Shut yourself off.
School came quickly the next day. Patton didn't want to go, but his Parents egged him on and so he had no choice. He pulled his cat hoodie on, deciding not to wear anything else, because it was the last thing he had that smelt like Logan.
He pulled himself out of his room to look in the mirror, but found nothing but words carved into his brain and memories from last night's argument waiting for him.
He didn't know what to do.
He started to cry again, but it was more like dry sobbing because he'd run out of tears and his head was pounding. He needed water, but what was the point of water when the headache was the only thing distracting him from the heartache?
He didn't bother to fix his hair, it looked fine anyway. He pulled on shoes, forgetting how to tie his laces for a moment as he stared down at his hands. It all felt empty and pointless.
His hands brushed away tears Patton didn't know had been forming, his mind pounding and heart slowing. If only it'd slow to a stop. If only it would stop beating for people that just made him cry. If only it would rub off that name it had tattooed onto itself.
Days like these, Patton packed a single cookie for lunch. It was all he could manage to eat, all he wanted to eat when his heart was crying out for something.
Then he was out the door, with what he supposed was half decent English homework and barely done math homework. He couldn't understand why the air was so hard to breathe.
The world was perfectly fine as Patton walked, perfectly normal and slow and bright. But Patton didn't feel bright. Patton didn't want the world to be coloured when the only colours he was in was grey and white.
It was as if he meant nothing.
His feet tapped along the pavement as he zoned back into find himself almost turning the corner to go get Logan so they could walk together.
He stopped, looking down the street.
It was too bright.
Someone was on their porch, someone was tending their garden, someone was in a rocking chair. These were all things Patton usually liked to see, but his eyes were trained on a singular doorstep, watching a man open his door and step out.
The man, Logan, paused. He was waiting for him, and Patton's heart jumped to think of it- but then he walked down to the bottom and Patton realised he'd never been waiting for him at all.
His stomach tied itself in knots as he pushed back tears.
He didn't want to go to school.
He didn't want to go to school!
HE didn't WANT to go to SCHOOL!
ESPECIALLY not if LOGAN was there.
Logan turned, and stumbled back upon seeing him at the end of the street, tears in his eyes. Patton didn't even notice that he was crying and his head was pounding.
Psssh, so much for forever.
Patton turned on his heel, mind blurry and stomach in knots. You know what? He wasn't going to school. He wasn't. Good luck finding him when he ends up at that one place he could count on.
He didn't even realise Logan was begging him to turn around.
Memories replayed themselves in his mind as he thought about what on earth lead him to this moment, trying to pinpoint some exact moment where it had become a dream and he'd wake up to have it all fixed.
Logan had been upset because of emotions. It had always been his bane, his weakness- he wasn't emotional. He didn't know emotions. So when Patton had tried to explain this one point to Logan, he'd become frustrated.
Patton should've backed off, and technically he did, but then Logan had been yelling at him and then he'd been out the door.
He hadn't responded to Patton all night. Patton hadn't slept until three am. Patton hadn't been so empty since the time Logan had told him he was trying to be someone else's friend instead of his.
So Patton was walking. He didn't know where.
His phone pinged. He wanted to check it but he didn't have the strength. He noticed a park, and turned to go into it, only after realising it was the park he'd taken Logan to back when he lived around this neighbourhood.
He'd walked pretty far from his house then, and pretty far from school. But he didn't care. He was following what he wanted.
His parents wouldn't care. They were too busy. If he ditched school, they'd just add it to the reasons he was the problem child while his little brother got everything. Boy, did he love that.
He was under a tree now, one that's leaves covered it like a dome so he felt slightly alone. Not that anyone was going to be coming to see him, anyway. No one even came to this park unless it was a holiday.
He pulled out his phone, but put it down somewhere away from him, curling into a ball. Why? He didn't know. He didn't care.
He'd lost his best friend, his boyfriend, his perfect other half all because he wasn't good at explaining. What was the phrase Logan had used....?
