\/Chapter 6\/
Sunflywing led Peachsong and the rest of her patrol towards the PondClan border, her ears perked up.
It had been two sunrises since the ambush with PondClan. She had decided to lead a border patrol towards the PondClan border since the attack. She wasn't going to let another raid slide like that again.
She had told Gorsestar that they should attack first, but he had insisted to speak with Swanstar today. He's a stupid mouse-brain thinking he can just talk this out with a powerful leader like Swanstar. She thought, letting out a scuff.
Peachsong looked up at Sunflywing, coming to her side "Should we stop and check the border here? We're awfully close to their territory." the pale cream and white she-cat asked, flicking one ear.
Sunflywing stopped, scenting the air. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that they were very close to the border. She turned to Peachsong, nodding her head "Yes, why don't you go with Flintcloud and check over there?"
Sunflywing pointed her tail towards a patch of elder bushes. Peachsong nodded, flicking her tail to Flintcloud. The two left, leaving Lionpaw and Sunflywing together. Lionpaw looked up at Sunflywing, slowly coming to her side.
"So, should we start patrolling?" he asked nervously. Sunflywing nodded, leading her apprentice towards an oak tree. She sniffed it first, checking to see if a patrol had come before them. She could smell Airwing's scent on the tree bark.
She looked around, her eyes wide. Are they moving their borders closer to ours? She wondered, confused. She turned to Lionpaw and asked, "Can you go grab Flintcloud for me?" Lionpaw looked over at her and nodded.
He soon padded away, heading in the direction Flintcloud and Peachsong went. Sunflywing examined further, her gaze filled with confusion. It wasn't long before Lionpaw came back with Flintcloud.
Peachsong was with them, taking the rear. Flintcloud looked at her "What's wrong?" he asked, tilting his head. She looked up at the smokey grey tabby tom "Do you know where the border is?"
Flintcloud at first looked like he didn't understand what she had meant, but he soon did and pointed to a small oak tree a little further ahead "Right over there. Why?" he meowed. Sunflywing tried to walk over to the small oak but paused.
"I can't go over there," she told him, turning back to him. Flintcloud tilted his head "Why not?" Sunflywing flicked her tail, summoning him over. He moved over to Sunflywing, sniffing the air. His eyes immediately widened, and he froze.
"What's wrong, Flintcloud?" Peachsong asked, tilting her head. Flintcloud whipped around and began walking, his nose low to the ground. Sunflywing watched him. Flintcloud was the best at anything that had to do with smell.
Flintcloud lifted his head up, eyes wide with a mix of shock and fear "We have to tell Gorsestar right now!" he yowled, racing back to camp. Sunflywing raced after him, Peachsong and Lionpaw at her heels.
She came to Flintcloud's side, staring up at him "What did you smell?" she asked, almost tripping as she ran. Flintcloud responded without looking at her "They moved the border! It wasn't that far into our territory!"
Sunflywing's eyes widened. She looked forward, continuing to race through the forest. She could just barely make out the outlines of camp and pushed forward. Flintcloud pushed through the Cedar tunnel, Sunflywing and the rest of the patrol following.
Flintcloud burst into the open camp "PondClan moved the border!" he yowled, fear clearly in his voice. Everyone looked up at Flintcloud, their eyes wide "What?!" A low growl sounded. Falconclaw came over to the patrol.
Cats began to gather around, murmuring among themselves. Falconclaw stood in front of Flintcloud, his tail lashing. Flintcloud nodded "We were just checking the border when Sunflywing noticed something was completely off."
Falconclaw glared at Sunflywing. She stared at the light brown deputy. He turned around, looking away from the patrol "What are we gonna do?" Squirrelpaw asked shakingly. Falconclaw closed his eyes, trying to focus.
Then, he looked up at Raccoonfur "Go get Gorsestar." he ordered; his voice cold. The black and grey tom nodded, racing into Gorsestar's den. Falconclaw turned back to the other cats, sitting down to wait for Gorsestar and Raccoonfur.
Gorsestar came racing from out of his den, Raccoonfur at his heels. He turned to Falconclaw "What has happened?" he demanded, worry in his blue gaze. Falconclaw looked up at his leader. He nodded to Flintcloud, flicking his tail.
Gorsestar turned to Flintcloud, waiting for an answer. Flintcloud took a deep breath and began to explain what had happened while they were out on patrol. He told Gorsestar everything, not even missing a small detail.
Gorsestar's gaze was partly calm, but his shoulder fur was bristling with anger. Once Flintcloud finished, Gorsestar closed his eyes. His tail was flicking with annoyance and anger. Still going to try and talk it out? She wanted to hiss, but she stayed quiet.
Finally, Gorsestar looked up at his warriors. He turned around, racing up the Cedar Ledge "Listen up my warriors! PondClan has no right to do any of this to our Clan. Tonight, we shall attack their camp. I want every warrior prepared for battle."
Gorsestar turned to Falconclaw "We shall lead two separate groups into their camp. Falconclaw, you can choose first." Gorsestar meowed, nodding his head to his deputy. Sunflywing flicked her ear. He thinks he can trust Falconclaw? Ha! What a fool.
Falconclaw dipped his head to Gorsestar, turning back to the gathered warriors "Applestripe, Squirrelpaw, Plumstep, Oatpaw, Weaselshine, Adderwing, and Willowpaw will come with me." he meowed, nodding his head to Gorsestar once he finished.
Gorsestar dipped his head and turned back to the remaining warriors "Hazelscar, Shrewpaw, Raccoonfur, Splashpaw, Peachsong, Flintcloud, Lionpaw, and Sunflywing will come with me. We'll be the patrol that attacks right away."
Falconclaw nodded "We'll be your backup." Falconclaw meowed. Sunflywing glared up at Gorsestar, her eyes narrowed. Gorsestar dismissed the Clan and went to speak with Falconclaw in his den.
Sunflywing turned to Lionpaw "Do you remember everything I taught you?" she asked. Lionpaw looked up at his mentor, nodding his head "What happens if an enemy comes up from behind you? What move do you use?"
"Back kick?" Lionpaw asked nervously. Sunflywing nodded her head approvingly "Good." she praised him. Lionpaw's eyes brightened up and he smiled. Sunflywing felt a deep purr in her chest.
He's going to make a great warrior someday.
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