I can't, I can't stand it and I don't want it! It's that simple, alone, that's all I've ever wanted and want. I don't know what is not clear? Have you ever felt like the world and everything and everyone in it is against you? Because that's how I feel right now. I feel put in a press and it presses me hard, so hard that I can't breathe, I can't think and my body seems to have gone numb and surrendered.Why me? Couldn't it have been someone else, someone who had the strength and desire to handle it?
A week had passed since I received my supposed powers. It's been a week since I've had this arrogant man as a roommate who doesn't shy away from walking half-naked around me and, damn, I feel like I don't remember what my apartment ceiling looked like! Whatever I do, he's always there, I eat-he's there, I sleeps-he's there (at least he doesn't sleep with me in the bed, thanks for that), I study, I'm a student by the way, I study history, human history, at university, at least I'm invisible there, but he's still hanging over my head.
He comes with me to the university, then picks me up, or if he doesn't have training, he sits and waits for me in the corridor of the university, attracting all the attention he can get. And to make it even better for me, it mainly attracts female attention. No, not that I care, why bother me, he is free to do whatever he wants, but the same doesn't apply to me!
I understand the Agoran rules, he is my knight, blah blah blah, red chains, more blah blah blah, but for God's sake, this guy has serious problems! I mean, come on, he enjoys female attention, but if a boy walks past me and looks at me or smiles at me, it's unacceptable and he comes out of nowhere, standing like a rock on my neck, and wow, god forbid ,touches me, like unintentionally bumps into me, while we're passing each other in the hallway or something, man, take your pills, who goes from absolute calm to boundless rage in a second?
Meanwhile, when none of this happens, he doesn't seem to notice my existence, thanks for that! Short and precious moments. However, that is not the case at the moment. Right now, the two of us stand facing each other on the training ground as the other six Guardian-Knight pairs watch us. The idea is to develop my strength and strengthen the relationship between us. The results - nothing!
My powers haven't manifested since the chains were connected. Not once, all I've had since then are weird dreams of lava chasing me, firebirds trying to swallow me, and him kissing me over and over again, which doesn't make things any easier. And again and again, I want to sink into the ground in shame, standing in the middle of a flight, with the two educators next to us, piercing a hole with a look, if it could happen, I would already be digging in the bowels of the earth!
And because the piercing gaze of this freak, obsessive, sexy....wait, is it sexy, not sexy, no, not even handsome, in the sense, well, no, it's not, well, he's an attractive man, no no ,bullshit,it's not,pffff,awesome,now i think he's sexy,jerk!It's all his fault! Anyway, since is not enough for me, we must be watched by the other guardians and knights.
"It's useless!" grunted my knight for the umpteenth time, the only thing I agree with him on. I still think this is some kind of mistake meant to ruin my otherwise peaceful life. "Jungkook, her powers are not physical, like her sister's for example" coach Kosari tried to explain to him for the umpteenth time and Jungkook snorted in the direction of my person. "The five elements obey the emotions of their bearers" Miss Panaria emphasized to him, thanks for the reminder!
"Can I try something?" to introduce Mykena, one of the Guardians, whose power is telepathy, her knight is Jimin, they both have white chains, which means friendship, but somehow they are a couple, a cute one at that. I don't want her to try anything though, if she tries to affect me I'll probably pass out! "Of course,dear" thanks again Miss Panaria!
It couldn't be worse. Not only do we have no connection with my Guardian, but her powers are absolutely useless if she not only doesn't have them, but she doesn't have them at all! And now this girl too, we've been trying for a whole week, why does she think that since our instructors can't help, she can? But something happened, Athena looked at the girl horrified, curious, I looked at the newcomer, what powers did she have, that my Guardian is so scared for her to use them on her?
So, here's something to brighten up the boring situation. "Mykena, you can't..." Tyra, Athena's sister ran towards us panting, now I'm even more curious, what are the powers of the said Mycena? "Enough Tyra, I'm not going to kill her, I'm just going to affect her a little." announced Mykena, to influence her? How, with what? I looked at Athena, with each word that her sister tried to dissuade Mykena, my Guardian paled more and more, and my curiosity grew.
