Chapter Twenty // Haven't Been
I woke up in the morning, remembering what was happening today.
Today, I had a date.
Today, I had a date with Steve.
I looked at the clock that was on the bedside table, trying to figure out what time it was. It read eight - o - three.
I yawned, feeling exhausted yet excited at the same time. I had been on things that were like dates, but they were never real dates.
"Hey, Ponyboy," said Johnny. I looked up from my notebook, looking him in the eyes.
"What's up?" I replied. I was feeling generally happy today.
"Want to go get a milkshake and then see a movie?" he asked. I bit my lip, thinking for a moment.
"Sure! That sounds like fun!" I exclaimed. I liked spending time with Johnny.
"Great! Let's go!" he replied.
Before we knew it, we were at the Dingo, sitting in a booth. Johnny sat across from my, and was staring at me.
"Johnny?" I asked. I hoped that he was feeling okay.
"Yeah?" he replied, snapping out of whatever trance he was in.
"Are you okay?" I questioned. He nodded.
"I'm fine. Sorry, you just have really pretty eyes," he mumbled. I could feel my cheeks turn hot.
"Thanks," I whispered.
Our drinks came, and we sat and laughed together. We talked about anything under the sun until we were finished.
"Off to the movie?" he asked. I nodded with a grin.
"Of course!" I exclaimed. He chuckled.
When we got to the theater, there were loads of people there. It was a thick crowd. Johnny intertwined our hands. I stiffened up a bit.
"Just so we don't get lost," he stated. I nodded, and the relaxed.
We sat in our seats, cuddling into each other as we watched the movie on the big screen.
It was a perfect night.
The memories I had with Johnny were the closest things that I had to dates. Each one was perfect, planned with precision and grace. I never made the plans, he always did. He knew me so well that he was able to do everything perfectly.
I wondered what Steve would do for our date. It wasn't like he didn't know me or what I liked, but he didn't know me as well as Johnny did.
I don't think anybody will know me as well as Johnny. The relationship and connection that we have is a unique one, and that'll never change.
I got out of bed a few minutes later, feeling hungry. I hadn't eaten that much last night. I walked down to the kitchen.
Around the kitchen table sat Darry, Sodapop and Two Bit. They were all eating something different from one another.
They all looked up at me at the same time.
Sodapop scowled, and got up from the table, walking out of the room. He hit my shoulder with his intentionally. I glared at him.
"Good morning," I said dully. Two Bit and Darry looked at one another.
"I'm sorry about Soda, Ponyboy," stated Darry. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah man, I am too! Don't worry, I'll magically make my way into Soda's pants, and then he'll understand what being queer is like!" he exclaimed in a joking matter. I couldn't help but crack a smile.
"Thanks guys," I replied, leaning on the counter.
"In all seriousness though, Dal and I are working on trying to get him to understand," stated Two Bit. I nodded my head.
"Well, he better understand tonight, because Steve is taking Ponyboy on a date," stated Darry. Two Bit's eyes got huge.
"Steverino is queer too? Aw man, this is too good!" shouted Two Bit. Darry and I chuckled. It was obvious that Two Bit had no idea about the fact that Steve wasn't 100% straight, and that he was taking me on a date.
"Yeah, let's see how it goes," I replied. Two Bit nodded.
"I'm helping you get ready!" exclaimed Two Bit.
Darry face palmed.
Everyone who was in the Curtis house today was doing something different from one another. Two Bit was watching Mickey, Darry was cleaning, and I was reading a book.
Steve hadn't stopped by at the house today at all. I guess he wanted to only show up when it was officially time for the date.
Suddenly, the screen door opened, revealing Dally.
"Hey, did anyone miss me?" he asked in his New York accent. I briefly looked up from my book, trying to ignore him. I had a plan.
"Wow, a glance but no response? I feel offended! Earth to Ponyboy!" he exclaimed. I just kept my eyes on the reading.
I felt someone walk up behind me, and grab me under the arms. They started to tickle me.
"No fair! Stop tickling me Dal!" I giggled. I began to squeal like a baby.
"That's what you get for not answering!" he replied. I gasped for air.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I shouted. Dally stopped tickling me.
"Good. Now, we have to get you ready for your date!" he exclaimed. Two Bit bounced off of the couch onto his feet when he heard the word "date."
"I'm helping!" he shouted, running up the stairs.
Dal and I glanced at each other, and laughed.
By the time the boys were done dressing me, I felt tired yet excited at the same time. They were so particular with clothing.
I looked myself in the mirror.
I was wearing a par of nice black jeans with a clean pair of converse, and a red, white, and black flannel that they had me button up all the way. I also had the sleeves rolled up.
"Wow," I whispered. I looked really good in the clothes that they gave me.
"Let me fix your hair," said Dally.
"Hell to the motherfucking no! You are not touching his hair! You don't even do your own! Step aside," exclaimed Two Bit, touching his own hair. Dally grumbled, but obeyed.
Two Bit had a point. I've never seen Dally do his hair in his life. It was probably better that Two Bit did it.
Two Bit put some grease in my hair, combing it in different directions till he was satisfied. I looked back in the mirror.
"Thank you, both of you," I said. Dally smiled.
"You're welcome, but it was mostly me," replied Two Bit with a laugh. Dally punched him in the shoulder.
The bell rang.
Steve was here.
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