Thanksgiving: 2015
OK.. First off, Female Robin is 'Ro' and Male Robin is just Robin.
"Uh.. Lady Paluntina, what are you doing?" Pit asked while watching Paluntina grab something from the oven. "It's simple, Pit!" She said, her voice muffled by her face in the oven. Pit knew Paluntina liked making food, even if it did go wrong sometimes. hence the veggie tragedy... She popped out the oven with a turkey in her hands. "I'm making thanksgiving dinner for the school, of course." She said with a smile as her face was covered in ash. "Oh... Dear.. Um.. Your face is covered in ash.." Pit said, hoping not to offend her. Paluntina felt her face and saw the ash on her fingers, and let out a small chuckle. "Well that's embaressing!" She said. She put down the food and washed her face off with a at towel. She wasn't wearing her usual dress, she only was wearing a long-sleeve pink top and black pants, since it was 50 degrees outside, and even touching the window would make you shiver. "Ooh! Turkey!" Pit squealed reaching out to grab a piece. "Hang on there Pit, that's for later." Pit looked over to his side to see Zelda there with her hands on her hips. "Oh... Heheh... I knew that..." Pit said moving away from the cluster of food on the counter. Once again, Zelda didn't have her dress on, just a yellow sweater and ripped jeans. "Back away from the food, Pit." Rosalina said, sticking her head out from the fridge door. Pit finally retreated and walked backwards until he walked into Samus. She cleared her throat. "S-sorry Samus!" He yelped. Honestly, he was a little afraid of her. "It's fine." She said. She looked like she hadn't had slept at all. "Samus, who threw you down a well?" Zelda asked. "No one, but earlier Dark Pit threw Lucina down the well outside... Yeah, and she apparently can't swim.." Paluntina's face heated up. "He... Did... What?" She asked, her eye twitching. Samus was regretting her words. "Urrrghh.... PITTO! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Paluntina yelled storming out the kitchen and walking to Pit and Dark Pit's dorm. Everyone just looked at her in disbelief. She never got mad, But this tipped her off. (It tipped her scales 😂) "well... We can say 'BAI-BAI' to Pitto.." Pit said with a creepy smile and waving to the door. Lady Paluntina came back in with red hands. "OMG PAULA, WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Rosalina shrieked. Paluntina looked confused until she looked down at her hands. She then started laughing. "It's ketchup, not blood!" She said. Everyone was still half traumatized by the thought of Lady Paluntina with 'ketchup' on her hands, but ended up laughing along with her.
|///a beautiful teleportation thingymobob to the nurses office\\\|
"Is she okay?" Marth, or 'Japanese blue haired over protective grandpa' as everyone called him, asked doctor Mario. Lucina laid on the bed unconscious and soaking wet. Surprisingly, instead of just covering her with a blanket and waiting for her to wake up, Mario grabbed a bucket of, MORE water, and poured it on her face. She shot up. "NAGA'S TEARS THATS COLD!" She yelled. Ike stepped away while Marth hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe. "M-Marth. Get.. Off.. Me...!" She said breathlessly. Marth made an awkward face and let go. "Overprotective Grandpa.." Ike whispered to Robin and Ro. Robin rolled his eyes and took off his coat, then wrapped it around Lucina. Lucina blushed of course. "Well we won't bother you, anymore Mario. Come on, guys." Ro said opening the door. Robin picked up Lucina bridal style and started to walk out. "I'm her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, (Marth get to the point, yous be killin meh) great, great, great, grandfather I'll carry her!" Marth said, sneaking up behind Robin and grabbing Lucina. "Did you forget about Morgan, Marth?!" Robin said, sneaking up behind Marth and grabbing Lucina and then running. "ROBIN! GET BACK HERE WITH MY DAUGHTER! I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS FROM YOUR UNIVERSE SHE IS STILL MY DAUGHTER!!" Ro yelled chasing after her counter part. Morgan looked down the hall in confusion. "Uuuh.. Father?" Morgan said as her father ran past her with her mother clinging onto him for dear life. Ro ran past and that's when it got messed up. "FATHER?! WAIT WHAT!?" It then turned into a chain of people chasing each other. Marth and Ike started chasing after Morgan so they could explain before she went into lunatic mode, Morgan started chasing Ro, and Ro was chasing her counterpart and daughter from another universe. Not confusing at all. They then ran all the way to the great hall where dinner was going to be that night, and where the others were setting up. "GET BACK HERE YOU LOOK JUST LIKE MY FATHER WHO ARE YOU!?!"' Someone yelled. Zelda knew it was Morgan, Lucina's daughter from when she and Link visited Ylisse, but the others had no idea who this was or what they were talking about. "Um.. What was that?" Rosalina asked with fear in her eyes. Zelda chuckled. "I guess, Morgan found, Ro..." She said. Link, held his forehead. "This is going to be disastrous.." He mumbled. The doors bursted open with a kick from, Robin, and then a train of Fire Emblem characters ran in. Saying clusters of sentences at once, ones like, "WHO ARE YOU, MY FATHER IS THE ONLY TACTICIAN IN THAT COAT WITH WHITE HAIR!" "MORGAN LET US EXPLAIN!" "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!" "GET BACK HERE WITH MY UNIVERSAL DAUGHTER!!!" And, "RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNNN!" They ran all around the room, just barely not messing up the food on the table, until Samus finally had enough of it. "UGH! SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" Everyone stopped and just looked at her blankly. "WHAT IS ALL THIS ABOUT." She said. Everyone started talking at once. "ONLY ONE OF YOU!" Samus said. She pointed at Robin and Lucina. "I was just trying to help Lucina..." He said, a little scared by Samus. Lucina was red as a tomato. Luckily, the hood and her mask hid most of her blushing, but it didn't hide Link from seeing it and getting elbowed by Zelda to stop him from laughing. Samus pointed to Ro. "SHE IS MY DAUGHTER -in another universe not this one- HOW WOULD I NOT BE OVERPROTECTIVE!?" Ro yelled. "Nice attitude! Now who the heck are you, kid." Samus said. Morgan, got mad. "I'm MORGAN! GOT IT? MOORRRGGGAAANNN! This lady looks exactly like my father! And I wanna know why!" Morgan yelled. Everyone stared at her in disbelief. "Well... Now we have two things to explain to everyone..." Ike said. "Uh... From the future! She is Robin and Lucina's daughter from the future people... Okay?" Marth said putting his hand on Morgan's shoulder. "What about my father?!" "There's another universe where your father was born a woman." Ike said. Morgan pondered on that for a minute. "That makes no sense you know." "It's a video game, none of it makes sense." "I NEED TO SPEAK WITH MIYAMOTTO!!"
After holding, Morgan back from actually speaking to Shigiru Miyamotto and telling him that her game makes no sense, everyone finally sat at the table with their families and friends, and had a good thanksgiving.
Morgan texting Shigiru Miyamotto
Miyamotto: Yes, Morgan?
Miyamotto: Oh, okay now I know which Morgan you are...
Morgan: WAIT WHAT!?
Miyamotto: ...
*Sakuri jumps into the group text*
Sakuri: Miyamotto I think you just Messed up poor Morgan's life
Morgan: YEAH HE DID!
Hahah, hey guys it's CG here, I'm going to hopefully be doing more of these soon, but right now I need sleeps, I stayed up WAAAAY too late writing this. Anyways,
Happy Thanksgiving!
- CG 💚🇮🇪
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