"I know you Mykena, she won't..." the trainer cut her off and Tyra pursed her lips angrily. Looks like it'll be fun. "Let's try, it might work" Miss Panaria quietly insisted, looking apologetically at Athena. What happens? This girl just has no powers, whatever happened, when the chains closed, it was clearly gone and gone forever.
Mykena approached my guardian and she stepped back. I know that as her knight I should protect her and be responsible for her, but I didn't do anything, curiosity will eat me. Besides, if the trainer and Miss Panaria allowed it, it could hardly hurt her, right? So, I waited for the miracle, rather impatiently, I would say. Mykena stood next to Athena, leaned towards her and began to whisper something in her ear.
Athena turned completely white and took a step back, what was this Mykena saying to her, now I was no longer curious, Athena looked more than horrified. The more Athena gave way, the more I began to feel how my body tensed, Mykena, for her part, did not move, she no longer whispered, but Athena looked more and more terrified, staring at the girl.
"Enough Mykena!" Tyra tried to stop the other guardian, but the two simply kept their eyes on each other. Athena's breathing quickened, Tyra stood between the two, Mykena looked at her briefly and she dropped to her knees, clutching her head, Hoseok, Tyra's knight was at her side in a split second and pulled her into his arms, pulling her away from Mykena and Athens.
What the hell was this girl doing, why did Tyra go down so easily? Shouldn't I have stepped in, Athena was clearly in pain. "No...no...enough...stop!" Athena screamed and my shoulder began to throb. My tattoo was glowing again, I looked at Athena's wrists. Were her tattoos on fire? And I mean, they were really burning, in fact her entire arms, up to the wrists, were bright, red-orange flames. She clenched her fists, backing away in terror, flames slowly creeping up her arms.
I had never seen such a physical manifestation of any power. "Back, Mykena, enough!" miss Panaria grabbed the girl and pulled her, but I only looked at Athena, she seemed to be somewhere else, tears were running down her face and I instinctively went to her, some other girl jumped out onto the field, standing in front of the instructors and Mykena, I remember her, she push Athena the day we met and locked the chains.
Athena's body was burning, she wanted to close her eyes, but she just couldn't, while under the influence of Mykena's telepathy, she continued to see the horrific scene of her parents' broken chains and how they both melted before the eyes of their two daughters, which didn't stop the two adults from fighting each other.
To explain Athena's horror. Athena and Tyra's parents were also a Guardian-Knight couple. Their relationship was friendly, like Mikena's and Jimin's, but it just didn't work out between them, and a few years after they got married and their two daughters were born, the two already fought and hated each other so much that their chains broke.
One more clarification, the chains bind the Guardian and the Knight for life. There were two ways for them to be removed, one is for one of the two to die, then the living one had the opportunity to move on, even find and receive new chains. The second, as in the case of Athena and Tyra's parents, for the two of them to break the link themselves of the chains, as it means death for both of them.
This was also what Mykena showed Athena, affecting the fear and horror of the experience, relying on the saying that Athena's power depends on her emotions. A mistake, a huge mistake. Athena was so horrified and traumatized that the flames were now engulfing her entire body and she was simply fanning them, using them as a way to protect herself from Mykena's powers.
Jungkook hesitated for a minute, he knew he was protected by Athena's power, but the heat made him step back for a moment before he did what he had to do, which was to stop her before she did any more damage. The field around Athena already it burned, forming a protective circle around her. "Enter the flames!" he looked at the second new girl and jumped over the flames, wrapping his arms around Athena's body and holding her to his chest, she didn't seem to notice him at all.
The flames formed a burning bubble around the two of them, Jungkook guessed the power of the second one, it was a Shield, but how long would it last against Athena's flames?"Sparkle? Listen to me, whatever she showed you, it's not real!" I tried to reach Athena, her flames were getting stronger, I felt like the heat was pressing and engulfing my body. Is it normal to feel my Guardian's powers so strongly? "Athena, spark, look, it's me, look at me!" she shivered in my arms, okay, she hears me. "That's right, spark, look, it's me, you're safe" what was I now, her psychiatrist?
