Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day: 2015
OMG, I JUST FLUNG TOOTHPASTE PRACTICALLY INTO MY EYEBALL 😂 by the way, any game that has people speaking in English and Japanese, will know both the English and Japanese language, thanks! OH! And also, the mistle-tones! Is a wonderful Christmas movie btw 😎
"Hey, Zelda!" A voice called. Zelda, turned around to see her best friend from the smash mansion, Lucina, trying to push through the crowd to get to her. Although Lucina always kept a big mask on her face for reason unknown, Lucina was Zelda's best friend from when the 18 year old blue haired girl walked in. She never says who her parents are, her background is unknown to abut everyone in the smash mansion, and she mostly only stays with Zelda, and another boy her age with white hair named Robin. "Oh, Hi Lou, something- NGH! Wrong?" Zelda asked, grabbing Lucina's hand and trying to pull her out of the large bundled up crew of fighters trying to keep warm from the cold temperature. "Uh, no not exact- Ouch! Exactly." Lucina said, also trying to get herself out of the large group of fighters. She finally got out, and it almost sounded like a cartoon, "POP!" Sound effect could have been heard. "Well that was a spontaneous sound.. So, why do you think Sakuri, gathered us all here?" Lucina asked. Zelda shrugged, honestly, she was just happy it was the cold season, so she could wear all of her dresses that were made for the cold, winter season. She had a red Christmas-like long sleeved dress on, with golden swirls on the tunic area and sleeves, while the skirt of her dress was decorated with elegant patterns also in gold, And a small fuzzy coat rested around her shoulders with a golden bow in the middle of it, and her hair was mostly down, except for the two braids that were pulled to the back of her head and kept in place by what looked like a mistletoe. Lucina, on the other hand, didn't think she needed that much of winter attire. But, oh was she wrong. "It's so cold outside..." She complained. Zelda, tried to look on the bright side. "Well... At.. Least it's not snowing!" As Mother Nature would have it, snow started to fall, increasing the height of the snow that'd already fallen last night. "Thanks, Zel... Real casual." A voice said from behind. Zelda knew that voice. That sickening, horrible childhood voice she teased all the time. "Well casual, is my style, Link."
She said as she turned around to look him in the eye. Their blue eyes stared into each other, with both romance, disgust, fear, and a slight pink tone on their cheeks, both from the cold, and just knowing the other person was looking at them. Link's heart slightly melted when he saw her. Her hair was getting covered in snow, along with the fuzzy edges of her small coat also trapping the snow in it. "Woah..." He said under his breath. Zelda started turning red. "What!?" She asked, trying to hide her embarrassment with anger. "N-nothing! I-I-I-uh-I-I..I-... P-PIT! PIT M-MY MAN! Hah, hah! BYEGOTTAGO!" Link said sprinting towards Pit and Paluntina. "What was that all about...?" Lucina chucked at her friend's blindness. "He likes you. You do know that right, Zel?" She asked. Zelda turned an extremely dark shade of red on her cheeks and the top of her ears. "Y-yeah.. I k-know that... Why?" Zelda asked. Lucina just let out a short chuckle before the booming yet soft voice of Sakuri filled the area. He spoke in Japanese, but subtitles on a screen in back of him in English helped the others who did not know the Japanese language. "Good Morning, Smashers! Today we are going to be making a few announcements of schedule changes for the upcoming holiday." Lucina froze. Schedule changes?! She was never good with schedule changes. She always hated the surprise attacks, jump scares, and freeze scares (freeze scares: unlike jump scares, these scares just leave you frozen in fear. Hence the 'freeze' in the name) in her old terrible, horrible time. Robin looked over at her from a few fighters away. He worried about her. And she worried about him. Especially ever since their daughter came back from the future and completely embarrassed both of them.
