Chapter Fifty One // Happy Endings and Epilogues
"Yes!" I screamed. I threw my arms around Johnny and squeezed him as hard as I could.
"I love you so much, baby," he whispered in my ears.
"I love you too, my beautiful fiance," I replied.
We walked to the car hand in hand.
I had a beautiful ring on my finger.
When we had gotten home, the atmosphere in the air was weird. The whole gang was in the living room, watching TV, drinking and talking.
When we all walked in, they looked up at us, looking confused.
Johnny and I were beaming.
"What's going on, guys? Why do you both look so happy?" asked Steve. Johnny and I glanced at each other.
"Do you want to tell them?" asked Johnny. I thought about his question for a moment.
"Let's tell them together," I replied. I heard Dally clear his throat.
"Tell us what, exactly?" he asked, sounding a bit impatient. Johnny and I threw another glance at each other.
Johnny picked up my hand, holding it tightly. He made sure that everyone could see the ring shining in the light.
"Oh my God! Is that an engagement ring?" screamed Soda. He was smiling ear to ear. Johnny and I quickly nodded.
"It is. Johnny proposed!" I exclaimed, excitedly. Soda got up from his seat, and ran across the room, engulfing me in a hug. I heard the rest of the gang whoop.
"Does that mean that y'all are going to get married?" asked Two Bit. I heard Johnny laugh.
"Yes, Two Bit, it means that we're going to get married," replied Johnny, laughing. I had never heard him sound so happy.
"Well, I wasn't sure! Some people do some weird things with those rings in bed, if you know what I mean," he stated, winking. The whole room burst into laughter.
"I'm happy for y'all," said Steve. I smiled at him, remembering the short time we had together.
"Thanks, Steve. That means a lot," I replied. He smiled back.
"I'm happy for you guys too, man. I never expected this!" exclaimed Dally. He had a lopsided grin on his face.
Then, Dally got up, and practically jumped on top of Johnny, knocking him down. He started ruffling his hair.
"Why didn't you tell me, man? You shoulda told me you were gonna propose!" joked Dally. Johnny laughed.
"Sorry, man! I wanted it to be a complete secret!" replied Johnny. He looked so happy. Dally and Johnny hugged. They were really close.
Then, the room went silent. I guess we all realized something at the same time. Darry hadn't said a word.
We all stared at him.
He cleared his throat.
I was expecting the worse.
But, he broke out into a grin.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" he exclaimed. He came up to the both of us, and hugged us tight.
All the other guys joined.
We had a huge group hug in the middle of the living room.
Eight Years Later...
Johnny and I got married eight years later. I was twenty two, and he was twenty four. We wanted to get married earlier, but things like college and our age were holding us back.
Neither of us minded, though.
Johnny and I stayed engaged for eight years, never breaking up or being unfaithful to each other. We knew that we were meant to be together.
We had a small, but nice wedding.
I was finishing my hair, when Soda stepped into the room. He was dressed in a nice tux, and his hair was done nicely. He looked even more handsome than usual.
He walked over to me, and put his hand on my shoulder.
"There's a few more minutes," he whispered, smiling. I smiled back.
"I'm a little nervous," I replied. He shook his head.
"Johnny loves you more than himself. You have nothing to worry about," he stated. He had a point.
"Now, you know what to do," he said, finishing. He winked at me, and then walked out of the room.
I waited for the signal.
Darry had walked me down the isle. He was beaming.
"I'm so proud of you," he whispered. He gave me a kiss on the forehead.
He shook Johnny's hand, and then handed me off to him.
I looked at Johnny. He looked amazing. His hair was slicked back, and he was smiling harder than ever. His tanned skin was smooth, and his cheeks were rosy. His eyes were gleaming. He never looked better. Even his suit looked amazing on him, hugging all of his curves.
Johnny took his hands into mine.
"I assume that you guys have prepared vows?" asked the minister. We both nodded our heads.
"Jonathan Cade, you may start," he stated. Johnny cleared his throat.
"Ponyboy Michael Curtis, I have loved you since our adventure to Windrixville. You have become everything to me, and I do not regret it at all. I have spent the last nine years loving you with all my heart and soul. You mean everything to me. You mean more to me than anything in this universe. You embody perfection. You're so smart, brave and kind. I wouldn't want anyone but you to be my husband. I love you, Pony," he exclaimed. I felt tears in my eyes. What he said was beautiful.
"Ponyboy Curtis, it's your turn," said the minister. I quickly wiped the tears away.
"Johnny, I don't even know where to begin. I love you more than anything. I love you more than the sunsets and the stars. I loved you for so long, thinking that we would never be together. But here we are, getting married. I wouldn't want to spend my days with anyone else but you. You are so perfect, and I love you. The last nine years of my life were magical, even though there were some rough patches. I love you, Johnny," I stated, smiling. Johnny smiled.
We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.
"You may now kiss the groom," stated the minister.
Johnny put his hands on my back, and swung me around, dipping me.
I felt his lips press onto mine as we kissed passionately.
Everyone in the crowd was clapping and whooping.
Now, here we were.
Johnny and I had moved to the country and bought a nice cottage. Johnny had opened a Italian restaurant. He was a brilliant cook. I had become a doctor.
Eventually, we adopted a little girl. We named her Robyn Elise Cade. She had dark hair like Johnny, but green eyes like me. She was also slightly tan. She was the prettiest girl in the world.
Two Bit actually ended up marrying Marcia. They bought a nice house. They were really happy together. A little while later, they ended up having a baby boy. He had Two Bit's grey eyes, and Marcia's dark hair. He also had a killer smile, and laughed a lot. His name was Daniel Matthews.
Soda and Steve had actually gotten married before us. Steve proposed. Soda didn't have to worry about collage, and they were older than us so they didn't have to wait as long. Steve ended up opening a garage with Soda. Everyone brought their cars down to them to have them fixed. We still didn't know if it was Steve's good skills that attracted customers, or Soda's good looks. It didn't matter though. They didn't have any kids yet.
Darry married a girl that was in his class named Allison. She had beautiful blond hair and blue eyes. She was the kindest girl I had ever met. The whole gang loved her. Darry and Allison ended up moving into a Soc neighborhood, and Darry became a teacher. The two of them had two children, one boy and one girl. Their names were Eric and Amelia. Eric looked identical to Darry. Almost everything was the same. Allison got Darry's hair, but her mother's eyes. They were a happy family.
Dally ended up marrying the waitress from the Dingo about a month ago. They were really happy together. She brought out the best in Dally. Everyone was really happy that he had found someone.
The gang was all grown up.
I was sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. I felt someone sit down next to me.
"Good morning, baby," whispered Johnny. Every time I saw him, I was still taken aback by his good looks.
"Good morning," I replied, smiling.
He gave me a passionate kiss.
"Happy one year wedding anniversary."
The End.
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