"The five basic elements - fire, water, air, earth and heart - are also the five most powerful and dangerous elements. Their users usually display and develop their powers at a later stage of their development, with each element of the first four elements testifying about the character of its user. "what nonsense, my character has nothing to do with fire!
Description of the elements and their bearers:
A heart on its own, this power usually just brings the other four elements together. But with a strong enough user, it can take or restore life. The second requires sacrifice on the part of the user and usually wears them down to the point of death. Using "Resuscitation", users give their own life at the expense of the one they are trying to restore. This power is the most common, as well as the weakest, despite the "Resuscitation" ability", why don't I have this ability?"Heart users are usually meek and calm in nature, so are their Knights."that's why.
"Earth- the ability to control everything related to soil and rocks. In addition to forming protective walls, using earth forms to attack, this ability allows its user to influence the constituent elements of the soil, using the minerals to transform the elements into ordinary soil, fertile at the user's will, stones or, if the user is strong enough, even affect the growth of plants of any kind. These users are usually loyal and highly self-sacrificing. There is no evidence that this power has taken a user's life, so it is considered the most harmless of all, although it also exhausts its user. The Knight's only roll in this case is the "chain" of course, why should I have Earth as well.
"Air - control over air currents. Formation of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, tornadoes and the like, depending on the strength of the air current. Their users are usually distracted, often change their moods and prefer heights. The knight of the Air element is the support that holds the user at least partially firmly on the ground. Sufficiently strong user, can use levitation, although this ability also exists on its own. Strongest attack - Vacuum" I'm still not me. It would be too easy.
"Water - controls everything in a liquid state. users have the ability to "squeeze" moisture from their surroundings, turning it into a source of life-sustaining liquid. Water Barrier, Water Cannons, Tsunamis, Rain Cloud Control, Turning Water into Ice and the use his to attack Strongest attack - Dry Blood, an ability that allows the water user to squeeze his opponent's body, drying their blood, mummification.These users are usually straightforward, extremely focused and calm, but also stubborn. Their knights are usually slightly cold-blooded. Water users usually, although distant, get along with everyone, except for fire users, with whom they are in conflict by nature. This power is considered to be the second most dangerous to use, even if the users are calm and rational, if they lose control, the shock wave from the force's dominance over the user is deadly to both the user and anyone who gets in its way." crap, is it cold or am I the only one feeling it?
"Fire -little is known about this power, its users usually do not survive long enough to show the absolute power of their element. Also called the Phoenix, users of this power have the unique ability to use their power from any part of their body. While with the other elements primarily using their hands, fire users can conjure up flame from anywhere on their body.Controlling this power requires extreme physical and mental endurance on the part of the user as well as their Knight."I looked at Jungkook, mental stability and physical strength, he had both, and me? I neither.
"Fire users are usually quiet, withdrawn, aloof, insecure and difficult to communicate with. Their power is more emotional, although it requires physical training due to the fact that the flames can or do encompass the user's entire body. They are the rarest. While the other four elements can support White - Friendship or Purple - Family, the Fire Guardians and their Knights always have red chains."
"It is assumed that it is because of the Hate-Love factor and how the two emotions affect the user and his mental state. There is no evidence of a fire user subject to hatred. For a fire user, the Guardian - Knight relationship is extremely important, love is one of the most strong emotions, and according to the annals, she helps the user channel the energy of the flames in the right direction. Although the Knight of the Fire User is often aloof, he is usually mentally stable and extremely useful in tense situations, keeping the Guardian's emotions in check." him controlling me?
"The power of fire is considered the most dangerous, not only because it is difficult to control and kills its user, but it is also the only one that the Knight feels physically, which is not seen with any other known ability, although there is no physical injury, or at least there is no evidence of such, due to a lack of strong enough users, the Knight feels the heat physically, though not as strongly as the opponent. Fire is one of the most debilitating powers for both Guardian and Knight."
"Note:The stronger the emotional connection between the two, the stronger the user and his flames. We don't have exact observations, but we know for sure that the Guardian and the Knight are hard to stay away from each other and the connection between the two comes naturally. If a fire user is reading this - good luck girl, you're going to need it and pay attention to your relationship with your Knight!" heh great, not only am I a walking nuke, but I have to pay attention to my relationship with Jungkook if I want to or at all i can survive.
Let's see if I understood correctly, if I want to control my power, I must train not only my mind, but also my body, strengthen my relationship with Jungkook and trust him not only with my life, but also with my heart. And how exactly can it happen when we don't even know each other? I mean, we know each other, but we don't know anything about each other? How am I supposed to fall in love with him? OK, I admit he's attractive, but is that enough?Stupid book, it not only didn't give me any information, but on top of that it increased my problems!
"So we should fall in love?" Athena literally jumped out of her seat with a scream, dropping her book. "For God's sake, I was going to have a heart attack!" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Sorry spark, I thought you were feeling me like I was feeling you" she gaped at him with her chin hanging down. "Feel me?" he nodded and sat down next to her, resting his hands on the bench behind them and looking up at the sun with his eyes closed.
"I always feel when you're around, like, you know, a sixth sense. It's like everything around me warms up and I relax." he looked at her and Athena narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "Does that mean that when we're not together, you're tense?" Jungkook grunted yes. "That's crazy" Athena sat back up, lifting the book in her lap. "I guess. But if the book is right, which it probably is, then just being close to each other isn't enough. I can help you train your body, but our emotional connection, I can't do that alone" he looked at her with a smirk.
Athena's eyes widened in shock and she blushed profusely. "You want to...yeah...I mean we...like..." he chuckled. "That's exactly what I mean" he sat up and took the book from her lap. "It won't be that difficult, at least according to the book, it appears that it happens by itself if we just start" he reread the paragraph explaining the need for an emotional connection.
"Don't you expect me to just fall in love with you?" Athena gasped and Jungkook shrugged, not looking up from the book. "That's not what I said, but think about it, this is our longest conversation ever, and we've been living together for two weeks" Athena huffed and Jungkook laughed. "I'm hardly that bad of a choice, spark, if you give me a chance, you might even like me" Athena rolled her eyes and knew for herself that she didn't have much of a choice. "Okay, what do you suggest?" she asked and Jungkook flashed his bunny smile. "Go out on a date with me, for starters?" he suggested and Athena choked.
"Go out on a date? With you? A womanizer and a playboy? And what, make me fall for you and every time we're not together, I'll bite my nails wondering if you're with someone else? Are you cheating on me ?" Athena shot out in annoyance and Jungkook tilted his head. "A womanizer and a playboy? Me?" he pointed at himself, almost offended. "Oh please don't think I can't see you looking at the girls at my university?" Athena hissed, rolling her eyes.
"Sparkle, just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu. I'm a man, it's natural to look at women, but have you seen me with anyone since I became your knight?" she pursed her lips, at least because he was telling the truth, not only had she not seen him, but she hadn't heard of him being with any girl. "Besides" he leaned over her, lifting her chin with a finger. "The one I want isn't on the menu" his lips were just a millimeter from hers and Athena held her breath. Jungkook smirked, winked at her and backed away. "So we're going on a date, Friday ,at 7." he stated and stood up, stretching. Athena was speechless with shame and just watched him go back to the field and to his training.
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