"Alright. So first off, all battles from the time of today, December 24th, to January 3rd, will sadly be canceled." A large wave of sadness came over all of the extremely competitive fighters, while the other cheered with joy. "So you have time to do whatever you'd like until January 3rd... Within reason. I'm watching all you T Rated fighters..." Sakuri said jokingly with a smile on his face. He exited the area and went to his office to prepare for Christmas, leaving the dark shadows of, Link and, Pit to do their Mischief around the area. Dark Pit whispered something to Dark Link, pointing at Lucina. Which of course made Robin suspicious. "Hey, i gotta go. I'll Text you later." Zelda said. Lucina nodded and her friend disappeared into the crowd. Dark Link looked over at Dark Pit with an evil smile on his face, and nodded. They started walking over to Lucina, while Robin kept his eye on them. "Hey, Lucina!" Dark pit called. Robin saw something behind his back, but couldn't figure out what it was. Lucina looked over at the two shadows with straight lips. "Question, why do you keep that mask on, Lucy?" Dark pit said, with a pout plastered onto his face. Robin, then saw what Dark Pit had behind his back. It was his blades. Robin started running as fast as he could to warn her. "LUCINA!" He called. Lucina looked over at her friend, confused by his panic, until a blade went straight towards her face, leaving a cut along her forehead, going down to her nose, ending at her right cheek, and making the mask fall off her face. She shielded her eyes and got onto her knees. "WHAT THE HECK, DARK!?" She screamed. 'Dark' was what they called dark Pit, while 'Shadow' was what they called Dark Link. "Oh, please, it's a small cut. It's not like that mask was hiding anything." Shadow said, grabbing her wrist and lifting her off the ground and slightly above the ground after he got her off her knees. "Let me go, idiot!" She yelled. Shadow looked at her eye. "T-That symbol!?" He said. Lucina, closed her eyes before anyone else could see it, but soon heard the voice of Sakuri, he spoke in Japanese, but she understood it. "What is going on out here!?" Everyone went silent. No one wanted to get in trouble with the game's creator. Sakuri was a very kind person, he thought of all the smashers like his own children, but you never want to get in trouble with your father. Robin, came up in front of Shadow and Dark, and explained what happened to Sakuri in Japanese. Sakuri, said something to Lucina, and she replied back still closing her eyes. "He said to let me go." She said to the two Dark sides. Shadow rolled his eyes, and let her fall, of course allowing Robin to jerk over to her, and catch her before she actually fell. Sakuri went over to Shadow and Dark and started lecturing them in Japanese and a small bit of broken English. Robin spoke in Japanese so no one could hear the conversation. Translated from what he said BC I can't speak Japanese even though I want to so badly.. "You okay?" He asked. "I think so.. But I need to get out of here before someone sees the exalt..." She replied. Robin nodded and helped her out of the big commotion, and into the mansion. Zelda walked over to, Pit, Link, Paluntina, Marth, Ike and Samus as this was going on. "Oh, Hi Zellie!" Paluntina said with a smile waving to Zelda. "uh, Link, why is your face all red?" Pit asked out of curiosity. "B-Because it's COLD Pit." Link said, a bit annoyed by his friend. "Hey, you guys know what we should all do?" Paluntina said, trying to change the subject for Link's sake. They all stared at her blankly. "we should go ice-" Another voice cut her off. "WHAT THE HECK, DARK!?" the voice screamed. everyone's attention was drawn to, The shadow's of Link and Pit, and also Lucina. Zelda, looked over at her friend. She was being lifted off the ground by Shadow, her mask was off, and a cut was going diagonally across her face. "L-..Lucina?" Zelda said quietly. No one understood what they said after that, they were only speaking Japanese, so not many people knew what they were saying, except for, Pit, Paluntina, Dark, Marth, Ike, and a few others. All they saw, was Shadow, mumble something, and Lucina tightly close her eyes shut, before Sakuri came out, and full on Japanese conversation, broke out. after a few minutes, Shadow dropped Lucina, and Robin caught her before she fell and helped her back inside. Zelda, was steaming hot angry. She walked up to Shadow and Dark, and slapped both of them, burning their cheek with fire. Dark actually started growling at Zelda, before Sakuri shot him a look. Sakuri said something in Japanese, but no one could understand it until Marth got next to him and repeated what Sakuri said in English. "EVERYONE GO INSIDE! NOTHING TO SEE HERE!" Marth yelled. shocking his friends. He never yelled. he was always quite shy, except for when it came to, Lucina. he was always overprotective of her. no one knew why though. Most people just assume that they are related, and that's where the nickname, 'Japanese, Blue Haired, Overprotective Grandpa', comes in. He then went inside, leaving some fighters a small bit shocked.
