7.5 Falling Apart
Even though she had expected the jolt, the planet still hit Dana like a freight train. Being inside an alien tick pod only made it slightly less bad, as the ship seemed to spin and lurch and all without any visual cues. Just when she thought it was over, the pod launched and she was hit by a second impact. Her head flew the short distance to the padded bar which would have held her cranium in place, had she been the right species. Instead it made her head spin while a large lump formed and she had trouble focusing.
Whoever was in the pod with her, opened the doors and a flickering light filled the space making her brain hurt more. It was quickly followed by dust, and as much as she would have liked to sleep her companion roused her. The lurching face of the deceased Scott, brought her firmly into the land of the living and her heart raced at the sight of him. It took her several moments to compose herself while explaining to her foggy brain, that it was now Zero's other body. Feeling half dead she dragged herself out of the pod and into the wreck of a room.
The echo of gunfire reverberated around the room as somewhere in the distance a fire fight broke out. Dana looked to Zero for an explanation but he only nodded and activated his personal time device disappearing in the process, leaving her alone in the wreckage. After a few minutes the fighting seem to die down and an eerie silence began. There was little to do now except wait, with Zero separated in time from himself, there was no way to optimize her use of the device. The whole plan consisted of multiple attempts at an intrusion with the hope that one or more would act as a distraction for the other two. Truth was that Dana found the whole concept rather flawed, she would have liked to stay out of it except she was already neck deep in it and she was smart enough to know treading water was only good for so long, instead she passed the time kicking dust and circling the room taking in the details for details sake.
Checking her watch she wished that the last few minutes would just go already, committing suicide was one thing but having to wait to do it was agony. Still she waited the required, optimal time as laid out by the almighty Zero before activating her device.
At first there was no difference, the room looked the same as before and it took her eyes awhile to realize that the dust had stopped swirling and hung unnaturally suspended in the air. With all the time in the world and no rush, she proceeded to follow Scott into the maze of connecting room. All were empty and stories of ghost ships from her childhood came to mind. Whole ships found in space, empty of life with no reason for their abandonment. Really there was a host of reasons why such an event would occur and Dana was too old for such spook shows. Without letting the atmosphere get under her skin or shake her nerve, she kept moving.
The first bodies came as a shock, various alien races lay burned and mutilated, the walls bearing the scars of a recent fight. The whole scene was macabre, being on the other side of time was a surreal experience as she picked her way past the horrific event frozen in time. Death was bad enough but death in silence, void of all noise or even smell, was genuinely creepy.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the next corridor was even worse, the corpses were carved in a brutally effective manner and the pristine walls showed no sign of a fight. Zero had the advantage here and it showed, the twisted beings had died without knowing what had happened, one second alive the next bleeding out in an unimaginable death. Blood still suspended from a spurting artery turned Dana's stomach and forced her to turn away. Normally blood didn't bother her but the thick dark fluid pouring from a still living creature made her feel helpless and vile at the same time.
Detouring away from the main corridor, Dana found a nest of rooms containing various equipment. While all of it looked alien, she couldn't help noticing the familiarity of some of it. The experience was humbling in a haunting sort of way, to poke through someone's private possessions and to peer like a voyeur into some, probably now dead, things life. It gave Dana a perspective that had not ever occurred to her, that behind the powerful organization stood so many individuals, driving it forward. The same individuals who lay butchered in the corridor. When they were being hunted it had seemed like an omnipresent force presided over them and now that she could see the broken pieces, the veil was lifted and she felt a wave of optimism.
It was detouring in a back room, that Dana found Zero once more. The mechanical being looked the part perfectly as he connected to the company system. The creatures that had him surrounded seemed out of place however, as if they were somehow not part of the same frame and suddenly it clicked, they were not in the same time structure as Zero. Unbeknownst to the mech he was being accessed outside of his time reference. Dana paused unsure of her next move, she had wanted badly to remove the head of this snake, but it was becoming clear, that removing a figure head would be all she was doing. What was needed was to send a message to all the individual parts, that without them the machine that was this company, could not operate and they were all equally guilty of the things it did. With that thought Dana went to work with a knife, separating the technicians from her companion.
Feeling tortured over the taking of live so callously, Dana trudged on following the mess of mangled corpses. The corridors once again showed signs of active battle and the unnecessary mutilation of corpses hinted at a brute force approach. The fact that the bodies still stood despite their wounds was a sign that a secondary clock was still active. Dana hoped that Zero was right and that the active clock would hide her own cloak's power draw, the bright red blood trail leading away from the battle however, was not a good sign.
Sure enough she came across the source of the leaking fluid. As alien beings dragged the mutilated Zombie along, blood oozed freely from the many wounds he sustained in battle. His head hung lifeless as they pulled upon limp arms, his corpse a dead weight. Ever since the attack, Dana had avoided Scott, knowing the friend who had resided inside had been lost forever. When Zero had taken his corpse to use as mere hardware for his own ends, she had felt a certain conflict, on one hand her rational side knew, that was all he was now, but somewhere deep inside the human emotional response kept bubbling to the surface and clouding her judgment.
Once again she had an emotional overhaul as she hurried past the team and their trophy. She couldn't spend the time now to stop and dwell, it bought with it too much emotional baggage and besides she had her own trophy to take.
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