Chapter Sixteen // Flooding Back
I woke up next to Johnny after our nice, long nap. I turned to face him, but he was already looking at me.
His eyes looked light brown because of the sunlight streaming into the room. It was probably around sunset.
"How long have you been up?" I asked with a yawn. Johnny bopped my nose.
"Maybe twenty minutes or so. I'm not sure," he replied. I nodded, and stretched my arms above my head. Johnny giggled.
"Is the sun setting?" I questioned. Johnny sighed comedically.
"Of course that's you're thinking about. But yes, it is," he replied.
"It's not my fault I love the sunsets," I stated. Johnny giggled.
"Maybe not, but it's still cute," he said. I shrugged, unsure of what to say.
There was a knock at the door.
Quickly, I jumped out of Johnny's bed, and put the covers back on. I straightened my clothes out too, so I looked presentable.
Johnny sat up, and put a hand through my hair trying to comb it a bit. He clearly didn't care if anyone saw him looking like a mess, because he didn't try and fix his appearance.
"Come in!" yelled Johnny. He clearly had a lot more energy.
The door swung open to reveal who was knocking.
I was not thrilled at all.
It was Angela.
What a surprise, I thought to myself.
"Johnny?" she gasped. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"You're talking?" she asked him. She practically ignored me.
"Yeah, I guess I am. Ponyboy came in to visit me," he said, gesturing towards me. She glanced at me, and I awkwardly waved.
"Hi, Angela," I said, trying to act normal. She sighed.
"Hi, Pony. Could you leave? I want to talk to Johnny since he's speaking now," she stated. I nodded.
As I began to walk out, I heard weird noises, so I turned around to see what they were.
Angela was kissing Johnny with passion.
I immediately left, disgusted and jealous.
I stood outside of the hospital, looking at the sun set. The view was amazingly gorgeous today. I felt like it took my breath away.
The sky was lilac, blue and pinks everywhere. The clouds were this interesting color, because the sun's rays were still strong. Everywhere there was orange light, covering every inch of the ground in front of me. I couldn't believe the sight that I saw.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked. I could tell that it was Steve. I mean, he was the one who had driven me here.
"Yeah, it is. I watch the sunset every night," I stated.
I had never told anyone besides Johnny and a Soc named Cherry that I had watched the sunsets. I was scared that I'd get made fun of, and I didn't want that.
But, for some reason, I felt comfortable telling Steve. I just knew that he wouldn't judge me for it. and I knew that he wouldn't tell anyone else about it, either.
"Yeah, it's quite a sight," he whispered. I could tell that he was in some sort of disbelief.
"Have you ever watched one?" I asked him. It would be sad if he didn't.
"No, I haven't," he stated. I gasped.
"Do you want to watch one with me?" I questioned him. I turned around to look at his face. He stopped to think about it for a second, and then nodded enthusiastically.
"I would love that, Ponyboy," he replied.
Steve and I decided to sit on the roof of his car so we would see the view. Everything looked so beautiful, and I couldn't believe that I was experiencing it.
I looked at Steve, but his eyes wouldn't budge from the view. The breeze tousled his black hair around slightly, and his mouth was agape.
"Is it like this ever night?" he asked. I giggled.
"Sometimes. It really depends. Every night it's different though. That's why I enjoy them so much. They'll never be exactly the same," I stated. Steve nodded.
"Like you," he said with a smile. I gave him a confused look.
"What do you mean, Steve?" I questioned him. I guess I got lost in translation.
"I mean you're not like other greasers, Pony. You're tough, but you're soft and nurturing at the same time. It's good. It's different," he stated.
I nodded my head, signalling that I understood him. I felt like it was one of the best compliments anyone ever gave me, because most of the time I felt like everyone ignored me and paid me no attention. It wasn't fun to be a no one.
The sun began to set even more, until it became dark. The stars were starting to peak through, but it was getting chilly. I began to shiver slightly.
"We should probably get going, it's getting cold," stated Steve. I agreed.
Steve and I got off the hood of his car, and climbed in silently.
I felt good.
I felt happy.
Steve had driven the both of us home. He looked like something was troubling him.
Currently, we were sitting on my bed, and I was absent mindedly staring at him, trying to find a clue as to why he was acting so strange.
I got an idea.
"Hey, Steve, what's up with you and Evie? Are you still seeing her?" I questioned. Steve sighed.
"Unfortunately," he mumbled. I shot my eyebrows up.
"Why are you upset?" I asked him. Steve glanced at something in the distance. When I saw what it was, my heart dropped.
It was a picture of Sodapop and I.
He turned back to face me. I squinted my eyes, wanting him to talk to me.
"I'm just thinking about the person I love," he whispered. Something clicked inside of my head.
"Steve, is it a boy?" I asked. I don't know why I didn't realize before.
"Yeah, Pony, it is," he stated. I looked down, but then back up at him.
"Who is it, Steve?" I asked curiously. I wanted to help him.
I felt someone grab put there hands on my face, smashing their lips against mine.
Then, the memories started to flood back.
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