"My hand hurts."
Amber continued icing her hand, the skin red and bumps matching the fingers of her sister. She had been in the delivery room and she had given Alani her hand to hold so she could hold onto something the least as she was pushing.
"Ha, imagine," Rae laughed, rubbing her tired eyes as she had been waiting, too. While Amber was helping her sister, she was on the phone with Dream who hasn't slept either; however, he went to sleep as soon as the two girls had told him they'd call him as soon as they left. "Is your hand, like, fractured?"
"I don't think so," Amber answered. "The nurse said it wasn't so, have to take her word for it, but... wow... a baby."
Rae looked at her. "Did you come up with a name?"
"Not until she wakes up," Amber sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I have to send her money since she requested for me to send her money as soon as the baby was born. She said she's going back to Hawaii and rent an apartment and find a job. I've just... gotten used to her in the house and I would really want to be with the baby."
"How much are you giving her?" Rae asked as she watched her friend take out her phone.
"About $3,000," Amber replied. Rae stared at her in shock and the girl nodded, closing her eyes. "Not only for her, I usually help my parents pay their rent, too. So, I'm just hoping she send them money and gives them the $1,000."
"A, I told you to tell your parents to do their own work," Rae softly spoke to her and she nodded. "You're wasting a lot of money providing for people who didn't take care of you."
"I-I know," Amber shook her head before murmuring a "let's get food" under her breath. She and Rae walked towards the cafeteria. "I just can't say "no" to them for no reason. It-I want to finally say "no" but it's as though the words are stuck in the back of my throat."
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"Honestly," Amber snorted, "no. But, if it comes and bites me right in the ass then it's my fault for being stupid and naive."
Grabbing their food, they went back towards where Alani was held in and there was a nurse already there, waiting for the two.
"Amber," the nurse spoke as soon as she saw her, "your sister is asking for you."
Amber furrowed her eyebrows and bit on the cookie she had gotten, nodding along her words. "Is Rae allowed to go in?"
"Yeah, of course."
Amber and Rae walked inside the room and Rae headed towards Alani who was wide awake, head tilted back on her pillows to stare at the ceiling. She immediately looked towards her older sister who immediately and slowly headed towards the sleeping baby. She leaned down a bit and stared at the baby with wide eyes and covered her masked-mouth.
"They are so adorable," Amber commented, glancing at the two women before she slowly placed her finger by the baby's hand, who immediately reacted by wrapping they're hand around her finger. Amber dramatically sobbed when she felt the skin of the baby and covered her face.
"Oh, good! You're here."
"I'm not crying you are," Amber straightened up as soon as she heard the doctor come in. The doctor chuckled.
"Sure you're not, Amber," she laughed before her face turned serious when she looked at the girl in bed. "Do you want me to tell her or should I do it?"
"It should come from me," Alani breathed out, sitting up on the bed. She eyed Amber who was munching on her cookie as much as she could and as cautious as she could. "I-I don't want my baby. I'm not ready for a baby."
Amber stopped eating. "What?"
"I don't even know how to take care of myself much less a child," Alani rubbed her forehead. "I talked with the doctor about the Safe Haven Law which allows a parent to basically "safe surrender" their unwanted newborn within 3 days of birth."
"What are you going to do with the baby?" Amber asked, concern and worry etched on her face.
"I don't trust no one but you, Amber," Alani replied. Amber froze and Rae's eyes widened when she processed the girl's words. "It's either leave the baby here and they will be placed in a foster or foster-adopt—"
"I'll take care of the baby," Amber spoke without hesitation in her voice. Everyone looked at her and she lowered her head, sighing. "It's my family, 'Lani. I-I don't want to surpass as their mother, though. I want them to know that I'm their aunt."
"It's fine," Alani nodded.
"What's going to happen to you?" Amber asked.
"I texted my boyfriend beforehand," Alani answered. "He's taking me to live with him. He found an apartment by Maryland."
"So, we'll contact an adoption attorney and by the time the baby is ready to be discharged, you'll be the legal guardian, Amber, and can take him home," the doctor said before staring at Alani. "Are you sure this is what you want, Alani?"
"Yes, I'm sure," Alani nodded. "After all, my sister's the one who has been researching baby stuff and everything more than I have."
"Yes, I did not know that a baby is born with very poor vision but can instantly recognize their mother," Amber gaped at the doctor who simply laughed and shook her head.
"Oh, Amber. You're so funny."
"Oh, I need to call Clay," Amber looked at Rae who immediately passed her-her phone. She looked at everyone. "Excuse me. I'm going to make a call."
Calling her boyfriend, the girl nervously bit her thumb. Under a couple of seconds, the man answered with a yawn and smiled at her.
"Hey, how's everything going?"
"Were you sleeping?" Dream nodded. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep. Call me when you're awake, okay?"
"No, no, no," Dream waved her apologies off. "It's fine, Sapnap woke me up with his screaming. But talk to me, how's everything going?"
Amber sighed and ran her hand through her hair.
"Alani doesn't want her baby."
Dream froze and the sleep left his mind. "What do you mean she doesn't want the baby?"
"She said she's not ready," she mumbled. "So, I did her a favor that I will adopt the baby and be it's legal guardian basically. The doctor did us a favor by calling an adoption attorney today and we're just waiting, but... I'm going to be the baby's guardian as soon as I leave the hospital."
"Hey, if you need help, and I mean any help, I will head to your house and help you, but expect Sapnap to come with us because he's nosy."
Amber laughed.
"Don't call him that. No he's not."
Dream chuckled.
"Fine, he's not but if you need help, just call me or text me and I'll fucking pay for a private plane to head over there."
"Thank you, Clay, really. It means a lot."
"Anything for you."
I was going to write Alani
leaving the hospital and the
baby and leaving the baby
with Amber but, some of y'all
figured that out so I did a bit
of a twist 😅 I had to do
extra research for this
Also, I have updates coming
up for Past Ghost (got so many,
many ideas) and my Karl Jacobs
book. Very, very excited to
work on those more after this
book finishes :)
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