Valentines Day: 2016
Omg, the first time I was writing this, I let my baby cousin play around on it, then she did something, and then with the help of my stupidity, I deleted it 😂
Someone yelled. Lady Paluntina turned around to see her little angel, Pit running towards her with something behind his back. "Oh hello, Pit! Something wrong?" Pit shook his head and hummed in disagreement, swaying a little to music in his head. "I wanted to give you this!" Pit said, putting a small rose in from of him with a shut-eye grin. "Oh, Pit! Did you pick a flower for me?!" Lady Paluntina asked, gently taking the flower out of his hand and sniffing it. "Yup! I actually picked flowers for all of the newcomers! Like Lucina, and Mega Man!" Pit said. "Oh, Pit, you are too sweet!" Lady Paluntina said wrapping her arms around the winged boy. "I know!" He said smirking. "Your also cocky!" Paluntina said, letting go of Pit. Paluntina smiled, and then gasped at realization. "You know Pit, there's someone new who's coming today!" Pit's eyes lit up. "There is!?" He said, with a open mouth smile. Paluntina nodded. "I believe her name was, Alexys, and she's a Mage!" (#self-insertheheheheheh) Paluntina said smiling. "Oh! I gotta go pick another flower! Bye Lady Paluntina!" Pit said, waving goodbye to the goddess while running to the gardens. Paluntina smiled and waved back at him.
"Ooooh, LUUUUUCYYYYY!" A voice called. "Oh, sweet Naga, not again..." Lucina thought to herself. She turned around to see Peach, once again dragging someone behind her. "Peach, I already told you, NO! I don't have a Valentine, and I don't NEED a Valen-" Lucina was cut off by Peach. "But this one actually came to ME for advice on how to ask YOU out!" Peach said. Lucina's cheeks went red. "Wait-what!?" Lucina said. She then recognized the coat behind Peach. "Robin?!" She mouthed. Peach nodded violently. "Go ahead, ask her Robin!" Peach said, turning to face Robin who currently had his back to Lucina and had his cheeks and the top of his ears red. Peach scoffed and quickly turned Robin to face her to see his bright red cheeks, making Lucina's face redden even more. "H-hi.." Robin said, taking off his hood. Lucina nodded as a hello. "I-I-...uh..I..." Robin tried to make out words, but couldn't. "GET IT TOGTHER ROBIN." Peach whispered. "Uh.. Here.. Just..." Robin finally gave up and just put the small white flowers in front of him. Lucina turned a deeper red when he grabbed her hand and placed the flowers in her hand, not letting go of it, as he was a bit frozen in fear. He then quickly kissed her on her left cheek then ran down the hall out of her sight, a blushing mess. Peach smirked, and started giggling, and then it turned into a full blown laugh. "You two can be so dense it just makes you this even more adorable!"
"Now where was that patch without the snow..." Pit asked himself walking around the garden. "Aha! There you are...!" Pit said, running over to the patch of flowers. He looked down the hill to see the bench. But instead of it being it's normal empty bench, a girl with curly red hair sat there with a book. Pit couldn't see her eye color, nor did he know who she was, and so, he stepped a bit closer to get a better look. The girl heard footsteps approaching, and immediately put her book down and looked at where the footsteps were coming from, to see a frozen, Pit. She slowly took off her glasses and just stared at him. Pit honestly couldn't tell if her eyes were green or blue. "...uh... Do you need help with something...?" She asked closing her book. Pit was still frozen. "HEY! SNAP OUT OF IT!" She yelled. Pit shook his head and finally got out of the trance. "S-Sorry! ...M-M-Miss!" The girl rolled her eyes. "Oh, please I'm not even older than you, in fact I'm probably younger." She said, Folding her arms. She was wearing a beige sweater and red jeans with some type of heart necklace, and combat boots. "Uh... Odd question, but, what color are your eyes...?" Pit asked. Her expression didn't change. She shrugged. "Sometimes I don't even know..." She said, grabbing her book and getting up. "W-wait!" Pit called. She turned around and saw Pit holding out a rose. "Ha-Happy Valen-Valentines day." He said, still holding out the rose. She hesitated, but slowly took it out of his hand as her cheeks were dusted pink. "...thanks.. I'm Alexys.." She said as she walked back into the mansion. "Why does Pit have to be so dang kind!?"
