Salah (Prayer)
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’
Abu Huraira RadiyAllahu 'anhu narrates that once the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam asked his companions, 'Do you think that dirt can remain on a person bathing 5 times a day in a brook running in front of his door?' 'No O Rasoolullah', replied the companions, 'No dirt can remain on his body.' The Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam remarked, 'So, exactly similar is the effect of Salah offered 5 times a day. With the Grace of Allah SWT, it washes away all the sins'. (Bukhari, Muslim)
Fard is the Obligatory Salah; In Sunnah Salah, there is Muakkadah (obligatory) Sunnah and Ghair e Muakkadah (non-obligatory) Sunnah; Nafl/Nawafil is the voluntary Salah; The Witr (odd number) prayer is extra prayers that the Prophet practiced and highly encouraged Muslims to practice as well.
Names of Salah | Total Rakahs | Sunnah | Fard | Sunnah | Nafl
Fajr | 4 | 2 | 2 | - | -
Zuhr | 12 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2
Asr | 8 | 4 | 4 | - | -
Maghrib | 5 | - | 3 | 2 | -
Isha | 17 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2
Plus 3 rakahs Witr and 2 Nafl (Isha)
The Sunnahs which are Muakkadah:
A part of the Salah performed accordingly to the obligatory prayers and Jum’ah (Friday) Prayer are called Muakkadah Sunnahs.
In one Hadith, such kinds of prayers have been described as:
“Whoever performs 12 Rak’ahs Salah beside Fard prayers, Allah Almighty will build a home for them. Those are: 2 rakahs before the Fajr (dawn or early morning) prayer, 4 rakahs before the Zuhr (noon) prayer and 2 rakahs after, 2 rakahs after the Maghrib (evening) prayer and 2 rakahs after the Isha (night) prayer.”
(Tirmizi; Salât, 189; Nesâî, Kiyâmul-Layl, 66; Ibn Mace, Ikâma, 100).
Non Muakkadah Sunnahs: These are Salah which Hazrath Prophet (SAW) sometimes did not perform. These are:
1. 4 rakahs before the ‘Asr (afternoon) prayer. About that prayer, The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: “May Allah give mercy upon those who perform 4 rakahs prayer before the Asr prayer.” (Tirmizi, Salat, 301)
2. Related with 4 rakahs prayer performed before Isha prayer, It is narrated that Hz. Aisha (r.a) said as follow:
“Hz. Prophet (SAW) used to perform 4 rakahs prayer before Isha.” (Zaylaî, Nasbur-Râva, II, 145 vd.; ash-Shavkânî, Naylul-Avtâr, III, 18).
Fajr Salah:
The Fajr Salat commences from the time the broad whiteness in the sky becomes visible. The time for Fajr Salat continues until just before the sun rises. (Bahishti Zewar; pg. 133; Zam Zam Publishers; Ed 2005)
The Fajr salat is comprised of two rakats. Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah should be recited in each rakat.
Two rakats of sunnah should be performed before the Fajr Salat. One should recite Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah in each of these two rakats.
Zuhr Salah:
The Zuhr Salat commences at midday when the sun moves away from the zenith. The time for Zuhr continues until everything is twice its length in addition to the length it was at midday.
Zuhr Salat comprises of four rakats. For the first two rakats Surah Faatihah and another surah or a section of another surah should be recited. Surah Faatihah alone should be recited in the remaining two rakats.
Four rakats of sunnah should be performed before the Zuhr Salat and two rakats after. Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah should be recited in each of these six rakats of sunnah.
Asr Salah:
The time for Asr salat commences as soon as the time for Zuhr Salat terminates as mentioned above. Asr time remains until the sun sets. However, it is disliked to perform salat when the colour of the sun changes to pale yellow.
Asr Salat comprises of four rakats. For the first two rakats Surah Faatihah and another surah or a section of another surah should be recited. Surah Faatihah alone should be recited in the remaining two rakats.
Maghrib Salah:
The time for Maghrib salat commences immediately after sunset and extends until the whiteness (white twilight) remains in the sky.
Maghrib Salat comprises of three rakats. For the first two rakats Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah should be recited. Surah Faatihah alone should be recited in the remaining rakat.
Two rakats of sunnah should be performed after the Maghrib Salat. Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah should be recited in each of these two rakats of sunnah.
Isha Salah:
Isha Salat commences after Maghrib time has ended. Isha time continues until the time for Fajr sets in. However, it is disliked to perform Isha Salat after Mid night. Isha Salat comprises of four rakats. For the first two rakats Surah Faatihah and another surah or a section of another surah should be recited. Surah Faatihah alone should be recited in the remaining two rakats.
Two rakats of sunnah should be performed after the Isha Salat. Surah Faatihah and another surah or a section of another surah should be recited in each of these two rakats of sunnah.
Wajib ul Witr:
In addition to the five fard (obligatory) daily Salat is the Witr Salat which is wajib (compulsory). A wajib act is close to a fard. It is a major sin to leave out an act that is wajib.
Witr salat is to be performed after the Sunnah Salat of Isha.
Witr salat comprises of three rakats. For all the three rakats Surah Faatihah and another surah or a portion of another surah should be recited. You can offer Witr prayers anytime after ‘Isha’ until the time for Fajr prayer. You may choose to pray one, three, five, seven, or nine Rak’ahs. Most usually, three Rakahs of Witr are prayed.
After the third rakat one should raise the hands to the ear then clasp it again and recite Dua-e-Qunut. After the Dua-e-Qunut one should continue into ruku and complete the third rakat as normal. (Ibid).
It is recommended to recite the following Surahs in the Fard Salat as follows:
Fajr and Zuhr: From Suratul Hujurat to Suratul Inshiqaaq.
Asr and Esha: From Suratul Burooj to Suratul Qadr.
Maghrib From Suratul Bayyinah to Suratun Naas.
A/N :)
So was that helpful? If there are any doubts or if you wanna know something more, please ask, I would love to share Insha Allah ;))
With Duas and Salaam,
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