Chapter Forty Nine // "Sunsets And-"
There was sunlight streaming onto my face, making it warm. I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that it was morning. I quietly yawned.
I felt different in a way. I felt like something had changed. And then it dawned on me.
Last night, Johnny and I had gone all the way.
I flipped myself over to look at him, but I was faced with an empty spot. No one was laying next to me. Instead, there was a piece of paper.
I quickly picked it up, wanting to read what it had said.
My love,
I'm sorry that you did not wake up with me next to you. You see, this is all a part of the surprise I was telling you about. Today, I forbid you to see me. I will not stop by the house, and I will not be at the lot or the Dingo. Do not bother looking for me, because it will ruin what I have planned.
Also, my darling, tonight, I will pick you up at around six o'clock. Please, dress in some of your nicest clothes. It will be a critical part of the plan. And, don't worry about looking perfect. You always look fantastic.
On top of that, last night was amazing. I'll never forget it.
I love you, Pony. I will see you later tonight.
xo Johnnycakes
I blushed at the letter, but I was still curious. I had forgotten all about the surprise, and now I remembered it existed. I sighed dreamily.
I knew that Johnny had an elaborate plan. It was usually hard for him to keep his distance from the house, or the lot. He was always hanging around. It was going to be weird not seeing him on the couch.
Nonetheless, I knew that I had a few simple things to do today.
I walked over to my drawer, and I picked out a black t shirt and a pair of jeans. I would change later tonight. I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror.
You could hardly tell that I had just gotten out of the hospital. My cheeks were pink and rosy again, and my complexion was back to normal. I lifted my shirt up a bit, and saw the scar that was left. It wasn't that bad, but it was still noticeable.
I put my shirt back down, and I fixed my hair a bit. I would fix that later on too.
I decided to walk downstairs to see what was going on.
I walked into the kitchen, when everyone was staring at me.
Everyone was there except for Johnny. I felt my shoulders fall.
What was wrong now?
"What's going on, guys?" I asked, curiously. Everyone sort of turned red, and looked at one another.
Finally, someone spoke up.
"Are you feeling alright, Pony?" asked Steve. Soda smacked his arm. I raised my eyebrows.
"Yeah, why?" I asked, suspiciously. Everyone giggled.
"What's going on? What's so funny?" I questioned again.
"Damn Pony, we heard you getting it hard from Johnny last night!" whooped Two Bit.
My whole entire face felt hot. I knew that I was bright red.
"Oh my god!" I whispered, my eyes widening.
"Yeah, Pony. Jesus fuck, man! You guys were so loud, and you guys were going at it hard!" stated Dally. I wanted to disappear.
"Please, shut up!" I mumbled, trying to hide my face.
"No one in the house could sleep, Pony! You guys were screaming and moaning!" screamed Steve, laughing. Soda hit his arm. I groaned.
"Please, no," I said.
"Pony, c'mon! Even me and Steve are quieter than you guys!" exclaimed Soda. I still wanted to disappear.
"I don't want to hear about my brother's sex life!" I yelled. Everyone laughed at that.
"Yeah, well, I already heard your sex, so.." he began, trailing off. He was cut off.
"Please tell me you used condoms and lube and were safe-" started Darry. The whole gang groaned.
Correction; I didn't want to just disappear, I wanted to kill myself.
"Well? Please tell me you did!" he exclaimed. I just nodded my head.
"Jesus, Darry. We were safe! Now calm down," I stated. Every one giggled.
"So, did he slap that ass, or did he grab that ass?" asked Two Bit. I groaned, and then stormed out of the room.
I heard a uproar of laughter from the kitchen.
I knew that they were going to bother me all day.
I was currently getting ready for the surprise with Johnny. Sitting on the bed were Two Bit, Steve, and Sodapop. They wanted to make sure that I looked alright before I went out.
I carefully picked out a pair of my best black jeans, and a nice button up shirt. I also took a pair of new converse out of their box, and grabbed a tie. I slipped into the clothes, and looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked good.
I turned around to show the boys.
Immediately, I got a reaction.
"Aw, my little Pony is growing up!" exclaimed Two Bit, pretending to wipe a tear away. I rolled my eyes, but smiled.
"My little brother looks so good!" stated Soda. He got up and put his arm around me. I laughed.
"Thanks guys!" I replied. They both smiled.
"Yeah, you look good, Pony. I'm sure Johnny will really appreciate it!" said Steve. I nodded, understanding.
The doorbell rang.
I walked outside the front door, to see Johnny standing against Steve's car, holding the keys. He walked up to me.
"Good evening, my love," he started. I felt myself blush.
"Hi, Johnnycakes," I replied, flustered. He chuckled.
"Tonight, I got a car for us to use," he stated. I smiled.
"That sounds great!" I exclaimed.
Johnny suddenly picked up my hand, and he kissed it. I felt like a princess.
"By the way, you look amazing," he said, winking. I grinned.
"You too, baby," I replied.
We walked to the car.
I had forgotten that Johnny had taken driver's ed, and had a license. He drove smoothly. I wasn't scared at all.
As he drove, he gripped my knee.
On the radio, there were some love songs. They applied perfectly to the situation.
I looked outside. The scenery flew by. I felt like I recognized where we were going, but I wasn't completely sure.
Johnny pulled up into a field filled with flowers. There was also a small river running by. It was a beautiful scene. I suddenly realized that we were in the country. I desperately wished for something to draw with.
I looked at Johnny.
"This is beautiful," I stated with a smile. He smiled.
"Maybe, but you're prettier," he stated. He leaned over and kissed my cheeks.
I really studied his features. He looked amazing. He was the beautiful one.
He took me out of my thoughts.
"So, first the sunset," he stated. I looked at him confused, but then I looked up.
The sunset filled the horizon. Every where was pins and yellows and clouds.
Johnny climbed out of the car, suddenly.
I followed him.
He popped the trunk, and revealed a picnic basket.
I smiled.
"Well, shall we get started with part one?" he asked. I nodded.
"Absolutely," I replied.
We sat down and watched the sunset.
"Sunsets and-"
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