"This is better than last night!" Jungkook licked his lips like a toddler and raised a glowing approving look at Athena who looked down shyly blushing at his reaction and compliment as he enjoyed the banana shake she served him along with toast, butter and strawberry jam for breakfast .
"My girlfriend, apart from being beautiful, is smart and funny and a wonderful cook" he huffed, shaking his head as a painfully reddened Athena looked at him in shock. "Girlfriend???" Jungkook got up from his seat and walked around the kitchen counter, standing behind her, he slid his hands down hers until his fingers intertwined with hers and his breath steamed her neck.
"You don't think I'd let another take or taste something that's rightfully mine, spark?" his low voice, muffled by the bite in his mouth, made her shudder, and when his lips, slightly sticky from the sweets, left traces on her jaw, Athena was already sure that she was going to pass out. No one had ever touched her like this before and the feeling was too intense for her to just pass it by.
She felt like her insides were gurgling and rushing inside her, too excited to stay still. Her heart was pounding, trying to force out the aria of excitement and joy she felt as this man played with her body as he pleased, making her knees tremble and soften. Especially after last night's kiss, all Athena could think about was his lips on hers, they haunted not only her mind and dreams, but even when she was awake, it was as if she could see herself sinking and disappearing into his arms.And his behavior this morning didn't help the fact that she was heaven on earth.
"Athena!" Miss Panaria's voice snapped her out of her daydreaming state. She blinked in confusion and met Jungkook's dark knowing gaze. He smirked and winked at her, slightly pointing out his tattoo, she looked at hers which visibly glowed in a soft reddish flickering light and her blush took on cosmic proportions.
"Let's try again" sighed Miss Panaria, shaking her head. Athena and Jungkook stood facing each other in a room that thanks to Tenari who was a technopath and her sister Tyra who had telekinesis was equipped and secured for Jungkook and Athena's training. The fireproof walls were glowing white, candles were lined up along them that flatly refused to light, and above them, behind thick fireproof glass, stood Miss Panaria, Mr. Kosari, Kira, in case her shield was needed, and her Knight Yoongi, who as always looked tired and irritated and was dozing in a chair behind his girlfriend.
"You can, Sparkle" Jungkook sounded encouraging despite his expressionless face, but his eyes spoke volumes to her. Athena nodded and closed her eyes again, lightly squeezing Jungkook's fingers and trying to focus on her task. But no matter how hard she tried, she was getting nothing, all she could think about was the taste of his lips.The taste of them, the soft movement, the sense of giddiness and lightness that took over her being, causing her soul to leave her body and she was aloft among swarms of angels playing their harps, singing in her ears with a melodious voice.
Her body hit something hard and she opened her eyes wide in surprise, once again pulled out of her thoughts. "Sparkle, if you keep going like this, it won't matter who's watching us" Jungkook whispered in her ear as he held her close with his hand on her waist and neck, burying his face in her hair. "What..." she blinked in confusion. "Arousal is written all over your face,baby, if you don't want everyone else to see what I see, I suggest you start thinking about something else but me" he smirked arrogantly and Athena gasped in embarrassment.
"Try again spark, imagine the fire, feel it, it flows in your veins, you just have to direct it" Jungkook pulled back slightly and looked up, nodding to the glass and the educators that he had managed to control his Guardian. "Let's do it together, close your eyes" Athena obediently closed her eyes. "Imagine the candles and how they burn, imagine the fire playing on the gentle current" Athena listened to the soft muggle whisper playing, caressing her ear as he painted her dreamy pictures.
"Imagine the warmth of the candles, the scent of lavender in the air wafting from the soft flames" Jungkook continued, looking around as he spoke, hoping Athena had a strong enough imagination to help her picture his every word and realized. "Imagine the fire leaving your body, moving towards the candles, playing with their wicks before lighting them" he continued, studying Athena's face, the flushed cheeks, the fluttering lids, while behind them her eyes danced wildly before the pictures that he was describing to her.
Her body shuddered, trying to realize the pictures her fantasies were drawing. She imagined the two firebirds from her dreams dissolving and the fire taking over her body. Trying to suppress the fear, her mind tried to direct their flames, control them, transform them and send them to the desired targets. She imagined tongues of fire swirling around her, forming a spinning sphere, resting the fire that ran through her veins, her heart beating madly, pumping streams of burning lava.
