"Hi, chat!"
| twitchuser: HI AMBER
| twitchuser: DATE ME
| twitchuser: HI AMBERRRR
"Today, we are celebrating reaching 8 million subscribers on YouTube," Amber smiled widely. "It is insane! I didn't even notice I hit 8 million until 3 minutes ago because the boys all texted me. But thank you so much. I appreciate you all with my entire heart and you all deserve the world."
| dreamwastaken: you too! :)
| twitchuser: DREAMMMM
| twitchuser: supportive friends 😩
we love to see it!
"Hi, Dream!" The girl smiled. "Um, but, yeah. Thank you so much. So, I'm only going to be streaming for an hour since I have to Tommy and Dream about something but I'm going to do another Q&A and then tomorrow I'm going to play a horror game with Quackity, Karl, and, I think, Ranboo."
| twitchuser: AMBER AND RANBOO???
"Oh!" Amber exclaimed, remembering what she was going to show and wear. "But, uh, Corpse got me these cat ears, like, a month ago and he told me to wear them, and who am I to say no?"
| twitchuser: CAT EARS
| twitchuser: IS THAT A CORPSE HOODIE?
"Yes, this is a Corpse hoodie," Amber chuckled. "Yeah, I've been promoting Dream's merch for the past few months I decided to promote my BFF4L's merch. It's so comfy."
| twitchuser: is Dream there with you?
"Dream isn't here with me," Amber snorted. "We were just messing around with you all during Bad's stream which also reminds me, thanks Bad for the raid!"
| twitchuser: you're very
energetic today I love it 😍
"Yeah, I know!" Amber exclaimed. "Surprisingly I have energy considering that I couldn't sleep last night because of my nephew."
| twitchuser: doesn't your sister
take care of him or something?
| twitchuser: wht abt ur sister?
"Listen," Amber gulped, situating herself on her seat, "there was an issue, not going to say what that issue is right now, but it-it caused me to become the legal guardian of my nephew so, yeah."
| twitchuser: you're a mom now? 😩
| twitchuser: MOMMMM
| twitchuser: THE BABYS LUCKY 😭
"I'm not his mom so I'm not calling him my son or anything," Amber explained. "I'm also not going to make him call me mom. I'm his aunt so that will be better."
| twitchuser: such a cool aunt
| twitchuser: that's so nice 😭
| twitchuser: how does it feel like knowing
that you're the legal guardian of your nephew?
"It feels surreal," Amber squinted her eyes at the question. "Um, it is very crazy. I still haven't processed the fact that this child's life is in my hands basically. But, I've gotten a lot of support. Toast has been giving me advice and helping me research things. Sykkuno has just been there to make sure if I am okay and he constantly checks up on me. Rae comes to my apartment with the girls and they're always there for me whenever I need help. Now, Corpse..."
| twitchuser: did corpse make fun of you? 😂
| twitchuser: CORPSE
| twitchuser: what did he do now
"When Corpse met my nephew," Amber started laughing before she could finish her sentence, "he came to my house and brought me cookies. At first I was like, "Oh, Corpse came to, you know, check to see if it's true." But, this man literally came in and said that he wants me to eat the cookies while he laughs at the fact that I'm a parent."
| twitchuser: ofc he would 😂😂
| twitchuser: not surprised 😭
"And then," Amber continued, "he compared my nephew to a loaf of bread."
| twitchuser: LMAOOOO
| twitchuser: 😂😂😭
| twitchuser: REALLY 😂
"But, yeah," Amber chuckled. "And then the Feral boys have been there for me, too. Uh, Dream, oh, my God, that man is just... He's such an amazing friend. I'm about to have a mental breakdown because I'm judging myself as a guardian and I call him—it can be around 3 AM—and he will answer. But then again, his sleeping schedule is messed up."
| twitchuser: it is
| dreamwastaken: no it's not!
"Yes, it is, Dream."
| twitchuser donated $20: are you single?
"Thank you for the $20," Amber took a sip of her chocolate milk, "and yes, I'm single."
| dreamwastaken: we're dating 😐
| twitchuser: WHATTTT
| twitchuser: DREAM
"Dream," Amber shook her head, laughing. "Don't listen to him. He's just playing around, but I am single."
| twitchuser: AMBERWASTAKEN GUYS 😩
"Every time I see AmberWasTaken, I always think that I'm being taken away, you know? I just like the fact that my name is there and not Dream's. His "wastaken" is ruining the name."
| dreamwastaken: shut up you like it
"Ignore Dream chat," Amber snorted. "Ignore his comments."
| twitchuser: what other streams
do you have planned?
"I am playing with Quackity, Karl, and Ranboo tomorrow," Amber thought out loud. " I have an Among Us game on Friday, Corpse's lobby. I'm not streaming on Saturday, taking that day off. During Bad's stream, he said he wanted to play Minecraft with me so I'll probably play that Sunday."
| twitchuser: more bad and amber content 😩
| twitchuser: YES! CONTENT
"And next week, Tommy wants to play Minecraft with my cousin," Amber hummed. "So, my cousin is going to be streaming here, I will be next to her helping, but don't be weird chat, okay? She's a minor so no weird comments."
| twitchuser: YES MAAM
now who tf changed
the gc name to that?
Sapnap • 4:44 PM ✔️
shut up you were probably
one of those boys you chad
karl :) • 4:44 PM ✔️
But anyway 😒
karl :) • 4:44 PM ✔️
karl :) • 4:44 PM ✔️
20 MIL????
Sapnap • 4:44 PM ✔️
Quackity • 4:44 PM ✔️
George • 4:45 PM ✔️
dream • 4:45 PM ✔️
Ew wtf Dream 🤢
baby 🤢🤢🤢
Sapnap • 4:45 PM ✔️
is that a problem Sapnap
karl :) • 4:45 PM ✔️
You were calling me baby
karl :) • 4:45 PM ✔️
stfu karl no i wasn't
Sapnap • 4:45 PM ✔️
karl :) • 4:45 PM ✔️
weddings off
kar :) • 4:46 PM ✔️
"Hold on," Amber sighed. "My phone keeps vibrating against the table. I'm just going to see if it's anything important."
| twitchuser: CONGRATS ON 20 MIL
| twitchuser: 20 MIL 20 MIL
"Holy shit! 20 million streams on Spotify?"
| twitchuser: AMBER
| twitchuser: she-she just cursed 😦
| twitchuser: AMBER HOLYYY
| twitchuser: that was hot
"Sorry for saying a bad word," Amber waved it off, "we just hit 20 million streams on Spotify... Are you guys okay? That song is sad and 20 million streams is a lot."
| twitchuser: no you hurt us
| twitchuser: no im sensitive
| twitchuser: I'm never okay
| twitchuser: bold of you to assume
I am okay
| twitchuser: no it was the song that
i listen to to make myself sad
"Chat... do we need to talk?"
Someone said I'm actually
Ranboo and just pretending not
to be... God, don't expose
me like that 😒 /j
I can't sleep so I'm like
"Let me just write a chapter
and dip until tomorrow at 4 am
again" my whole sleeping
schedule is fucked up 😅
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