Chapter II
After the awkward kiss, Will continued to stitch Nico up. One cut at a time, Nico was treated, and his face was bandaged instead of stitched. Once his arms were wrapped, Will pushed him back in the bed to rest. "So, uh... you need to go ahead and get some sleep. I'll be back later with some food." Nico nodded. As soon as his head hit the pillow, his eyes shut and he started to breath deeply. Will chuckled and stood up. Stumbling about, he made his way to the chair on the opposite side of the room. He fell into the seat of the chair and analyzed the events of the last fifteen minutes. "I... I kissed him. I KISSED HIM! WHAT WAS I THINKING!?" When Nico started stirring, Will quieted himself. "And he kissed me back. Why would he...? Unless..." He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his head. "There's no way. Why would he like me?" Then he heard his name being said. "Mmmm... Will..." His ears perked up. "Who said that?" He looked at Nico, and he felt himself blushing all the way to his ears. "N-nico?" "Will... Wiiiill... Mmmmm..." Nico was calling his name in his sleep. Will slowly approached the bed, not believing what he was hearing. When he was sure that he hadn't lost his Styx, Will left the room to have a minor panic attack. "Does he... no, it can't be... but what if..." He started hyperventilating. Another Apollo child came up to him, a new girl named Atalanta, thirteen years old, maybe. "Will, are you ok? Do you need some water? Aspirin? Tranquilizer?" Will waved at her dismissively. "I'm fine. I think. Maybe just some water." The girl ran off to get the water. Will slowly slid down the wall. The girl came back with a glass of water. Will drank it slowly and tried to blot up his sweat. Once he was less drenched, Will stood to go back into Nico's room. As he closed the door, he noticed that Nico was sitting straight up and looking out the window. "Where's my lunch, Dr Solace?" Will blushed at the nickname. Nico raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. "Why the red face?" Will covered his mouth with his hand. "It's nothing. Just winded." "Can I have my food now?" Will blushed even harder. "Um, I'll go get it. Be right back." Will ran out to the kitchen and grabbed food he new Nico would like. When he got back, Nico was standing and leaning on the windowsill, admiring the beautifully streaked clouds. "Hey, Death Boy. Here you go." He set down the plate next to the bed and grabbed Nico's wrist. "You need to sit down. If you fall because your legs are tired, I'm not healing you again." Nico snickered. "We both know that that's a lie." Nico say down on the bed and reached for the fork, but Will grabbed it first. "You need to rest your arms. You almost lost all your blood through your wrists. That's not gonna happen again on my watch. Let me. Doctors orders." Nico's face turned a vibrant pink as Will took some pasta on the fork and held it up to his mouth. Will smiled and placed a hand under Nico's chin. "Open wide." The pale boy obeyed, and Will put the fork in his mouth. "You like it?" Nico slurped up a noodle that was dangling from his mouth and grinned, nodding his head. Will kept feeding him, making sure he'd swallowed every bite before giving him another one. After the plate was cleared, Will took a napkin and wiped Nico's mouth. "Well, if this is the kind of treatment I get when I get hurt, I'll have to almost die more often." Will flicked him in the nose. "Don't even think about it. Now, I'm gonna go wash these dishes and get you something to drink. I'll be right back-" Nico had silenced Will with a finger on his lips and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't take too long. I'm gonna need my ray of sunshine since I'm not aloud to get up." Will blushed and stood up to go. He washed the dishes, got water for Nico, and returned in under sixty seconds. When he got back, Nico was laying on his stomach, propping his head up on his hand. "Hey, Golden Boy. C'mere. I wanna tell you something." (A/N Called him that once. He pretty much bled his brain out through his nose.)
Word Count: 766 (including word count)
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