Leaning forward so that she was looking in between Natasha and Steve, she knew that being mysterious wasn't going to help anyone at all.
"I know you've just found me and I know I maybe should have said something before I left, but em, eh, I think I might literally start combusting sunlight beams in a second so can we maybe pull over if you get the chance? If not, like, I mean it's okay but I dunno if I'll kill someone accidentally or..."
The looks on the two Avengers faces' were enough to let Scottie know that there was certainly going to be a long conversation to be had once she had let her powers exercise themselves like they had begun to do.
Tony stood at the window that looked into the medical room on the Avengers base, watching every single move that happened inside. Anytime the needle in Natasha's hand pierced the skin on Scottie's body he watched the girl winch slightly in pain. Whatever she had done to herself during their drive had taken a physical toll on her body and had caused to her receive a couple of cuts and bruises from falling over into stones.
Steve was inside the room, leaning against a filing cabinet in the corner while he watched Natasha and Scottie occasionally mutter to each other. There was a tension in the air from both sides - the team were upset that Scottie hadn't came to them to let them help her with her problems and Scottie was upset that the team had publicly dug her from her solitude. She knew that it meant there was only a matter of time before they found out exact how she had ended up in the beach where Clint had picked her up, and she certainly wasn't sure if she was ready to talk about that.
The billionaire had his glasses on his eyes, the bags under his eyes reminding everyone just how important the young girl sitting in the room was to him. Tony had never had children, but there was an unspoken agreement that she was the closet thing he would have to a daughter - and he was the closest thing she would ever have to a father.
While everyone else had either met or heard detailed stories about the blonde of her age, Wanda felt completely in the dark as she knew nothing about her. Even Vision seemed to have some sort of bond with the girl but she didn't understand how as she was there when the android was brought into existence - Tony had mentioned that she had helped bring him to life, but Wanda knew that was a story that would be revealed eventually.
"She is like a daughter to you, yes?" Wanda asked, her voice unusually soft as she spoke to Tony, her hatred for the man beginning to dwindle especially now that she saw he was trying to be a better man. He didn't even glance at Wanda despite being surprised that she was talking to him.
"Yeah," he said, swallowing the lump in his throat. He went to say something else, but something in his demeanour changed as he took a deep breath and closed his mouth. Tony was not fond of getting emotional in front of the team and he knew getting emotional with Wanda right now was not something he was keen to be doing anytime soon.
The Sokovian nodded, accepting that the conversation wasn't going to have much else to it. Leaning back against the wall in the corridor Wanda allowed her eyes to fall into the same pattern as Tony: focused on Scottie but also the needle that was almost finished being embedded into her skin repeatedly.
They stayed there in silence, both understanding that while they were civil there never really would be a family bond between them. Tony's past in weapons had ruined any chance of them becoming close friends but at least there could be harmony between them. The scene in front of them remained the same, well, for a few seconds anyway.
Vision had taken up the habit of passing through walls by altering his molecular density. While the rest of the team had gotten used to this as he had been doing it often and for a while, the artificial being did not even consider that Scottie was certainly not going to take it in her stride.
As he hovered into the room, the blonde screamed in fright and jumped. However, due to her location of sitting on the edge of the medical bed she simply found herself falling backwards and hitting the ground on the other side of the bed while still screaming in fright. Sighing deeply, Tony and Wanda both decided to enter the room - thankfully through the door to Scottie's delight - as Vision titled his head in what they would deem to be confusion.
Hiding a laugh, Steve heaved the blonde from the floor as she frantically tried to put distance in between herself and the being. Scottie pressed herself against Steve, trying to hide behind the man as Vision advanced towards her.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Scottie loudly screeched, very freaked out at what she had just seen. Sure, she had been around superheroes for most of her teenage into adult years but she had never seen anything like that.
"That's Vision," Natasha said, ignoring Scottie's outburst as she cleaned up all of the medical tools that she had been using to patch the girl up from when she had seemingly almost exploded earlier. "You helped create him, by the way."
Scottie narrowed her eyes at how cold Natasha was being to her, but she was very curious at the last part of her sentence. How could Scottie have helped to create him? She left straight after-
"You're Jarvis?" Scottie realised, remembering what they had been working on before Ultron had began to level cities. The red man shook his head as he reached forward to hold out his hand for her to shake.
"Not fully."
Looking to Tony, the man nodded his head towards Vision. He was basically telling her that it was okay to shake his hand and that she would be better to just get it over with. Scottie shared a look with him for a second with so many unsaid things lingering between them - but she knew they would get to that soon.
Reaching out, she allowed for her hand to slip into Visions.
Instantly, she knew that something strange was happening. The familiar tingle began to spread in her hand where his skin was against hers and Scottie felt her palm heat up ever so slightly. However, despite her obvious flare of panic, the android refused to release her hand. The girl watched amazed as the flare of sunlight that was coming from her palm shot into his hand, causing the yellow stone on his forehead to light up spectacularly.
There was a pause as everyone stared in shock at what was happening before them. Scottie laughed slightly as she turned her head to look at Steve and Tony.
