When the Moon Shines
A/N. First story, YAY!!! Anyway, this one is a bit longer than the rest, so I hope you enjoy! Criticism is always welcome...
It was late, and the sun was setting.
A little while away from the main road, a large park was already cast in shadow.
Next to the park gate, a young man stood.
He was tall, with a ratty T-shirt and faded jeans. Even his shoes were beaten up and broken. His hair was brown, and he wore a cap shielding his eyes.
He quickly looked up when he heard hurried footsteps coming toward him.
It was another man, this one in black dress pants, a button-up shirt, nice shoes, and a blazer draped over his shoulder. Silver chains clicked from his belt, and his fingers gleamed with rings.
It was a stark contrast.
He was carrying a duffle bag and sped up when he saw the brunette.
"Teff," the brunette greeted, and picking up a backpack next to him, they went into the park.
They found a secluded corner, and Teff dropped his bag.
"Hey man, thanks for doing this," the other said. "I know it's not exactly a normal request, but..."
"Yeah yeah," Teff waved it off. "Don't mention it."
"Did you get the stuff?" The brunette reaches for the duffle bag, but Teff quickly pulled it away.
"Yeah, I got it," he grumbled. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to sneak everything out of the house without them finding out? I mean, it's not like I could just say: 'Oh yeah, I'm meeting with Nico later tonight, that cool?' They'd freak out!"
"Yeah, Nico sighed. "Still, thanks. I didn't know who else to ask."
Teff shuffled uncomfortably and checked his watch. "Still a few minutes. You good?"
Putting to fingers to his pulse, Nico waited a bit before nodding.
"Good," Teff said, opening his bag. "I still have to ask you which you wanna try first."
Nico felt his rubatos speed up before a stab of pain hit his chest.
He gasped, and immediately Teff left the bag to check on him.
Nico was breathing heavily now. "Promise you'll stay?"
Teff nodded. "Of course. We had a deal, after all."
Taking a few deep breaths, Nico closed his eyes just as the last rays of sunset.
Teff backed up slowly, reaching for his bag.
In the dark, his eyes glowed gold and fangs gleamed in his mouth, as he watched Nico shudder and shake, then grow, and within seconds a large wolf stood where Nico had previously sat. The full moon shone down, giving his brown pelt a silver glow.
"Alright then," Teff mumbled, reaching his hand into the now open bag. "Let's do this nice and easy."
Quickly, Teff pulled his hand out of the bag, and the wolf dropped down into a low crouch.
"Wanna play Frisbee?"
Nico, now in wolf form, gave an excited yip, wagging his tail. Teff laughed and threw the Frisbee he pulled from the bag.
All around them, the dog park became alive as other werewolves shifted and started to play, chasing and barking at each other. There were even other humanoids, throwing balls or playing catch. Most were vampires, like Teff, though he could see a few humans, and even a centaur joined in a race.
Nico brought back the Frisbee, and they spent the next several hours playing with every wolf toy Teff brought until there was only a long rope left.
Teff frowned at it, convinced that he hadn't put it in there. Nico picked it up, sat on his haunches, and gave Teff the cutest puppy dog face the vampire had ever seen.
"No," Teff said quickly, taking a step back. "I refuse. No way, no how, not gonna happen, ever!" He crossed his arms.
Nico whimpered softly, letting his tail thump behind him. The stare-off lasted barely a few seconds, before Teff deflated, letting his arms drop.
"Fine," he groaned, and, giving one last glare to Nico, shifted forms into that of a large Doberman. A silver chain decorated his neck, and Nico howled in laughter at his unimpressed look.
"Let's just get this over with," Teff growled, casting a weary glance around.
"Sure," Nico barked, letting the rope drop.
What followed was the most intense game of tug-of-war they had ever played. It ended only when the rope held by Nico snapped, sending them both crashing back.
Teff sprung back up, parading around with the leftover rope still in his mouth. He gave Nico a smug look.
The wolf let out a loud laugh. "See? I knew you'd enjoy it!"
Teff froze, then frowned at Nico. "I didn't enjoy it," he argued. "Although I have to admit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
By now, the sky was starting to lighten, and all the wolves gathered at the center of the park.
"Come on!" Nico barked, bouncing over to the group. "It's tradition!"
"But why?" Teff whined, but Nico just rolled his eyes, and they both reached the group.
The first wolf howled, a lonely sound in the early morning. Then a second joined it, then a third, then a fourth, fifth, until the sky was vibrating with the sound of a thousand howls.
Teff was in awe when Nico poked him.
He frowned at his friend, but reluctantly joined in.
Nico's smile made it all worth it.
Before the sun could properly raise, each wolf wandered off, ready for a long day of rest after the busy night.
Nico and Teff went back to their bags, where Teff shifted and started to pack up, keeping his back to Nico to give the werewolf some privacy.
He stilled when large arms wrapped around him.
"Thank you," Nico whispered, putting his head on Teff's shoulder.
"Any time," Teff said, smiling.
Maybe tonight wasn't so bad after all.
Only maybe.
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