Lucina sat down on a chair next to her desk in, Zelda and her's room, still holding the gash on her face. Robin bent down next to her and asked, "are you okay?" Firmly. Lucina shook her head and took her hand off the cut. "I-I'm fine." She said. She tried not to say much as she was being more driven to tears in each sentence. She got up out of the chair and opened a desk next to her nightstand. She brought out a mask and put it on her face, covering to exalt. "W-wait! Lucina, your just going to make that cut worse!" Robin said waking over to her quickly, and not even realizing that once she turned around, he had put his both hands on her cheeks. They stayed there for a while. Lucina looking at his brown eyes through the small uncovered stripes of the mask, and Robin missing and longing to see her blue eyes stare into his brown pair again. He actually saw glowing from the exalt in her left eye. "Just... Let me help you... Please..?" She looked at him for a while. She didn't know he cared about her that much. "Robin I-" "please!" She sighed. She knew she wouldn't be able to get past her friend's stubbornness. "...alright.." He smiled, but then turned his emotion into a silly frown. "what is that face?" She asked returning his smile from earlier. "This is my, SERIOUS face." He said in the worst British accent known to mankind. He grabbed her shoulders and sat her down on her down on her bed. He inched his hand towards the mask, but not before Lucina jerked back a little. Even if it was, Robin, she hated it when people even got their hand close to her face. She then went back to her normal position, and he slowly took her mask off. He looked down at the mask in his hand, and then realized what he could do. He looked back up, and finally saw her big blue eyes once again stare into his light brown eyes. "W-what!?" Lucina asked, a little uncomfortable.
"Nothing...! I... I just haven't seen your eyes in forever..." He said, still staring deeply into her eyes and the exalt. He shook it off, went to the into bathroom and came back with a wet rag. Lucina just stared off into space while he wiped the blood from her face. "He... Saw the exalt..." She mumbled. "Hm?" "...oh.. Uh, nothing..." "Wait... Lucina... Who saw the exalt?!" He said, his face getting closer to hers, just close enough to see her eyes glistening with tears. She bit her lip. "...S-Shadow..." She held back tears welled up on her eyes. "He saw the exalt... HE SAW THE EXALT, OKAY!" Her tears finally broke loose from her eyes, but she quickly wiped them Away. "I-I'm sorry... I got carried away there..." She was hit by surprise when he wrapped his arms around her and said, "If you wanna cry then just do it here, for goodness sakes!" She had never seen this side of him. Then again, she almost never saw him until they were both invited to come to smash bros. he always spent too much time in places like the barracks. First a small tear fell. Then, she just sobbed. "You know what my Grandfather did! You know what Shadow and Dark will do to me! You...! UGH!" She broke into tears. But not from fear. Not from pain. But the sadness, that there has just about never been a place she felt completely and totally safe. Until that moment, that moment when he wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to finally get all of those unwanted tears she had bottled up inside her, out. He sighed. "Stop crying.. Your gonna make me cry..." He said as his grip on her tightened. She smiled finally. "Well... This isn't exactly how I pictured my first Christmas Eve at the smash mansion..." "Me neither... But is it still a good one...?" "...yeah"
DaNg!.!... DiS tImE sKiP dOe...
