Chapter Forty Four // Forgranted
I felt like everything was getting a million times better for me. I was alive. I had Johnny. I felt like I was the luckiest boy alive.
Currently, I was sitting in my hospital bed, bored. The doctors were running some final tests. They wanted to make sure that I was completely alright before letting me leave.
Besides the coma, the surgery was a success. The doctor told me that they had fixed everything that was going wrong, but I would need some medication, a few checkups, and I would need to do everything gently. They didn't want me to accidentally disrupt something.
I sighed, feeling bored. Currently, I had no visitors which bummed me out a bit, but everyone had work or school. It was Friday today. Next week would be the last week of school. I couldn't wait.
Once school was out, Two Bit, Steve, and Johnny would be with me. I wouldn't have to be bored and alone anymore.
I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I shouted. I anxiously awaited for the door to open, revealing who was on the other side.
The door began to open. There stood Johnny.
"Johnny!" I exclaimed when I saw him. I was beyond excited to see him.
"Hi, Pony!" he said, walking over to the bed. He looked as cute as ever, and the happiest I had ever seen him.
He sat down on the bed next to me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt lucky to be alive more than ever.
"What's going on, Johnnycakes?" I asked him. He simply grinned.
"I'm just happy to be here, with you," he stated. I nodded.
"That's sweet," I replied, grabbing onto his hand. I squeezed it.
"Also, I have a surprise for you for later on," he said. I squealed.
"Johnny! What is it? You gotta tell me!" I exclaimed. He shook his head.
"Nope. It has to wait till you get out of here, my love," he whispered in my ear. I fake pouted.
"No more kisses for you!" I grumbled. I felt annoyed but excited about the surprise.
"I can deal with that, because after you get your surprise, I know that you'll kiss me," he stated. I diverted my eyes, but I knew that he had a point.
"Whatever, Johnnycakes," I said, blowing him a kiss.
He just kissed my hand.
Johnny and I began to cuddle on the big bed. I was feeling lonely, so it was nice to have my boyfriend back, next to me. I forgot how much I missed him. It felt like all the great lakes were between us when we were apart. But, when we were reunited, it was always sweet, and soft. It was like the universe wanted our time together to be magical.
"I'm so happy you're alive," whispered Johnny. I looked into his dark eyes.
When I looked into his eyes, I saw galaxies. It was like the sunsets and the stars were always with me. I never felt alone when I looked into them. His gaze was like a warm blanket wrapped around me on a cold winter's day. He was everything I ever wanted in a person. He felt like home.
"I'm happy I'm alive, too," I replied, grinning a bit. He poked my nose, and then giggled.
"I love you," he stated. I felt myself blush. I would never get used to him saying that he loved me. It was always a surprise to me, a surprise that he could love someone like me.
"I love you too, Johnnycakes," I whispered back. He stared at my face for a few long seconds, almost like he was in awe. I tried to hide myself, but he grabbed my hands and made me look at him. The look on his face was filled with love and admiration.
"You are so beautiful," he stated.
I closed the gap between us.
Johnny and I were just messing around, talking about various things. It was nice, not worrying about anything for once. Usually, we were in such a rush. It was nice to just take it slow once and a while, appreciating everything that was around us. We often took things for granted.
There was a knock at the door, again.
"Yes?" I shouted.
Sodapop stepped in with tears running down his face. I gasped, and so did Johnny.
"Soda?" I asked, sort of in disbelief. He looked terrible. His eyes were all red and blotchy. I motioned for him to come sit on the bed.
He walked over slowly. I felt like he was embarrassed to cry. He was supposed to be tough, perfect Sodapop Curtis.
He sat down on the chair next to the bed, and looked at Johnny and I. He hastily began to rub his eyes. I glanced at Johnny, concerned.
"What's wrong, Soda?" asked Johnny, breaking the silence. I nodded my head.
"It's just...I love Steve so much, and it sucks because he's straight, and I just can't take it anymore!" he exclaimed. My eyes widened when I realized something.
I never told Soda about Steve being queer.
"Soda, I gotta tell you something. It's about Steve," I mumbled. He gave me a weird look.
"What is it?" he asked skeptically. He probably thought that I was going to tell him that something happened with Evie.
"Steve sort of had a thing for me a while ago. We went on a date.." I said, trailing off. It looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head.
"Are you telling me he's gay?" he shouted. I looked at Johnny for support.
"We don't know, but you might have a chance," stated Johnny. Soda's face was unreadable.
He ran out of the hospital room.
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