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Introducing keirasmurphy
Lets get into it!
1. What motivated you to start writing your story? Do you enjoy writing or is it more of a chore for you?
The motivation behind writing my first story was my amazing two best friends. They are both so talented and believe in me, so I always say that it's because of them that I'm on this platform. Writing my stories isn't a chore because I genuinely love doing it. I love being able to let myself go while writing.
2. How did you stumble upon Wattpad ? Have you always known about it?
I stumbled on Wattpad because of my friends. They were always talking about how they had a bunch of books that they were reading that weren't in stores and how people were reading their stories. It intrigued me. I have only known about this app since sixth grade, so almost four years, but I only joined my seventh grade year.
3. Who is your favourite writer on wattpad so far? And which book drew you to them?
My favorite writer is @brandywrites. The book that drew me to her writing was Write Me Off, the first book in her long term series.
4. What is your aim for your wattpad career? Anything specific you would like to achieve?
I want to achieve a point where my writing is known with some people and to have people give me tips without being scared to hurt my ego, because I've had that happen.
5. Tell us something interesting about yourself that your readers may not know!
I've been writing since I was eight and one of my two current stories (Falling Hard) is actually something I found in one of my old notebooks. Something additional to that is that I have 57 notebooks full of old stories that I've either never finished or haven't started.
6. How did you choose your wattpad username? Was it challenging or did it just come easily?
I chose my Wattpad username because my first name is Keira and all my old middle school friends called me Smurphy because that's what they thought I said when I told them my last name. so I decided to combine the two. It honestly came really easily.
7. Can you name some accounts that have improved your wattpad experience? Eg: friends you may have met here!
Okay, so some of the accounts that I've befriended that have improved is @Shania_112. @Shania_112 is someone I've known since I was ten, and I've seen her writing mature and become better overall.
8. What is your favourite thing about being on wattpad?
I like that my writing can have people comment on things because I love their responses to my writing. I've had people say things like "There is no way this is written by a fourteen year old" and "Your descriptions are amazing" so I really value those.
9. How did you decide on the plot and title of your current book? Tell us!
So one of my tww current books, Through The Eyes Of The Dying, is something I came up with while in a groupchat with my two best friends. I told them the title and we came up with the plot together. The other book, Falling Hard, is inspired by something I had written when I was younger. I decided to edit it and saw that it was actually a really amazing plot.
10. Is there anything else you would like to say to the audience?
I just want to thank them for reading this interview and to thank them if they check either of my books out. I follow anyone who follows me and I appreciate everyones' support.
Thank you for this opportunity!
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