C H A P T E R|T W O|P R O J E C T| K R
The boy slowly opened his eyes. For the first time. The first person he saw was a woman.
"Mrs. Luthor, he's awake." A man told the woman.
The woman (who he was guessing was Mrs. Luthor) responded by turning to the man. He had no idea what was going on. These people were not in his memory.
No one was in his memory.
Nothing was in his memory.
"Does he know who we are?" Mrs. Luthor asked.
"We are currently working on it as we speak." The scientist like man replied.
Mrs. Luthor turned to look at him. Back at the boy who had no idea what was going on.
"Get to work on Project Kr." Mrs. Luthor said.
Project kr? Was that his name? It didn't seem right for that to be right. None of this could be right.
"He's ready for you to speak with him." A woman told Mrs. Luthor.
Mrs. Luthor took a step towards him. "I am Lillian Luthor." Lillian took a breath. "And you are Superboy."
"Su-per bo-y." He said.
His first words (well word). Lillian continued to walk towards the boy. She pressed her hand against the glass of the containment unit. He put his hand where her hand was.
"You are a kryptonian, but not a real one. Your DNA has been mixed with my son and Superman, Clark Kent." Lillian Luthor explained to him. "We have big plans for you. I hope you can meet pur expectations."
Kara Danvers stared at the boy in the chamber. They had another Kryptonian?!?! If they did, why did they need her blood? Kara let out a breath staring at the boy. He seemed familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.
The boy, although sleeping, looked really handsome to Kara. He had long hair framing his face like he hadn't had a haircut in years. Granted, from the state his skin was in (dirt covered) it may have been years. However, a scar was on the side of his face near the corner of his eye.
The boy gasped awake startling both Kara and Mon-El. Kara was both startled and thrilled. However, Mon-El had an uneasy feeling to the whole ordeal. The boy looked around completely not noticing the Kryptonian and the Daxamite standing there. The metal syringes came out of the boy. Then, the boy saw the two alien refugees.
"Kara, what is it going to do?" Mon-El asked.
Mon-El's question was answered when the boy jumped out of its table and banged against the glass. The action startled Supergirl and Mon-El. The glass was cracking around where the boy's hand was at.
"Kara, I don't think he's happy to see us." Mon-El said as the boy slammed his fists against the glass once more.
"They had a Kryptonian here." Kara breathed.
The boys angered state didn't seem to faze her. All she knew was she was standing in front of another kryptonian. For the longest time, only her and her cousin were the only living kryptonians. The boy slammed his fists against the glass once more. A shattering sound ran throughout the room as he jumped out of the containment tube.
His nostrills flared and his eyes darkened an already dark brown color. The first thought that ran through his mind was that these people had raided his home. His sanctuary. They were bad people.
He threw a punch at Kara, but missed seeing as she both dodged it and he fell forwards. This was his first time out of the pod. His legs were undoubtedly asleep and he had not learned to walk yet.
Well, this just got a lot essier. Kara thought to herself.
The boy got up from the ground stumbling slightly. He wasn't doing so well as a first timer. Or as a twenty something year old clone of the Man of Steel. Kara was going to wait for him to tire himself out.
Luckily, that didn't last long as the boy just fell forward likenhe was fainting. The boy didn't move. His legs were aching and his arms could barely move. Unfortunately, that's when Cadmus guards came in.
"Get Superboy back into his pod!" The main guard ordered.
Some guards went towards Superboy while others went towards Kara. No matter how much the boy was attacking her and Mon-El (but mostly her), he was still Kryptonian. And Kara Zor-el was not going to give one of them over to Cadmus.
She was not that person. She clapped her hands together creating a thunderclap. The sound rippled throughout sending the guards back and down. Down hard. They had grown unconscious. The boy on the ground (Superboy was his name righr?) had grown unconscious too.
Kara looked at the boy and pucked him up. Mon-El followed suit and helped her. And they fled from Cadmus.
Not knowing what nightmare. What weapon they had just gotten control of.
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