"OW! Lady Paluntina! I slipped again! ...and I think I might have broke somethinnnng!" Pit whined face down on the ice at the ice skating rink near smash mansion. Paluntina skated over to Pit, and bent down next to him. "Oh, are you okay?! Did you get another bloody nose? DID PITTO PUSH YOU AGAIN!?" She asked Pit multiple questions before actually helping the boy out of the rink. "C'mon, Link! It's not THAT hard!" Zelda said while, Link stumbled behind her. "You make it look so easy! How was I going to know I was going to get a- WHOAH! CRUD!" Link yelled as he fell onto Zelda, leaving her with an arm wrapped around her. "Ow..." "OW IS RIGHT, LINK! GET OFF OR NAYRU SO HELP ME!!!" And then there was of course the cheesecake skaters (Aka, the 'perfect' skaters, with their perfect hair, and perfect smile, and perfect outfit, blah blah blah...) like Rosalina and Luma, scary enough, Ganondorf, and Peach. And there were the ones who just flat out failed miserably, like Samus, Dededee and Yoshi... And others just stayed outside with their friends and added hundreds of videos and pictures to their story on SmashChat. "Uh, Hi, Lucina." Robin said. Ever since that 'incident' that morning, Robin had been trying to avoid her. She nodded in his direction to say hello instead of actually saying a greeting. "You going skating?" She asked. "Uh... I hope so, I mean, I already have the skates on." He replied nudging her. "Ha ha..." It was honestly a little awkward. "Pit-YOU'RE GONNA FALL ON ROBIN WAIT-" so Pit fell near Robin making him stumbled over to Lucina, Robin stepped on her foot, She fell over and winced in pain as the blade from his ice skates almost made her bleed, Lucina accidentally head butted Robin's head, and they all ended up face-down in the snow. "Ow..." Robin said. A muffled voice could be heard from the snow, next to his face. "OH! L-Lucina!" Robin exclaimed when he realized he was on top of her not allowing her to get her face out of the snow. He grabbed her by her shoulders and helped her get her head out of the snow Lucina gasped for air when she finally got out of the snow, and then laid herself back on Robin. She saw her mask in the snow with a little bit of it dyed red from her cut. He grabbed it and quickly put it back onto her cold, numb face. "C-Can you breathe?" Robin asked. She swallowed hard and nodded. Meanwhile, Zelda and Link just watched the others from the outer area of the rink. "So... You think tomorrow's gonna be good?" Link asked. Zelda's expression didn't change. "Yep." She said. Peach looked at Rosalina with a mischievous smirk on her face. Rosalina nodded, and within one wave of her wand, a Luma went above Link and Zelda, held a mistletoe with one hand, and covered it's eyes with the other. They both started blushing of course. "Well... This.. This is.. Uh.. Awkward... I-I'm sorry they do this a-" Link was cut off by Zelda, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him close, and kissing him.
KK, it's Christmas now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IT IS CHRISTMAS! And, question, what's your favorite part about Christmas EVE! Not day, Eve. My favorite part is the Christmas Eve service at our church, it's such a beautiful service!
"Lucina! Get up! We've gotta go! It's eight and the portals are opening at eight-thirty!" Someone yelled. Lucina's eyes shot open and she scrambled out of bed. She grabbed her armor and ran into the bathroom, then around five minutes later, she bursted out the door, grabbed, Zelda by the wrist and they ran out of the room. By the time they got there it was 8:26,so they split up and then waited eagerly by their portals. It was 8:29. Zelda looked down at her phone just waiting for that minute to be up, for what felt like an hour, until it finally hit 8:30. She stared at the portal for what seemed like eternity, until it finally started wobbling, and a familiar face came through. "Impa!"
