yelled panicked.
I felt my eyes water even though I've taken worse hits. Slowly I stood up only to immediately get picked up by Steve. He started rocking me back and forth while humming on the same melody Nat hummed on yesterday.
-I'm o'ay. You don't 'ave to t'eat me li'e a-a baby, I sobbed.
-Ssscchh...It's okay Pete.....everything's okay, he whispered softly.
-Can we all just be clear about one thing? I did not drop Peter. He dropped himself, mr. Stark said.
I poked my tongue out at mr. Stark. He gasped in shook and then glared angrily at me while also pointing a finger at me.
-You take that back right now young man!
I just poked my tongue out again at him.
-Clint! What have you done to my kid!?
-Nothing! Don't look at me.
-Nah little Petey is just being a little mischievous I think, Steve said and rubbed my cheek.
I smiled as he did so.
-Maybe it's time for him to get dressed? Mr. Stark said and looked at Steve.
-'ut my suit is s'ill pooped, I said since that was the only thing that could fit me right now
-Oh don't worry underoos. We ordered some clothes for you, mr. Stark smirked.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I was cleaning up after breakfast with Wanda and Carol.
-So what do think they got him?
-Definitely something Peter will be embarrassed about, Wanda said and handed me a plate.
-How long do you think he'll avoid us after all this? I asked as Wanda dried the plate I'd given her.
-I'd be surprised if it's before he graduate, Carol answered and put some clean plates back to where they belonged.
-I do feel bad for him. He looks up to us and now we're babying him, Wanda said and handed Carol a plate.
-I mean....we can always stop babying him. He still has the mind of a teenager, Carol said.
Then there was silence for five seconds before the three of us started laughing.
-That's the last one, I said and handed Wanda the last plate and took off the rubber gloves.
-Peter has been changed and is currently in Boss' lab
-I don't know about you ladies. But I'm going there, Carol said after she put in the last plate.
-Mind giving me a lift? I asked since Wanda could fly on her own.
-Hold on tight Romanoff! Carol said and grabbed my hand.
We landed outside the lab after a five minutes flight through the corridors. None of us even hesitated before we rushed into Tony's lab. Inside Tony was working on something while Steve was playing with a not so optimistic looking Peter. And I will never forget how freaking cute that cinnamon roll was.
Sure he looked kinda bored as Steve was swinging him around in the room imitating an airplane. But he was still adorable.
-If I don't get a picture of him someone is going to die, I said and picked up my phone.
Steve woke up from whatever daydream he was in with Peter and turned to us. He sent us his usual warming smile as he held Peter close. That gave me an idea.
-Steve get your suit and let me take a picture of you and Peter, I said excited.
Tony snorted trying not to laugh before he turned towards me. His eyes screaming "Send me that picture".
-Alright. Can you watch him? Steve asked.
I nodded and got Peter handed into my arms. Not gonna lie. He looked so mad. Probably because we can't stop babying him. But it's not our fault he's an adorable baby.
-I fucking hate this, Peter said.
All of us in the room gasped. H-he just cursed. Thank god Steve already left the room. Otherwise he'd probably pass out.
-Uh uh uh Peter. We don't use scary words like that! I said strictly.
-Since when?
-Since you're a baby, Carol answered and glared at Peter.
-Only my body! Not my b'ain! I can still calculate the amount of st'ength I would need to swing bapl' to Kueens.
-You're. Still. A. Baby, Wanda said.
-Alright I'm back, Steve said as he re-entered the room.
I smiled and handed Peter back to him. This will be everyone's new wallpaper.
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