"Hey guys! Are you seeing this? How cool is..." Scottie was cut off as the light stopped shining. She opened her mouth to continue to speak when a sudden force from the stone blew them all off of their feet causing everyone to smack against the walls of the room.
Groaning as they pushed themselves to their feet, Scottie knew this was just another mystery to add to the list.
Surprisingly for the girl, it didn't stay a mystery for long.
Vision somehow knew exactly why that strange event had occurred. So as they all gathered in the open lounge/kitchen area of the building, Scottie found herself clutching a cold bottle of water as she perched on the counter top awaiting his explanation with the rest of the team.
"I believe that the reason the stone reacted to you and activated your powers may have been because you are re-meeting," the android dumbed down for them all, knowing that non of them would understand the logistical explanation in his usual tone of voice.
Everyone was silent as they processed just what he was hinting at. Scottie felt her head get a little lighter as the weight of the situation began to dawn on her. Feeling everyone's eyes resting on her, she felt her palms get a little clammy from where they were pressed against the top of her thighs. Her mouth opened slightly before closing in a motion that she could only describe as looking like a fish.
Natasha had tried to keep her cold front up when it came to Scottie to hide the fact that she had been remarkably hurt that she had avoided them all for so long. But seeing the girl start to take a couple more breaths per minute, her eyes dilate slightly and her mouth part brought that crashing down. The girl wasn't just scared; she was overwhelmed.
The room began to convulse slightly around her as everyone spoke on top of each other, arms flying and voices bickering as they tried to determine if Vision was right in his insinuation. Natasha was the only one not saying anything, moving across the room to where Scottie had slid down the wall and was sitting with her head in her hands at the bottom.
"Breathe," Natasha cooed into the girl's ear, rubbing her back as the girl kept her eyes shut tightly, as if not seeing anything would make her able to un-realise what she had. "I've got you."
"...but how does that work?" Steve continued, unaware like the rest of them that the conversation was only causing Scottie to become more panicked. "You're saying that powers her?"
His hand shot upwards as it motioned to the yellow stone in the middle of Vision's forehead that had stopped glowing the bright yellow and was back to its dormant state. Vision simply blinked, nodding along as Tony paced the room rubbing at his head.
"STOP!" Wanda barked at the men as she noticed the state that Scottie was in. They all jumped, their eyes softening once they noticed that the girl in question was shaking in the corner of the room. Natasha was ignoring them all, constantly murmuring soft reassurances into her ears while allowing her to count the red-head's fingers to calm her mind.
As her breath and mind calmed down, Scottie looked up in fear at all of the others in the room. Meeting eyes with Tony the man knew that she needed him now more than ever. Sliding down beside her, the man allowed Scottie to grasp on to him and tuck her head into his shoulder. He didn't need to ask if she was crying, he could tell by the way her body raked slightly with each breath.
"So, you're saying I got my powers from the stone in your head?" Scottie asked Vision later as she sat facing him in the base's library. Wanda rested in an armchair by the fireplace in the room, her presence only being allowed because Scottie had been told by Natasha that the stone in Vision's head had came from Loki's sceptre that had given Wanda her powers. "Like Wanda and her brother?"
Wanda felt her chest clench slightly at the mention of Pietro. She hadn't known that the rest of the team were going to tell the blonde about the loss of her brother this quickly, but she at least guessed that it would resolve any unfavourite questions down the line. She knew that if her brother was here, he would have been all over Scottie in an attempt to woo her. He always had a thing for blondes.
"Not quite," Vision started, his eyes focused directly on Scottie's. "I believe that it goes deeper than that. I think," he paused as he tried to find the right words to say, "that your very being is based on the existence of this stone."
There was a thick tension in the air as Scottie found herself being fed even more mind-breaking information that previously. She took a deep breath, shutting her eyes for a second before nodding and re-opening them.
"Okay," she breathed, her mind trying to piece together everything so that she could begin to compartmentalise it just like Clint and Natasha had taught her when she had properly joined the team after helping to defeat Loki in New York. "Okay, cool."
"Cool?" Vision asked.
"Cool." She clarified, even though it was obviously anything but cool.
For some reason however, Scottie almost felt like a big mystery in her life was starting to make a lot more sense. She hadn't ever found out how she had her powers, and her parents hadn't been alive long enough for her to even realise said powers existed. But now - now she was getting proper answers. Solid answers that could maybe explain to her how she had really came to be.
She knew there would be a lot more questions about the topic that she would be asking Vision for maybe the rest of her life, but for the time being that was enough information from one day. Besides, she had enough time to ask questions tomorrow or the day after that or the one that followed that.
"Can you both, like, not mention this to the rest of the team?" She asked, noticing how they looked at her in confusion. "I just don't want this to be another reason they worry about me, especially if they start watching me sleep or something."
Wanda perked up at the underlying bit of information in her question. "You're staying?"
The optimism in her voice was clear to hear, but she didn't bother trying to hide it. Sure, having Natasha around was good but she needed another girl in her life and when Scottie was almost in the safe situation she had been her whole life and she was around the same age? She wasn't going to let that opportunity of a solid friendship pass her by.
"Yeah," Scottie laughed lightly, a small smile finding its way on to her lips. "I guess I am."
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