Lucina sat at the Smash Café, still trying to process what had just happened on the last hour. She held the small bouquet of flowers on her hand, and sighed. "I wish It didn't have to be this confusing and odd..." She thought to herself, looking down at her half-drank hot chocolate. Just then, she heard an unfamiliar voice say, "why the long face, Lucy-Chan?!" Her head shot up to see the same green-eyed redhead girl that Pit had seen. "Who are you and how do you know my name?! ...or at least that stupid nickname Peach gave me... And how comes you sound like me!?" The Redhaired girl chuckled. "Well the voice thing is just a coincidence, and the name thing is because I... Uh... STUDIED... A LOT... Before coming to the mansion.. and.. talked to Peach...! Yeah... That's a good excuse..." The girl said, her last words just barely out of Lucina's hearing range. "I'm Alexys, but Anyways, what's wrong?" Alexys asked, sitting next to her. Lucina sighed. "Well.. My friend.. Well.. I'm actually not sure if He's my friend... He kissed me on New Years..." Lucina said blushing. "OOOH! 3! 2! 1! Smoochy Smoochy!" Alexys teased, using hand puppets and making them kiss. Lucina swatted her hands away. "No! No! No...! Not like that! ...better... In a way..." Alexys smirked. "I bet Robin thinks that too..." "Hm?" "Uh! NOTHING..." Lucina jumped back. Alexys cleared her throat. "Uh, sorry.." She said."It's okay, Lexy.." "Oh, no, no, no.. It's not Lexy, it's either Alexys, Alexandrya, Lex, Alex, Ali, or Syx." "Syx?" "Don't ask." Lucina shrugged and decided she would just let it go (Don't sing it. DON'T.). Just then, two Dark sides made their way over to the two. "Hey, Lucyyy! Sorry about that cut I gave you on Christmas! NOT." Dark said, resting his chin on his hands. "Who's this little squirt of a friend you have yourself here?" Shadow asked, picking up a piece of Alexys' bright red hair. "On three punch him in the gut." Alexys whispered. Lucina looked over at her like she was crazy. "Just do it! By the way, sorry about what I am about to do to your hot chocolate..." She said. Lucina raised an eyebrow but just shrugged it off. "One.. Two... THREE!" And with that, Lucina punched Dark in the gut, making him slump over. When she looked over at Alexys, she had already grabbed her wrist and was pulling her away from a hot chocolate covered Shadow. "What did you do!?" Lucina yelled as Alexys and her ran out of the Café. "I dunked him in it!" She yelled back. Lucina laughed and fist pumped into the air with her flowers in her hand. "You go, girl!" Lucina yelled. They gave each other a high five and continued running back to the mansion until they were breathless.
"YOU DID WHAT!?" Zelda yelled, as Lucina and her new 'friend' sat on the bed. Alexys, was writing something in a book, while Lucina was looking down at the flowers.
"Yup." Alexys said. Lucina kept quiet and thought. But before she knew it, a tear rolled of he face and fell onto the flower. Zelda looked over at her and covered her mouth. "L-Lucina..? Is everything okay?" Zelda asked, sitting down next to her. Lucina nodded and wiped off her tears. "It's just.. What if this is a goodbye flower?! What if he's leaving the mansion!? What if he's leaving and I'm forced to stay!? What if-" Lucina was cut off by Alexys. "What if the sky crashes into earth and your teeth fall out!? You overthink things Lucy. Admit it." She said. Lucina smiled. "Yeah... Robin always tells me that.." Lucina said, carefully touching the petals of the flower with her hand. Alexys smirked. "Aww.. You really love him, don't you?" Zelda said. "Love? Oh, no, no, no... Well... Maybe.. I-I don't know.." Lucina said, looking off to the side to try and hide both her smile and her blush. Zelda chuckled and playfully punched her arm. "Alright, well I need to go. I have a date with Link. Bye ladies!" Zelda said, grabbing her purse and opening the door. "Ohhh! That's why you're all dressed up, eh Zel'?" Lucina said with a smirk. Zelda blushed, nodded, an walked out, leaving Lucina and Alexys laughing at her red cheeks.
"Hmm... Now where are you, Link...?" Zelda asked herself, wandering about in the gardens of
the Mansion. She was about to go back inside when hands covered her eyes. "Guess, Whooooo!" A fake girly voice said. Zelda chuckled. "Marth?" "Would he do this?" She felt something quickly press against her cheek then turn her around. "Happy Valentine's Day!" Link yelled, hugging the Hylian princess tightly. Zelda smiled and hugged back. "Same for you, Link!" She said. They pulled back and Link held out his arm. "Wanna go on a walk?" He asked. Zelda nodded and Linked (Nyahahahaha!) arms with him, as they started walking around the gardens.
"ROBIN! GET BACK HERE! YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY ASK HER!" Peach yelled, running after a now red-faced Robin. "Almost there...!"
Robin thought, as he kept running towards his dorm. He looked back at Peach while still running, tripped on something then fell onto someone. "Gah! Uh.. Sorry, Lucina! ...LUCINA!?" Lucina laid under him red faced, with Robin mirroring her from above. "Sorryyyyyy!" Robin said, paralyzed in fear. "Aha! Now I've got-...!" Peach was cut off by seeing them, and then she slowly backed away. "C-c-could you please, g-get off of m-me?" Lucina asked, getting more red by the second. Robin nodded and quickly got off of her and stood up. He held out a hand to help her up and she took it, then lost her balance and had to lean against him. She pushed him away quickly and blushing. "S-Sorry..." Lucina said. They were kind of frozen in fear for awhile after that. Until, Robin unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. "Wh-what are you-....!?" Lucina was cut off when he hugged her. "What're you-?!" Lucina was cut off. " just looked like y-y-you needed-... Needed a hug..." He stammered. Lucina was red as a tomato, while Robin looked like a cherry topped with whipped cream. But Lucina soon fell into his embrace, and lied her head on his shoulder. She felt safe in his arms. As if she could throw her cares and worries away, and stop dwelling on the worst. Little did the Fire Emblem duo know, that a red-headed girl who had tripped Robin was watching from the shadows.
Ok, this was a little rushed. I work on two platforms and one of them was being extremely stupid, and didn't have it's draft on there. So I had to work on another platform from the once I usually use, which kind of was stressful and... BAD.. SINCE I BARELY GOT TO WORK ON IT... And also, sorry I haven't been updating. I got sucked into Naruto. Lol. I'm on like: episode 4 XD Anyways, happy Valentine's Day! And if you're alone forever like me; buy yourself chocolate and deliver flowers to yourself! The person delivering them will think that someone else got them for you XD
~ CG 💚🇮🇪
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