Chapter Ten // Slam The Doors
"I'm sorry, what do you mean finally?" I shouted. He was probably messing with me, but I needed to be sure.
"Let's go walk for a while," he said. He was sort of quiet.
Both Dally and I grabbed jackets since it was now dark outside. You could see the stars peaking out from behind the clouds.
We were walking around the neighborhood silently. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to know what Dallas meant.
"Dal? What did you mean by he finally kissed me?" I asked him. I didn't know what to expect.
"Listen, man, you gotta promise me that you'll keep your mouth shut," he exclaimed. I swiftly nodded my head, understanding the order.
"You know how you guys ran away to Windrixville for a while? When you guys got back, he was telling me about how things changed between you two, and how he started getting feelings," he started. I gasped.
"I thought I was the only one who thought that way," I mumbled.
"Hey, man, I'm not done. Anyways, as I was saying, he started feeling strange, and he said stuff about not being able to keep his eyes and hands off you. On top of that, I heard him talking in his sleep once about kissing you," he said. I was shocked.
I could picture Johnny sleeping. His hair would be messy, all over the place. His skin would look pale and radiant, and he'd look younger than he already did. I could also imagine him mumbling words in his sleep as he cuddled into the blanket.
Then, something hit me.
"What about Angela?" I questioned. She was still apart of the equation.
"See, that's where it gets complicated. He told me that he really likes her and wants to be with her. Plus, she's a girl, so it might be easier for him to be with her than it is for him to be with you," he said, mumbling the last part.
"So, he loves me and her, but he chose her?" I whispered. Dally slowly nodded his head. I stopped walking.
"What do I do now, Dal?" I asked. He always knew what to do.
"I guess you confess your feelings officially, or you get over him. He still doesn't know how you feel," he stated.
"Alright," I whispered.
"You really like him, don't you?" he questioned. I blushed.
"I love him," I said. I began to cry tears that were both happy and sad.
This time, Dally hugged me as I cried into his chest.
I walked into my house with Dal, and I saw a horrible sight that made me want to faint. Sitting there was Johnny with Angela. He was introducing her to the gang.
"Yeah, Angela really likes to do her makeup," replied Johnny. Sodapop seemed to have asked him a question, because Johnny was looking at him when he was talking. His arm was holding Angela tightly.
Everyone suddenly noticed that Dally and I walked in, because they all glanced at us. Steve and Darry gave me a sympathetic look, because they knew that meeting Angela was going to take another physical and mental toll on me.
I looked at Angela and Johnny on the couch, and decided to man up and act like a good guy. If it wasn't for me, the act would be for Johnny. I didn't want to embarrass him.
I walked up to Angela, and got a good look at her face. She had dark hair and beautiful eyes, and she dressed in a red shirt. She also had red lipstick on. She looked almost angelic. I held my hand out.
"I don't think we've formally met. Ponyboy Curtis," I said, introducing myself. Angela took my hand and shook it.
"Angela Sheppard," she replied sweetly. At least she wasn't acting like a mega bitch. It made me calmer about the whole situation.
Everybody began to talk, but I sat on the couch. I stared at Johnny, his face looking as beautiful as ever. This time, he wasn't looking at me.
He was looking at her.
I decided to go to my room.
I opened my diary and opened the first blank page that I saw. I really needed to write something down before I went crazy.
"Dear Diary,
Dally told me that Johnny had feelings for me, so that's why he kissed me. Apparently, he was having issues on coming to terms with his feelings, so that's why he wasn't admitting anything. But, on top of that, he also liked Angela. I guess he could choose between us, but I know he'll pick her.
She's beautiful, and I'm ugly. She's nice, and I'm rude. She seems funny, and I'm boring. She was better than I was in a million ways. And, on top of that, she wasn't a boy.
I had to meet her for the first time today. I tried to be polite, which I was. I sat across from Johnny, and I couldn't stop staring at him.
There was one problem.
He was staring at her.
It was becoming harder and harder to stare at him now.
Ponyboy Curtis
When I looked up from writing, Sodapop was sitting on the bed looking at me. I hadn't even noticed him come in.
"Man, you were really focused on whatever you were writing. You didn't even hear me come in!" he said laughing a bit. I forced a smile. I didn't want him to know anything was wrong.
"Yeah, yeah, I guess I didn't," I replied. I think I blew my cover, because Soda's expression changed quickly.
"Ponyboy, what's been wrong with you lately? And don't say nothing, because I know there's something, and I know it has something to do with Johnny because you've been avoiding him," he stated. I sighed heavily.
"Seriously Sodapop, don't worry about it. I'll be fine," I responded. Sodapop scoffed.
"You can't lie to me. I know that something happened, and I'm determined to find out what it was," he stated.
"Yeah? You really want to know?" I said, teasing him. I needed to think for a few seconds on whether or not I could trust Soda.
He was my brother, and he never really judged me before? Would that change now? Or would he act the same way? Usually, I would tell Soda stuff, but not Darry. Clearly, that wasn't the case this time.
Three people already knew about my feelings. Hell, the whole gang except for Johnny and Sodapop probably knew. Two Bit figured out everything all the time.
"Yeah! Of course I want to know!" he shouted playfully. I took a deep breathe of air, composing myself.
"Johnny kissed me," I said. I looked at Soda.
Sodapop stood up, walked out of the room, and slammed the door as hard as he could.
He didn't say a word.
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