Oh right.
"Our personalities just don't match." Patton mumbled to himself. He wanted to believe that. He wished he believed it. "We're just not meant to be."
He sighed, pulling out his phone and checking it. His mind didn't even register was he was reading on the text until he'd checked it twice.
'Are you coming to school?' - Small Dark Son, only a few minutes ago.
Aaaand a software update.
Patton sighed. It really wasn't Logan.
-Logan's POV-
I start my journey to school, listing off the events of last night. It really wasn't great. I'd let my emotions get the best of me, instead exploding like some kind of bomb.
I pulled out my phone, debating calling him, knowing he wouldn't be at School. But I would be, because some part of my being wished he was there- but mostly because I needed to go. Yeah, mostly cause education is important.
Only slightly because I want Patton to be there. Yeah.
Before I know it I'm at the school gates, and then at my locker. I don't want to talk to the others. Why did I burst out like that? It was illogical. Part of me hates myself for that decision. Part of my being wishes he was here.
"Logan." Virgil's suddenly next to me. "Where's Patton?"
"He's..." I start, But I never finish. Where is he? Where is he? My mind is searching for his face everywhere. "He's not here."
"Duh," Virgil leans against the locker next to me, Patton's. "He's usually with you. Don't you worry?"
"No." I say. "I don't feel."
"Oh cut it with the lying," Virgil sighs. "Where is Patton, and what did you do?"
I want to tell him, but that means I need to tell him that me and Patton were a thing. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. It was always me holding it as a secret, always my fear, my logic in the way. Now that there was no us, that logic didn't hold me back.
"We broke up last night," I say, still looking into my locker. "I don't know where he is. I don't want to know. Perhaps you should contact him yourself."
Virgil takes a step back. "You... broke up?"
It hurts. Why does it hurt? It shouldn't hurt. This is stupid, illogical, a distraction. "Yes, keep up." I snap.
"You're kidding." Virgil sounds angry.
"I'm not," I shut my locker. "I would never."
"Why'd you break up? You were happy." Virgil certainly seems very interested for someone that doesn't know much.
"We were," I say. "But our personalities don't match like that."
Keep telling yourself that, and it'll be true. I know it's a lie. I know now that it's a lie.
Virgil sighs. "You are an idiot." He says. "You still love him, don't you?"
"Did you love Deceit?" I counter. I know their answers are different. I do love him.
"No," Virgil says. "But I know you and Patton were different."
"Well," I begin. "Perhaps your thinking is wrong. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go."
I push past him, but I know he's right. Why do I know he's right? I need to stop this. It's stupid. So stupid.
I don't know how to handle these feelings. What do I do? Where do I go? Patton made everything so sure. I want to phone him up and talk to him, just about everything.
I want him to tell me what's wrong with me.
Oh my stars, do I miss him.
Something catches my eye as I stroll into the library, figuring I can hide out in here until lunch, mostly because no one seems to care about skipping.
I stop to look at it, finding a man remarkably similar to me staring back at me. "Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Thomas," he says. "Are you Logan?"
"Yes," I reply. "What do you need?"
"Oh, thank goodness I found you." Thomas says, stepping gingerly towards me. "I don't have much time."
"I'm sorry," I say. "What is it that you need?"
"I just need you to listen-" Thomas falls forward, and I catch him. For a moment I expect to see Patton in my arms, but it's this weird Thomas man instead. "This isn't real. It's a simulation."
He must be delusional. "I'm sorry," I say. "Are you well?"
All I can seem to say is sorry. "No, Logan- you need to think about it." Thomas says. "It's not real!"
And then 'Thomas' is gone.
I must be sick.
(A/N: what's up, it's me, ya girl ThatWinterGirl1505. I've been super busy lately because School is about to start and so we're cramming in the last of some stuff and I'm realising I've done, like, no socialising at all but yeah.
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