Lucina waited patiently by her portal. "It's 8:42 what's taking them so dang long...?" She mumbled. "Helloooo!" A sort of girly voice said while arms wrapped around her neck. "Hi Peach..." Lucina said. Peach smiled and walked to next to her. "You, waiting for your family...?" She asked. Lucina nodded, although she honestly wasn't sure anyone was going to come. She stared at the portal for a while. 8:55. Lucina sighed. "I guess no one's coming, then..." She said. Peach frowned and held her hand. "I'm sorry..." She said. "It's fine.." Lucina turned around and started walking away before, Ro (female robin) screamed, "LUCINA LOOK!" Lucina turned around to be blinded by the light coming from the portal. Next thing she knew, all she saw was familiar faces. (OK. Lots of fire emblem peeps, and couple of OC kids.) she saw Frederick and Lissa and their child Annalise in Lissa's arms, she saw Stahl and Marribelle holding hands, and she saw Chrom. Her father. "Father!" She yelled as she ran towards the group of people, hugging the exalt. "FATHER!?" Someone yelled. Lucina then realized what she said, covered her mouth, and a mumbled curse could be heard. dark and shadow stood there in shock from the thought of the exalt being her father. "Yes, yes I am her father. And if you lay one finger on my little gi-" "OK I THINK THEY GET IT GRANDFATHER!" Someone yelled. Lucina looked over to her side, to see Morgan. "Morgan!" She said as she went over to her and wrapped her arms around him. Robin turned around. "Moooorgaaaaaan!" He yelled as he ran up to both of them and hugged them. They pulled away from their sandwich hug and the two blushed when they realized what they were doing, and jerked away from each other.
KK, anotha time skip.
(At sundown.)
"Hey... Zelda?" Link said, hiding something behind his back. "Hm?" Zelda turned around with whipped cream on her nose. "Well first off," Link said as he swiped the whipped cream off her nose, resting his palm on her cheek. "This. And also, I wanted to give you something..." Link then, took out the thing he was hiding behind his back. It was a small black box. Zelda looked at the box, then back at him. He was smiling. A lot. So she took the box out of his hand and opened it. It was a small ring with a heart on it. "It's a friendship ring. I have the same one." He said as he took it out of the box and put it on her finger. He was correct, he did have the same ring on his left hand. Zelda smirked of realization that is wasn't a 'friendship' ring. "This is a promise ring, isn't it." She said. "N-no...?" She smiled and kissed his cheek, making him blush again.
"Careful, Lucina!" Robin yelled as he held onto Lucina for dear life as the sled they were on was going 60 miles an hour. All she was doing was laughing... Until their sleigh ride crashed into a ditch. But they still laughed through the pain. Lucina eye was caught by something glistening in the snow. "L-Lucina! Your mask!" Robin said. She looked back up at him and smiled. "It's okay! ...I don't need it anymore." She looked back over at the item in the snow. "W-W-What's this?" She asked shivering. She picked up the small item, and saw it was a necklace. "Who dropped t-t-this?" "OH... Uh... That's mine.. Well.. Actually it's yours." Robin said. "W-wait what?!" "Mmmmhm." He said. They both sat on their knees and, Robin put the necklace on her. She couldn't see the charm before, but then saw it was the brand of the exalt. "W-wow.. T-t-thank you.." She said. She lifted her hand to the necklace, and that's when Robin freaked. "Lucina!!! Your hand! ...I.. It's blue! Come on, we need to get you inside!" He said. That explained why she was walking so slow and slumping over a little with her hands together and close to her torso. He helped her back up, and held her close to him the whole way up the mountain.
So, with Christmas Day, Robin freaked out when Lucina gave him new tomes, Link, freaked out when he got a new boomerang, and Lucina no longer has to hold the secret of her exalted blood. Of course, dark and shadow hate her ten times more, but all in all, it was good Christmas.
Omg, this took so long. OK, just so you don't get confused when I do Halloween NEXT YEAR, or I may do a delayed 2015 Halloween, who knows. But anyways, every year, a different horror game character is going to appear in the smash mansion in Halloween, so don't think I'm obsessed with P.T silent hills, or Five Nights At Freddy's, cuz, I ain't, trus meh. Anyways, getting ahead of myself. LOLZ, anyways, merry Chistmas!
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