Imagining the flames as fingers touching candle wicks, behind her closed eyes, they flared and danced like reddish-orange spirits, swirling around her, smiling happily at her as they seemed to bow. She gave them a friendly smile, feeling their gentle touch as they played on her skin, barely touching her as if in awe. Athena held out her hand and several fire sprites danced across her palm.
She could hear their whispering voices singing their fiery song, telling her of ancient times when fire ruled the earth, when it raged unhindered, consuming everything in its path, when it was lord not only of the earth but of the heavens. When firebirds flew high, soaring above red clouds, making the hot currents groan under the pressure of the heated air.
She was told of giants of fire who walked among the ashes, melting the earth under their feet, leaping over mountains, vaporizing rivers and oceans. They told her of the song of the fiery wood nymphs, of fiery winged horses, of fiendish valkyries riding flaming horses brandishing black flaming swords.
"Dear God!" Miss Panaria couldn't take her eyes off the couple below them. Flames danced around the two, surrounding their bodies in rings of fire that seemed to spin like a coil. "I have never seen anything like this!" Coach Kosari's low whisper seemed to caress the fireproof glass and evaporate from the heated surface. "Is Jungkook really not feeling the flames?" was asked by Yoongi who, uncharacteristically for him, was standing next to Kira and they both watched the elements beneath their feet in amazement.
Jungkook couldn't tear his eyes away from Athena's gaze, the flames seemed to penetrate right through his soul and read his heart. Their warmth glided over his body and seemed to creep into the deepest corners of his mind, searching for undiscovered secrets.The flames enveloped them, closed them and as if they were trying to guard them, to protect them. Athena looked calm, as if she had been in the embrace of the flames surrounding them all her life.
"You did it, spark, it worked!" Jungkook whispered, his voice laced with pride and awe. "Look at you,baby, you're gorgeous, just amazing!" however, she didn't respond to his words, and the flames intensified and pushed him, making him press more and more into her."Athena?" he tried to reach her, raising the volume of his voice, only a moment ago she was reacting to his words, hearing him, what had changed?"Listen to me Athena, don't let the fire consume you" he squeezed her hands lightly, feeling his body begin to give under the pressure of their heat and flames, tiredness settling over him as Athena slowly drained his energy, strengthening her flames.
Athena pulled his arms around her waist and cupped his face, rising on her toes, she rested her forehead against his and her flames penetrated deep into his eyes. Suddenly, Jungkook found himself in the middle of a burning area that looked like the foot of a small mountain. Firebirds flew in the sky, spreading their majestic wings, as if little flames lived their own lives, dancing around. White horses with fiery eyes and wings walked around, calmly grazing the flames. And a black one watching him stood behind the most beautiful fire fairy he had ever seen, his queen.
His body moved by itself, he knelt down and bowed his head under the pressure of a fiery crown. He could see her reflection on the surface of the scorched earth, beginning to turn to glass. "Stand up my king, love bows to no one" the tenderness in her voice, that confidence, the strength that seemed to consume him, he stood up and looked at her, the flames in his eyes mirrored in hers.
"Is this what Athena sees when the flames consume her?" he thought, realizing that he was not actually thinking like the King, but like himself, Athena was showing him her vision, telling him the story of her flames, her past, long forgotten. "It's beautiful, spark, I understand why you don't want to come back" he tried to control the king's body, to take the fairy's hand, to talk to her, but he was no longer the king, his gaze followed the two of them from above.
And he watched them, he saw how the king led his queen, hugging her by the waist, he saw the two black horses that obediently followed them, without even realizing that until now there was only one black horse. The two looked happy as they walked through the flames, stopping here and there to play with the horses or the fire spirits. The picture described a peace and tranquility that seeped into his soul and made him feel lighter than air.
Suddenly he was snapped out of this calm, as if someone had roughly pulled him back and his body bumped into something. He feels tired, exhausted and stressed. Athena's eyes, absorbed in his slowly faded, her hands, still on his cheeks, slipped and she collapsed on his chest. Tired, Jungkook tried to hold her, but he had no strength left and they both fell to the ground. His vision blurred, watching the disappearing flames around them. He looked at the peaceful sleeping face of the girl on his chest before closing his eyes as well.
" We will grow strong together, spark, your nature is beautiful, I promise you, I will not betray you" he thought, holding her with his last remaining strength, refusing to let her go even now that he was exhausted, he could barely feel his own body. Darkness engulfed him and the last thing he heard was someone calling their names.
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