1.3 Introductions Aside
Dana was still puzzling over Scott and his reasons for being aboard when the PA announced a meeting with the pilot. Having already done an extensive search on the Thoracian, she knew he was a capable pilot, not the best but certainly able. She also knew about his crack habit, having looked up the police data base. Interestingly the most recent file had many omissions from it, luckily she had accessed the mainframe which held copies of every alteration. Something else was up with Scott however and she wanted to know what. Filling in variables would give her a more complete picture and give her more predictive power, for the moment she considered him a loose cannon.
The lounge area where Knapp had decided to do his little meet and greet was nice, with a recessed seating area and a large movie screen. It looked like a scene straight out of a nightclub, complete with bar and all. Scott kept everyone waiting, coming in late and looking pissed while keeping his arms crossed the entire time. When everyone was seated (with the exception of the Andy who lent against a wall) Knapp started his introductory welcome speech.
"You don't know me that well so here's the deal." He stated gruffly. "You paid for a trip, with that comes food and a room. Beyond that don't expect much else. I'm not your fucking landlady so don't bug me about shit. Relax, have some drinks, watch a movie and have a good time. If you decide to do something stupid like take a spacewalk then believe me, I ain't the kinda guy to go out after you. That aside, this guy here is you pilot, Xacks. If he, or I tell you to do something, best for you, if you do it. Does everybody understand?"
Dana and Scott both mumbled replies, while the Andy boomed a yes full volume, making everyone look his way. He whirred, moving his head a little but said nothing more.
"Good." Knapp said and was about to continue but the big screen came to life with a mans face who proceeded to interrupt him.
"I'm an official from the office of interstellar travel. I'm formally requesting to come aboard to inspect both, any cargo and all passengers." The man stated in a rather rehearsed manner.
"Who the fuck?" Knapp turned to look at the pilot for answers. "You know anything about this?"
"Nope, all new to me." He replied, checking his portable control device. "But the feed they are sending seems legit."
"Well then I guess we had better get down to the hold bay and let these fuckers in." Knapp was clearly not impressed.
Dana guessed that he wasn't used to being ordered around by some pencil neck. She on the other hand knew from experience what to expect from a gov body like this.
"Best we cooperate and give them what they need." She piped in.
"Best you let me worry about it, Missy." Knapp glared at her.
She backed down and letting him think he had won, the idea of spending the next seven months with a pissed off captain, wasn't her idea of fun.
Instead she trooped with the rest of the group down the stairs into the main hold. Scott had stopped looking pissed, now he looked almost sick as he staggered along with arms still crossed. As he walked, Dana noticed the blood soaked towel wrapped hastily around his hand. Something was seriously wrong and she wanted badly to investigate further, except Xacks was already opening the loading bay doors.
The suit it seemed, was accompanied by four swat soldiers brandishing assault weapons. They stood at ease but were menacing enough to deter any untoward behavior. They obviously didn't expect much in the way of resistance, their presence still set Dana on edge though, which the suit topped off by looking straight at her.
"You must be Dana Stevenson." The tall man in the suit said waving for the soldiers to apprehend her. "We will be detaining you on the grounds of internal security."
"Bastards!" Dana spat as they roughly pulled her arms behind her back dropping her on her face and cuffing her. To add insult to injury, the arresting officer lent forward, grabbing a fistful of hair and whispered in her ear.
"Your boss says this is how you like it."
"Thank you all for your cooperation and we will be taking our leave now." Before anyone could reply the desk jockey turned to go.
Dana's cheek stung like a bitch, twisting her head despite the firm grip holding her hair, she eyed Knapp. He flashed a smile reinforcing his winning position. After all he had her money and there was little that could be done about it now. The worst bit was, it wasn't even his fault, he just happened to strike it lucky.
"Sorry girly, but you did say give them what they want." Knapp smiled harder while everyone else simply looked impassive.
"Damn! And I thought they were here about your little wine racketeering, or maybe the stolen Andy you got there." It was her turn to smile as his face dropped. "They could at least search the pilot for drugs, or maybe start by asking why this guy just chopped his own fingers off."
The suit, who had stopped walking at racketeering, turned to wave a signal for the three free soldiers to arrest them all, Dana still on the ground didn't need to see him to know what he was thinking. Bringing her in was good but there was no harm in adding a little cream to the top. She knew he was staring at Scott and more specifically his hand which he had finally taken from under his arm, letting the blood soaked towel drop to the floor.
"There is only two reasons I can think of why someone would be chopping bits off, and looking at him I don't think he's crazy." She looked him in the eye as she said it, fully aware of what this meant for him and feeling more than a little sorry about it too.
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