^Chapter 2^
"Gorsestar! We have brought someone to speak with you!" Hazelscar called her leader's name, entering the CedarClan camp.
The patrol had finally made it to the CedarClan camp. Everyone else had emerged from the camp tunnel, Sunflywing being the last. She stared around camp, flicking one ear. Raccoonfur and Plumstep looked up from the mouse they were sharing.
Splashpaw and Oatpaw were racing over to Willowpaw and Lionpaw, Squirrelpaw and Shrewpaw joining them. Rosestripe and Deerberry, two CedarClan queens, stared up from their playing kits.
Springstream looked up from her spot, blinking up at the patrol. Goldenleaf and Silverpaw stopped setting herbs out to dry and looked up at Hazelscar. Falconclaw glared at the patrol from where he sat on the Cedar Ledge.
Falconclaw leaped down from the Cedar Ledge, coming over to the patrol "Why is PondClan here?" Falconclaw growled, his gaze narrowed. Sunflywing moved from behind the patrol, glaring at Falconclaw.
"They just want to speak with Gorsestar, it's got nothing that concerns you," Sunflywing responded harshly. Falconclaw glared at Sunflywing, his teeth bared "Enough, both of you." Gorsestar's voice sounded from his den.
The brown and white tabby leader padded out from his den, glancing over at both Falconclaw and Sunflywing. She turned to face her leader, letting out a scuff. Falconclaw looked back at Gorsestar, flicking the tip of his tail.
Sunflywing glared at Gorsestar, her eyes narrowed. Falconclaw sat down where he was, keeping his gaze on Gorsestar. The CedarClan leader came over to the PondClan patrol, his tail tip flicking.
Sunflywing watched him trot over to the patrol, her gaze still narrowed. Gorsestar stopped in front of Lakesong, staring into his calm blue eyes "You wish to speak to me?" Gorsestar asked, flicking one ear.
Lakesong nodded, dipping his head respectfully to Gorsestar. Sunflywing held back another scuff. Gorsestar nodded, turning around "Come with me." Gorsestar meowed, flicking his tail to signal Lakesong to follow him.
Gorsestar and Lakesong began to pad towards the leader's den, Falconclaw staring after them. He then turned back to the rest of Lakesong's patrol "Weaselshine, Flintcloud, guard the rest of the patrol, will you?"
Both tom's nodded, leading the PondClan warriors towards the tunnel entrance. Sunflywing walked away, heading towards the warrior's den. She flicked her tail in pure annoyance and rolled her eyes.
I don't get why Falconclaw wants to start a fight with me all the time. It's not like it was his business anyways. She thought, frustration flooding up inside her. She stalked over to the edge of camp, laying down with a huff.
She laid her head down on her paws, letting out a grumble. She lay there with a grim face. Something suddenly touched her flank, making her lift her head up. She stared down at the thing that had touched her.
It was a moss ball. She blinked down at it, confused "Sorry, Sunflywing!" A small kit's voice sounded in front of her. She looked up, seeing a smokey grey tom. She instantly recognized who this kit was.
One of Rosestripe's and Adderwing's kits. She thought, flicking her tail. The kit came over to the moss ball, moving it away from her flank. He dipped his head apologetically, moving the moss ball behind him with one back leg.
"I didn't mean for it to hit you, Fernkit just hit it really hard, and it must have just floated over here." he apologized, his green eyes full of worry. Sunflywing, being the rude and grumpy cat in all of the Clans, smiled down at him.
"It's fine, Crowkit. I totally understand that it was an accident." Sunflywing purred, smiling down at the kit. Crowkit blinked up at her, seemingly surprised to get a friendly response from the she-cat.
Crowkit smiled up at Sunflywing "Do you, ummm... Maybe want to play with us?" Crowkit asked, almost stammering. Sunflywing blinked down at the kit, smiling warmly "Of course, I would love to play with you guys."
Crowkit's eyes lit up with excitement, a large smile on his face. Sunflywing got up, shaking out her fur. Crowkit let out an excited squeak and turned around, flicking his tail excitedly. He began to lead Sunflywing towards where the other kits were.
Crowkit's littermates, Fernkit and Firekit, stared up at Crowkit and Sunflywing. Both their eyes widened with a mix of fear and shock "Crowkit! Did you get in trouble again?" Fernkit asked worryingly, coming over to her brother.
Crowkit shook his head, his tail high in the air with joy "Sunflywing wants to play with us! She's not mad at all!" Crowkit told his sister with a cheerful smile on his face. Sunflywing smiled down at the kits with a soft smile on her face.
Firekit stared up at Sunflywing; his light green eyes were calm. Sunflywing stared down at Firekit, lowering her head to face him. He kept his gaze on Sunflywing, who was a mouse-length away from his nose.
Firekit put both his front paws on her nose, smiling up at her "You not mad at us anymore?" he asked, tilting his head. Sunflywing smiled down at the ginger tabby kit. Even though Firekit was 5 moons old, he still had trouble speaking right.
He often got mixed up with some of his words when talking for a long period of time "Of course I'm not mad at you anymore. I never was, in fact." Sunflywing told him, her gaze full of warmth towards the kits.
Firekit's eyes grew wide with joy and excitement. Fernkit stared up at Sunflywing with big eyes "So, you aren't going to yell at us anymore?" she asked, tilting her head. Sunflywing glanced over at the light grey she-kit.
"Nope," she meowed, flicking one ear. Fernkit blinked at Sunflywing, her blue eyes still confused. Then, a large smile began to form on her face "Yay!" she squeaked, racing over to Sunflywing.
She pawed at her back legs while Crowkit played with her tail. Firekit smiled and climbed up her face. Once he made it to the back of her scuff, she stood up straight. The kits began to play around with Sunflywing and surprisingly, she didn't care.
The kits let out excited squeaks, big smiles on their faces. Sunflywing smiled back at the kits. She felt sharp little teeth stick into her ear, making her let out a yelp. She looked up and saw Firekit munching on her left ear.
He let go, hearing Sunflywing's yelp. He stared down at her "Sorry, Sunflywing," he apologized. Sunflywing lifted one paw up, rubbing her ear "It's fine, just make sure you bite an enemy, not a Clanmate."
Firekit giggled and nodded his head. She smiled up at Firekit, feeling warmth swell through herself. They will make fine warriors someday.
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