"Calm down, spark..." I started stroking her back and God, I know we're in an unpleasant situation and I have to calm her down, but I felt her body so nice next to mine. "Jung...kook..."how can my name sound like that out of her mouth, have mercy girl, you burn like the fires of hell, and all I can feel is how you turn me on..."It's me,Athena, and I want you to calm down, can you do that?" she looked at me, oh those burning eyes! "For me?" I'm selfish, I know, I don't need someone to tell me, but look at her, she's a torch and she's mine!
"Concentrate on me, Athena, only I am real!" I insisted, and for a moment I saw the flames in her eyes fade, but then they returned, she was struggling, but whatever was going on in her mind, it was strong, very strong, and kept pushing her back. What should I do? What should I tell her, she was listening to me, she was trying to come back, but she couldn't, what had that one shown her? Even I'm not so stupid as not to guess that this Mykena is a telepath, but she freak out enough to affect her like that?
"Come on, spark, follow my voice, come back to me, Athena" what nonsense am I talking about, I sincerely hope no one hears us! Not that I can do anything else right now. So I just kept whispering to her, calling her, talking soothingly to her. "Jungkook, I can't last much longer, do something, for God's sake" I heard the shield girl scream.If the shield fell, everyone would get hurt, I was already suffocating, Athena's flames were quickly consuming the remaining air in the balloon and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
That's it, I remembered, without air, the flames couldn't be fed, but how to stop Athena's air without hurting her, if she got hurt, I would get hurt too, another pleasure from the chains!Of course, not that I can do anything else, apparently this is the only solution between us, isn't it spark? I kissed her, again, hard, very hard and she is so delicious, I should taste the fire, but it was so delicious, is it because of the chains?
Come on, little spark, feel me, answer me! Relax baby, give yourself to me! I'm an idiot, this is me, I want her, chains or no, I want her! Her lips moved, her body stuck to mine, and she wants me, she hides it, she doesn't accept it, but she wants me!
Jungkook? I'm here! I heard his voice, I saw his face, his lips, I felt them, he was pulling me, was he really kissing me? I looked back, but his voice made me look forward. A spark? Why did you call me that? He wanted me to calm down, he wanted me to do it for him, for him...
"I can't take it anymore, she's too strong!" Kira felt her body give out as she tried to keep the shield around Athena and Jungkook. "Yoongi!" he was already standing next to her, albeit a little behind, and took her hand. "If Jungkook can't calm her down, she'll burn the field!" Miss Panaria tensely turned to Coach Kosari, who just watched in silence.
"Jungkook?" Yes! "I'm here, Athena" her eyes faded and then darkened, she was coming back to me, maybe our relationship wasn't strong yet, but we just took a step forward. "Calm down, spark, I'm holding you, you're safe" honestly, I don't know how long the two of us stayed like this, but for a Guardian who activated her powers for the second time, Athena was more durable than I thought, although she was also sucking my powers.
"Follow my voice, little spark, come back to me" I sounded like a Shakespearean character, but I couldn't let her not to calm down if I wanted to live, could I? "Help me,Jungkook, it hurts..." it hurts? Why is it hurting her, shouldn't her power affect her physically? I looked at her, but I don't see any injuries, so... What Mykena showed her hurts her inside! Great, my Guardian is emotionally hurt and I'm a tree when it comes to emotions.
How do you calm a woman's emotions? Do you give her a gift? Do you cuddle? What the fuck are you doing to calm her down? Ice cream! Women love ice cream, don't they, sit, eat and cry. "Calm down and I'll buy you a huge bowl of ice cream!" hope it works, I need to work on that too, especially since I have to calm her down, a new problem to deal with. "Ice cream...I love ice cream..." ok, it works! "That's right, Sparkle, a big bowl of ice cream, whatever you want!" calm down, for God's sake, if I have to I will cry with you, just calm down. I'm lying, of course, I have no intention of crying!
"Jungkook..." her gaze trailed off."I'm here, Athena" her body weakens, I can feel it. "I'm tired, Jungkook..." her eyes were closing, her flames were starting to fade, and if you can believe it, I've never felt more relieved! "Rest Athena, lean on me and rest" her head fell on my chest and the flames slowly began to die out, just in time. I could already see the cracks in the shield around us.
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