Super Moon
Super Moon by sloanranger / VLSloan
You are so beautiful – big and bright. I’ll bet you’ve heard that a few trillion times. But you are, you know, so wonderfully pretty.
Perigee- that’s what you are right now, the distance from which we watch you: Perigee - close, closest… closest to me and to him, too. Closest to the earth on which we stand, sit, or dance - which we inhabit – where we watch you from.
It makes you loom over us. Luminous - perhaps it makes you loom in us, as well.
I wonder if he’s watching you tonight… the one I think of most. He loves nature and beauty and you are certainly, inherently - these.
You pull us, I know – stronger, at these times. Do you pull him and me a little closer now, too - and during these times is there a way to maximize that nearness? And to minimize the mood and manner of your apogee – your distance, when it comes?
They say you are like a woman. I don’t know. But I can see that - the pushing away and drawing us close…yes, I can see that. There is femaleness in that, but also masculinity. Perhaps more feminine is the way you flirt and hide yourself from us in part and at times, threaten to almost disappear entirely.
You are a magnet - you draw, pull at - all life here, as well as the oceans and you are constant in your inconstancy. And finally, it’s all true about you - you are so very beautiful.
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