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The first interview of the day!
Welcome, pourmesomelove
Lets get into it!
1. What motivated you to start writing your story? Do you enjoy writing or is it more of a chore for you?
Answer: I enjoy writing, and I wouldn't say I have a muse. I started writing because I wanted my words on paper for people to read, enjoy and for some people to be helped by it. I mostly write chicklit as a means of empowering females. This wasn't planned, it always happens by accident.
2. How did you stumble upon Wattpad ? Have you always known about it?
Answer: I discovered Wattpad in 2014 while I was scrolling through someone's phone. (She gave it to me, I didn't take it or anything.) I've always loved reading, but I didn't know I had a sort of writing talent.
3. Who is your favourite writer on wattpad so far? And which book drew you to them?
Answer: I don't have a favorite writer, I find it hard to have a favorite anything. It's part of my indecisiveness, but right now, I would say @johnschorwin. His book "Then You Are Gone" was one of the most spellbinding heart touching things I've ever read. It made me cry, and I feel a whole lot for Ian.
4. What is your aim for your wattpad career? Anything specific you would like to achieve?
Answer: I actually would like for one of my books to be a part of the paid program. Mostly because I'm going to need to start making my own money soon. Parents won't let me get a job, but since I write and can earn from it, I'll go for it. I also want my books to be published someday.
5. Tell us something interesting about yourself that your readers may not know!
Answer: I write poetry and according to other people, I'm great at singing.
6. How did you choose your wattpad username? Was it challenging or did it just come easily?
Answer: I recently just changed my username. It was previously my full name separated by a hyphen, but it's been almost three years and I felt a change was in order. I changed my whole theme too. It came easily. I didn't even think about it, I just typed and it made sense so it stuck.
7. Can you name some accounts that have improved your wattpad experience? Eg: friends you may have met here!
Answer: Well, there have been a lot, but I can name a few.
@lizaxwrites. She's a darling. Though I haven't made my trailer yet, she helped me find a shop.
@ultimatefantasy13. She helped with an aesthetic. Was her first time trying.
@keepcalm_5sos. Leila is a sweetheart,if I'll say. And she's very willing to help people!
That's only a few, but there are more of course. I just can't list them all.
8. What is your favourite thing about being on wattpad?
Answer: the community. Being able to reach out to different people of different races and backgrounds, and being able to be yourself. Wattpad is full of accepting people. I haven't met any haters.
9. How did you decide on the plot and title of your current book? Tell us!
Answer: I'm actually writing three at the moment, but I'll talk about the one I update most frequently: Incognito.
I finished my book, "Fly Away" last week, and almost immediately, I started another one. The plot came to me like a dream. More like it hit me, because I wasn't ready to start a sequel and I wanted something new. Emery, my MC is a bit like me. I told a friend that I wanted to write a book with a character that was exactly like me. I still haven't been able to.
I don't remember where I got the idea of a double identity, but I remember googling the meaning of the word. Titles just come to me and I work with them. Same happened with Blacklisted. I thought of it and it fit, so I rolled with it.
10. Is there anything else you would like to say to the audience ?
I wouldn't say you should check my books out, because self advertising isn't something I do. I would give advice, but I don't think I can. Just stay home and read! And remember, someone out there cares. Well, I care.
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