2.3 Stealing Away
Xacks looked over Dana's glistening body as she lay sleeping on her bed. Something about the human pushed his buttons and it wasn't her looks. To his taste she was far too squishy, there was little resistance and she felt far to fragile. Admittedly he was used to locking with his own species, he had never even been incline to cross races before her. The very idea made him feel perverted in a strange way, a way he wasn't used to and for someone as old as himself anything that put a glint in his eye was a good thing.
With that thought he headed back to his room where he kept a good supply of powdered glint for his breather. Once that was done he set about strapping on his armored garb before slinging the assault rifle across his back. With his lower arms curled behind him he secured the rifle tight. Tonight he would hunt, hopefully he wouldn't need the gun but it never hurt to come packing when shit got nasty. With steady strides he stalked through the ship pausing only to open the side access hatch manually so as to make as little noise as possible and with that he was away into the night.
The atmosphere had more than enough oxygen for the likes of Xacks as he pushed through the purple undergrowth keeping eyes peeled for telltale signs of life. The small creatures fleeing his path kept his eyes tracking, but it was bigger game he was hunting, something far more intelligent and organized. After an hour of fast walking the light woodland gave way and before him lay open land, standing still he took in the details of this new environment. Even in the dull moonlight he could make out the signs of a habitation, of something advanced, plants ran in straight lines and the earth was furrowed. Familiar patterns started to become distinguishable and with a cautious step he ventured forth following the circular segmented lines of well trodden paths, careful not to startle the small herd of hair covered beast across the way.
Carefully the Thoracian closed in on an open dwelling which was central to the sculpted landscape. Once he reached the small building made from natural materials, he slowed his pace letting his compound eyes take in the surroundings, slowly making out the figures of the sleeping herdsmen. They were a familiar sight although the stored memory was an old one. In his youth tales of the Crarab were legendary, not just because they were considered one of the oldest life forms but also for their dubious sub culture inspirations.
The outbuilding had four occupants each curled in their own nest like hammock. Picking what he considered to be the youngest Xacks carefully positioned himself over the resting form. They were naturally a quiet race using an array of clicking to communicate simple ideas. The lower the class, the simpler the ideas and language that went along with it. If he wanted to steal away unnoticed he would have to pull it off perfectly. Getting as close as he dared, while halting any air intake, he unfurled his lower left arm and with lighting speed the deed was done. Instead of struggling the unsuspecting victim tensed, contracting its sensitive bits in the process. Xacks pushed hard into a pressure point just below the jaw, preventing the creature from rousing its companions. With three well placed steps he was again in the fresh air and making his escape.
When he was a good safe distance away from the farm, Xacks stopped carrying the creature, placing it instead on the ground and standing back to give it space to get up. Fearlessly it maneuvered upright on stout legs, turning to face the larger Thoracian before clicking quietly. It had been a long time since he had learned the basics of this ancient language and this one seemed to speak yokel. After a minute or so of clicking from both parties he thought he had it.
"I have come to take you away." Xacks clicked slowly trying to gauge the beings response. "We have a plan for you."
"Are you the authority?" The small being asked in almost broken tongue.
"I am an authority to you... You need to follow me." Xacks beckoned to the underling. "I will take you to your new position now."
Slowly the Crarab emerged from its armored exoskeleton, eight slender hot pink finger like tendrils on each hand moving like snakes independent of each other. It's face another hot pink mess of thick whisker like projections, with small black eyes the only thing telling of its intelligent nature.
"Fuck! You look like an overgrown inflamed testicle in a nut shell." Xacks exclaimed in English for his own amusement. The Crarab seemed pleased by the spate of laughter that followed from the larger Thoracian and joined in with its own clicking, like a child who laughs for the sake of it.
"What is your name?" Xacks tried his luck with the ancient tongue. "What do I call you?"
After a brief exchange back and forth he got the accent correct enough for the little guy to agree. With that sorted he strode off towards the ship with new follower close in tow.
Before the ship was in sight Xacks halted the Crarab, telling it as best he could to stay low. He had no intention of flaunting their new passenger to the crew but it was something else hanging in the air that made him cautious. Creeping forward using the foliage as cover he peered at the large vehicle stationary outside the loading bay ramp. Silently he unfurled his arms brandishing the assault weapon, clicking the safety off as he did so.
"Authority." Clicked the Crarab happily.
"Get back!" Xacks scolded it. "Stay there until I come for you."
Stalking towards the alien craft Xacks checked inside for any sign of inhabitants, finding no one. From an arm attached to the front of the vehicle hung a grizzly sight, the solider that Knapp had let free. The man had intestines hanging from a hole in his abdomen, probably having fallen loose on the trip over rough terrain and his flesh was scorched from plasma burns.
Turning towards the ship Xacks tried to make out the sounds coming from inside. Covering the ground quickly he sidled up to the blast door and readied his weapon while using a free hand to remote access the hold. The door flew open with a whoosh as the different atmospheric pressures rushed to meet each other.
Three larger Crarab stood inside, two of them brandishing large and very complex looking weapons at Scott who was holed up behind a leaking wine crate. The hold was once again covered in blood, this time a bright pink, it pooled from two corpses and dropped from the hand hole of one of the remaining attackers. Acting quickly Xacks stepped past the bodies of the fallen, firing into the soft tissue at the back of the nearest Crarab's knee. The creature dropped with a squeal as it retreated into its exoskeleton.
Grabbing at the remaining armed foe he lifted the gun above the thing, firing down inside its protective shell, shredding its internal organs in the process and killing it instantly. The remaining unarmed Crarab backed away in a frenzy of clicks, only some of which Xacks could make out. Something about being authority and a lot of what sounded to him like begging.
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