f o u r t e e n
Welcome breathingchemicals
1. What motivated you to start writing your story? Do you enjoy writing or is it more of a chore for you?
I began writing full manuscripts when I was around 12. I have a compulsion to write - though I can find it a bit of a chore at times. My main WIP has taken me two years and around five rewrites so far (which sounds like a lot when I think about it!) and I doubt this version will be the last version either. I have a lot of fun with writing, but it can be super tiring to try and hit a specific word count every day.
2. How did you stumble upon Wattpad ? Have you always known about it?
I stumbled across Wattpad when I was 10 years old - so about 7 years ago!
3. Who is your favourite writer on wattpad so far? And which book drew you to them?
My favourite writer is @rubyruins ! They have such a unique style. I was drawn to her book Crown of Glass.
4. What is your aim for your wattpad career? Anything specific you would like to achieve?
I would LOVE to build up a following and publish my novels. Currently, I have been applying for my completed novels to be featured on official reading lists and applying for other programs such as editor's picks and general promotion. I know this plan is a little ambitious, even for my taste, but I have high hopes!
5. Tell us something interesting about yourself that your readers may not know!
I wrote my first manuscript when I was twelve years ago! It was co-authored by one of my best friends. That story has since been abandoned, but I've drawn inspiration from it to write one of my current series - The Survival Series.
6. How did you choose your wattpad username? Was it challenging or did it just come easily?
My username (@breathingchemicals) took a while for me to come up with. It's actually part of a poem I wrote - which was writing about a boy I'd dated who was a drug addict and chronic smoker. I thought it was pretty clever so I kept the line as a username!
7. Can you name some accounts that have improved your wattpad experience? Eg: friends you may have met here!
Oh! There are so many! @LivEvansWrites has been one of my biggest supporters since I've started seriously writing and I couldn't be more grateful for that! @sky_is_limit encouraged me to continue writing one of my stories by commenting on every chapter I published. It was super motivating to wake up in the morning and see so many comments from her!
8. What is your favourite thing about being on wattpad?
The community! I love interacting with my readers, meeting new people and talking with people who I aspire to be. I've made a lot of friends through Wattpad who have grown to be my support network and some of my closest friends!
9. How did you decide on the plot and title of your current book? Tell us!
My main WIP is Kepler-168F. Kepler-168F is a story set on another planet (hence the name) after nuclear warfare has destroyed Earth. The main character, Etta Parker, refuses to follow the strict societal rules that force her into an arranged marriage she has no intention of going through with. I came up with the story by combining several other stories I'd written when I was about 13-14. It's evolved a lot since the first draft and now, I can hardly recognise the elements that inspired it. I'm glad I took the plunge and wrote it though. This novel is my absolute favourite :)
10. Is there anything else you would like to say to the audience?
Thanks for taking the time to read this interview! If anyone ever wants any advice or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to send me a PM. I'm always here to chat!
What a kind soul! Thank you.
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