Sunnats regarding entering the house
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’
Sunnats Regarding Entering the House
S. 1 To make any Zikr of Allah whilst entering the house. (Muslim)
Note: If Allah’s Name is not remembered when entering the home then shaitaan announces to his subordinates, ‘come, we have found accommodation for the night’.
S.2 It is mentioned in the hadith that the following Dua should be read whilst one enters the house. (Abu Dawood)
Allahumma InniAs’aluka Khairal-maulaji Wa Khairal
Makhraji Bismillahi Wa Lajna Wa Bismillahi Kharajna
‘Alallaahi Rabbanaa Tawakkalnaa.
“O Allah! I ask You the blessing of entering the home and the blessing of leaving. In the name of Allah, we leave and enter the house and upon Allah, Our sustainer, we rely and depend.”
S.3 To greet those present in the house, with the customary Islamic greeting, whether it be one’s wife, children, etc. (Abu Dawood)
S.4 To announce one’s arrival at home by knocking at the door or coughing, etc. (Nisaai)
The reason for such announcement is to any inform member of the household sitting in a way that could cause embarrassment to them if one were to suddenly enter.
Note: The Sunnats of eating must be borne in mind at the time of supper.
S. 5 One should not sleep before reading ‘ Isha Salah. (Mishkaat)
This may cause one to miss the performance of ‘Isha prayer with
Jama‘at (congregation). Rather this is an appropriate time to teach the children teachings of Islam.
The Love of this world is the root of all Evil. (Baihaqi)
A/N ;)
Such a beautiful Dua to say Masha Allah while entering our homes, don’t forget to take Allah SWT’s Name while entering ‘cause who wants shaitaan or his associates to spend the night at our home? ;) and yes I perfectly agree with the last Hadith…may Allah SWT protect and guide us all! Aameen.
With Duas and Salaam,
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