Chapter one
"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen today marks the fifth annual grand Prix and I am your host Lakitu" Lakitu announced before continuing "We will now continue with a head to today's Race....between fierce rivals plus the other contestant" The screen then moved to the track showing the contestant and their cars.
The first car was Was Purple with its drivers being Wario and Waluigi.
The second car was red with its drivers being Mario and Luigi.
The final car was navy blue with its drivers being Oilver and Haruki.
"We'd also like to dedicate this grand prix to our beloved Princess of the mushroom kingdom and the Prince and Princess of the rainbow kingdom.....Please give a hand to our beloved Princesses and Prince, Peach,Alice and Thomas" the cameras then showed Peach,Alice and Thomas waving "Without further ado let's get this race started" Lakitu announced before going in front of the drivers and pulling out a traffic light.
As soon as the red turned green Oliver zoomed off alongside Wario but Mario's car didn't start. In fact black smoke blew into his face and Luigi shot out of the car backwards.
Driving Oliver heard Wario and Waluigi panic as Mario began to catch up and to be honest He and Haruki didn't really care about winning. Soon enough Mario zoomed by both contesters.
All of a sudden Both Mario's and Olivers carts got shocked by lighting shrinking their carts. Haruki screamed as Wario and Waluighi chased both Olivers and Mario's carts and managed to flatten both of them.
Wario and Waluigi laughed as they droved off. Olivers and Mario's karts managed to get back to normal. Mario Tossed Oliver a mushroom and they both used them at the same time to get Wario and Waluigi into last place.
Soon enough they were all tying and reaching the finish line and as soon as any of them could Bombs fell from the sky onto the ground. Before anyone could stop the bombs blew up sending Mario,Luigi,Wario,Waluigi,Oliver and Haruki into the sky.
Oliver groaned while picking himself up. "You okay Guys?" Luigi nodded and Mario replied "Yea Im-a–fine" that's when everyone looked up into the sky to see a shadow and the shadow revealed itself to be Bowser?!.
Kamek then flew down "Presenting the great king of all Koopa's! And soon to be master of the mushroom kingdom and the rainbow kingdom.....I give you the amazing Bowser!" Kamek announced and everyone in the crowd began to boo.
"Thank you,Thank you, Its great to be here" Bowser said. Bowser then jumped over to where Oliver,Mario,Luigi and Haruki were. "Well hello there Mario ......Sorry to crash your little Mario party but I have a date with destiny" Bowser said.
"Oh no he wants to kidnap the princess" Lakitu announced which made bowsers eyes widen. "Hey how'd you hear about my plan but I'm not kidnapping just one princess, Anyway that's only half of my plan." Bowser continued "For you my dear mushroom munching morons have been a thorn in my side for far to long, so I decided the only fitting punishment would beat the living tar out of you in front if all your fans"
Oliver and everyone else just stared at him "Oh? You don't think I can, Do you?, well don't put money where your mustache is" Bowser then smiled smugly "Its go time" Haruki and Luigi screamed in fear before running off. "Well Guess it's just us,Ready?" Oliver questioned Mario and when he nodded they both got into a fighting stance. "But im done talking with you Mario and whoever you are,Let's finish this"
Will Mario and Oliver be able to defeat bowser or will they lose, Well find out in the next chapter of super mario bro's z x oc insert
(Hope this was good)
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